
Sage followed him looking at the stores they pass by with curiosity. He turned down an alleyway stopping at a slightly off hue red wall before holding out his hand and stepping through the wall as if it wasn't there. Sage looks at him confused at first by what he was doing thinking the wall is solid. then she put her hand gently in his trusting him. With a single tug sage fell into his arms and threw the wall as well into a bright lit market bussing with all sorts of fantastical people and creatures. Nome would simply proceed to hold her close walking down the street as some were flying on brooms others walking through the air or riding magical creatures or objects. Shops lined the road and some buildings had shops with balconys. sages eyes light up with wonder and amazement to what she is seeing all around her. Nome proceeded to walk down the way with her until they arrived at a rather tall shop with a simple open book as a sign as nome waltzed in guiding sage on in the whole place was littered with books everywhere. Like a massive used library.

"Wow so many beautiful books" sage says in awe of the size of the store. she started move around looking at books but was still within nomes eye sight.

Nome had purchased basic spell books and a few advanced spell books then waited for her to select a few books of her own liking to learn so he could purchase those next. sage looks through a few books and picks out a two on the history of familiars and witches then finds a few random catching her attention. she makes her way over to nome with a smile. He purchases them glancing at the history book a moment before placing it into a bag and walking out of the shop with sage. sage watched him curiously as she follows him.

Nome led her to a building they entered it was fairly dark and an older blind woman stood behind a podium style desk. "Yes dearies" she said to the. "Hello Ms. Miranda your looking as fine as ever today Ive brought you a witch who needs to learn her magical affinity or affenities if she shows progress." Nome said.

Sage looked at her. surprised to see a blind women working at the podium. "hello ma'am. do you need any help with walking around this building?" sage spoke kindly to her worried for Miranda. Nome chuckled as Miranda snatched sage up. "Girl I work here now child Nome. Yes Nome wouldn't bring you here if he knew your affinity now go in that room there we will be right here waiting for you." Nome stood by a black door. "Yes ma'am " sage replied then she goes into the room she walks over to the black door heading inside. she looks around the room nervous and curious. A large white feather formed from nothing above sage and gently fell down in front of her hovering at eye level. sage reaches her hand up to hold the feather in her hand "intresting" she mumbles to herself. As she touched it a cool breeze ruffled her hair and the feather seemed to shimmer. The room was dark after the door behind her gently lit. sage was in awe of the feathers shimmer then headed to the door feeling it was time for her to leave the room. she leaves the room returning to nome with the feather in hand with a smile. "Interesting. I'll take that thank you." He plucked the feather from her putting it in his coat as she was swept away by the blind Miranda into a deep blue and purple room.

sage looked suprised going into another room. she looked around in the room then looked in mirandas direction thinking she is still with her. Miranda was gone. sage seemed baffled twice she had been left alone in an empty strange room. she moved about the room to see what could happen. On the blue side a vile formed and on the purple side a strange white cord formed in the vile was a dark black liquid. sage picked it up carefully inspecting it with curiosity. The liquid moved like a cloud. she looked at the other one that looked empty that she held in her right. The white cord swirled around inside. she turned around looking to see if it was time to leave holding the items close to her. The room dimmed and the door was lit like before. Sage headed back out the door to meet up with Nome. Nome would be waiting and Ms. Miranda would be gone. sage walked up to nome showing him the two affinities she had received from the room. Nome extended a clawed hand to accept them. "I'll hold them till we arrive where there needed for now you go find Ms. Miranda she said something about an identity card." Sage nodded handing him them she then heads to look for Ms. Miranda. Nomes tail swished as he followed her slightly hunched as he walked hands in his pockets. Sage walks up to Miranda "Ms. Miranda is was told i needed to speak to you about an identity card"

"Yes dear I've gotten it made up here for you I just need a little more information from you. First last name please."

"Sage Willow, ma'am" sage tells her with a smile.

"Your familiar's first and last name as you have assigned him?" She said punctually.

Sage thought for a moment "I never thought to give nome a last name" she admits rubbing the back of her head.

"Why don't you go get your photo done while you think dear." She gestured over by where Nome stood by a chair.

"Okay" sage replies as she walked over to the chair sitting down in it. Nome stood beside her at her shoulder his hat rested in her lap as he placed it there his ears flicked up as the camera snapped a bright sparkling flash as Miranda called her back leaving Sage to scurry back with Nomes hat in her hand. Sage carries his hat with one hand while the other rubs her eyes. She makes her way back to miranda.

"Have you chosen a name Ms. Willow?" Miranda said as she wrote some things on a pad.

"I have ma'am. Nome Nutcracker" she said with a smile looking up to miranda. Miranda nodded as a thick leather collar appeared around nomes neck with 3 large clip loops the collar was snug against his neck and the sudden appearance made Nome grasp the collar tugging against it. Sage looks suprised "umm is the collar really needed?" sage ask confused with concern in her tone.

Miranda looked up. "That's your magic dear not mine. You must not be awakened yet if you can't control it meaning your magic is working on its own acord usually a collar like that is for large scale beast pets or bigger familiar classes I'm assuming it's a magic collar in case your familiar gets out of line let's see your familiar's background check should come in any minute now."

"I havent yet and that makes sense i guess" sage looked between her and Nome.

Nome had stopped tugging and was looking at Miranda now eyes gleaming.

"Here it is. Updated as of yesterday name update today wow very fresh indeed.

Nome Nutcracker

Height: 7'1

Age: unlisted

Gender: Male

Race: Cat / Neko

Rank: S

Convictions: 0

Felons: 0

Losses: 0

Magical affinities: 4

Wow four affenities last I seen the S class it was 3 when did you learn another affinity Nome?"

Miranda asked suddenly and nome looked worried.

"I mastered another a few months ago." His reply was short as his eyes were on sage who would be absorbing this information.

"Let's see I'll list your affinities below on the card bottom left for sage and hers will be here below her name her class rank will appear once she awakens. Now deary don't be scared about your moving photo it's how it works in the magic realm have that cat of yours take you for a nice drink before you hit the wand shop dearest here is your card and you have a lovely day."

Miranda handed Sage the card and below

Sage's name she could see 3 symbols.

🪶 ☠️ 💖

At the bottom of the card listed the four symbols for nome ☠️⚔️🪶🃏

Nome stood by the exit now he had gotten there rather quickly.

She looked at the Id in awe.

"Thank you Ms. Maranda and to you as well" She thanked her then made her way to nome.

"Are you alright Nome?" she looked up at him upon reaching him with her head tilted to the side as she held up his hat to him.

He gingerly took his hat. "Yes I'm fine shall we be off for refreshment?" He asked as the photo in the id waved to Sage as she looked at it the Nome in the Id had a sly smirk.

She noticed the movement on the id which made her lightly giggle "That sounds nice Nome" she replied with a smile.