
Nome offered his arm and walked with Sage down the street to a little bubbly shop with cauldrons and such where they went in and there was a moving menu most of it was items she had never heard of. Nome ordered a hot earl grey tea before looking down at sage. He could see sage look through the menu with confusion on her features. He ordered a bubble tea with strawberry milk tea with strawberry bubbles for her.

"Thank you" she says to him as she looks at the Id card looking at the affinities on it. "Can you tell me about the affinities?" She softly asked him.

They sat down and he nodded. "What would you like to know?"

"How about this one" as she points to the skull and cross bones icon.

"Black magic, Or Dark magic as it's called more commonly now." He replied as their drinks were sat down he had a small glass kettle he filled a dainty teacup with as she was givin a large smoothie style cup topped with whip cream.

"Cool" she replied to him then took a drink from her drink with a smile.

Before she could ask another question a chill ran down her spine as she felt two hands one on each shoulder grasp her as nome had his eyes closed sipping his tea. She held back shivering looking up beside her to see who's hand they belong too. As she rose her head her eyes met two men with nomes height and matching red eyes one with white hair the other with grey hair their ears twitching both with an equal cat like grin.

"Hello, how are you gentlemen doing today?" She kindly greeted them noting similarities between them and Nome.

Nome glanced over before coughing and standing grabbing the table. "Ey what the fuck are you two thinking!" He stated as two very dashing dark haired men jogged up beside Nome.

"Whoa easy kitten they just said they wanted to say hello." The man on the left said. The one on the right slightly taller than the left spoke up.

"We won't let them raise a paw to her I promise."

Sage looked at the trio with confusion.

" Im confused gentlemen." sage spoke watching them while fidgeting with her fingers.

Nome sighed. "These two mangy cats are my brothers. And these gentlemen are their wizards." Nome gestured to the men behind her then the men behind himself that he seemed to tower over by a foot.

"Nice to meet you guys" sage smiles to the wizards even though in her mind she felt small and helpless compared to them.

The wizard, taller addressed her first

"I am Isaiah. The grey cat man there is my familiar Storm Caller is his name."

The shorter wizard with longer braided back hair spoke next.

"Im Eric the white familiar cat is mine he is Snow Runner."

"I am sage my familiar cat name is Nome Nutcracker" she spoke to them.

"Oh we know your cat." Isaiah said promptly.

"Yeah princess he is the only one who can outdo those 2 cats." Eric chimed in as he took Nomes chair sitting across from sage as Nome promptly took his tea cup and plate and shooed the other cats out from behind sage as they all stood behind there respectful witch or wizard. Nome dipped from his glass unbothered by this.

"Makes sense to me. since snow runner and storm caller are his sibblings" she blushed a little embarrassed unsure how to feel being called princess.

Nomes gaze narrowed at the 2 men. "I trust no one."

"I noticed you don't based on the last encounter we had with the other familiar that visited us last time"

She stated then took a drink from her cup.

Nome froze up surprised by the sudden comment of confidence. As his brothers shoved him.

"Man Nome fiery witch you got I'm jealous."

Snow said cheekily whilest storm grinned.

Storms tail would brush against sages shoulder as they had nome trapped.

"You both best mind your tounges. I may be the youngest but I do bite." Nome said with a light growl, Isaiah and Eric both grinned.

"Well princess your gonna do nicely with that attitude keep him on a tight leash I know we both have to these 3 are probably the most powerful familiers in the realm but there to lazy to overthrow the kings and queens position have to admit though that's to much work in my book." Eric said as he pored him a glass of nomes tea.

Isaiah chimed in.

"Its been a pleasure to meet you sage were going to be leaving shortly we have a grooming appointment set for those two actually gotta keep the other Lord's and Lady's impressed if you know what I mean hey if you need help we can help you get Nome a grooming appointment I'm sure he looks all mangy."

"We have a wand appointment actually in 30min. It'll have to be another time." Nome snapped.

Snow laughed. "Good luck Nomes afraid of water he can't even swim."

Storm chimes in. "Yeah I wouldn't try washing him at home he was a pain growing up."

Sage looked at them with a smile "A pleasure to meet you all as well and thank you gentlemen for the information. you all have a wonderful day" she says to them.

As sage left with nome she had a little to-go cup Nome bought her and the gentleman all shook her hand each one at a time while Nome looked over her for Sage it was probably the most attention she had ever gotten from men and even more so mages who were extremely handsome.

As they finally exited the shop Nome led her through town his tail swaying in front of her as if she was taking him on a walk she couldnt see his collar from behind him because his hair, it did look a bit messy now as she thought about it.

sage followed behind him making a mental note to ask him about it later.

"They seem nice" spoke with her voice sounding small like her mind was processing she got that kind of attention. A few strands fall from her bun resting on her ears while she walked.

Nomes tail swished. "They are but don't trust everyone so easily many here will stab you in the back for status." His ears laid back as he said this.

Sage nods to herself listening to his words. "I'll keep that in mind Nome" She took a drink from her togo cup.