Chapter 16

Zane stood at the end of the hallway. He held a hard look on his face as he walked at a brisk pace towards Aaron. The guards moved out of the Alpha's way.

The Alpha stopped within one foot of the Omega. His emerald eyes were dark. He glared into Aaron's.

"Why are you here?" He asked. His tone was dark. His jaw clenched.

Aaron felt as if he messed up.

He couldn't find a good excuse at the top of his head in that moment.

Zane Scoffed lightly.

He started to speak again but abruptly stopped.

He grabbed Aaron by his arm and practically pulled him down the hall. There was a tense atmosphere that surrounded them. He made it to Aaron's chambers as he shut the doors behind them.

As usual the staff remaining outside.

Zane shoved Aaron into the middle of the room.

"What happened?"

The Alpha's tone had changed. He almost sounded concerned.

Aaron, on the other hand, tried to settle his rapidly beating heart. He didn't know how much he could handle in one evening.

"Nothing happened!" Aaron raised his hand at Zane, slamming it down to his side.

"Then explain to me why you smell like this". Zane stepped towards him.

He gripped Aaron's shirt and smelled his clothes. Effectively scrunching his nose in a disgusted manner.

Aaron pulled his shirt back.

He took a whiff of himself and felt a shiver run through his body.

They were Zeke's pheromones.

He looked at Zane who had an expression of discontent on his face.

"I'll ask again. Why were you there?"

Aaron couldn't rat himself out about the letter or any of the other meetings he had with Zeke. Especially since the other Alpha wanted to keep it a secret.

"I was..requested. that's all" Aaron chose his words carefully.

Zane raised an eyebrow.

"That's all?" He retorted.

Aaron flinched. He could feel Zane getting angry as well. He was already exhausted by Zeke's pheromones.

Aaron could hardly understand what Zane was saying to him. The words he was saying had become scrambled and muffled in the Omega's mind. He was having a hard time concentrating.

"Why do you even care?" Aaron's words flowed from his mouth.

He looked at Zane.

Having a partial smile on his face.

"Why? You don't care what I do right? So why do you care I was even there?"

Those words stopped Zane.

His eyes were slightly wide.

Aaron felt like he was slightly going mad. Being pushed and pulled by the two of them; having to deal with facing the fact he may never leave. He held himself up for so long that now he could feel himself breaking down. Not only breaking down, but in front of Zane.

Aaron just collapsed to his knees.

The young Alpha was slightly startled by Aaron's actions.

He crouched in front of the Omega.

"Hey?" Zane took his hand and lifted Aaron's face.

To his surprise he saw tears in the young man's eyes.

The Omega could feel himself starting to crumble. He felt in the moment: weak.

Zane released Aaron's chin. He was at a loss.

"If you're going to yell then yell. If you need to subdue me and make me obey then do so." Aaron sounded defeated.

He had his eyes closed waiting for Zane to say somthing: or in this case do somthing.

There was no yelling.

He knew the Alpha hadn't moved from in front of him because there were no sounds of footsteps.

However, Aaron slowly started to feel a bit more calm. The stress that was hanging on him seemed to dissipate. He felt like he could breathe again.

The calming feeling: the smell of wood.

He was tired. He leaned into that calm feeling. Right into Zane.

The Alpha put out his hands to support Aaron. In a normal situation he would have already pushed the Omega off of him.

This time though, he felt a twinge of pity for him. The only way he knew to help was this. He figured the last time it had calmed him during his heat. Zane had given it a shot this time too. He would have been disgusted that a mere Omega was touching him, however.

He reached his hand and placed it on top of Aaron's head.

"You're not so bad though". He mumbled. Looking down at Aaron: who seemed to have passed out.

"Was it too much?" Zane asked.

His eyes locked onto the Omega's, now peaceful, looking face.

"Actually. This is the first time I've seen you cry".


CLARA! YOU STUPID WOMAN!" Aaron's father threw a plate across the room: smashing it against the wood walls. The three children had coward in their room: peeking out the door at the brawl.

"Please! He's just a child! Give him a chance to-"

His father grabbed her by the hair and threw her to the floor.

Throwing a crumbled piece of paper next to her.

"Was it you who taught him to write this garbage?!" He kicked her.

Aaron flinched and turned his head away from the conflict.

His brother, Cole, grabbing his face, turned his head back to their parents.

"Don't look away. This is your fault mother has to suffer like this."

His brothers words were cold and chilling. They made Aaron sick to the pit of his stomach.

If it was a way to teach Aaron a lesson it was surly a cruel one. Aaron could see a lot of their father in Cole in that moment.

He wondered if that was when he started hating his brother. He felt the tears run down his face as the beating continued.

He felt the warmth on his face from his brothers hands. Was it his brother's hands? No. It was a different type of warmth. It was wet. Were they tears?

More importantly what was this smell?

He opened his heavy eyes slowly. They felt swollen. He remembered crying but that was the last thing he recalled.

His body was secured: like he was being held in place. He couldn't move his arms. The room was dark and it was hard to see in front of him.

He could feel himself laying on the sheets of his bed. Though they weren't the security he was feeling. He reached his arm up enough, by his head, and felt around. His fingers landed on bare flesh. It was warm: and large.

Aaron hesitantly reached in front of him with his smell hand. His palm pressed against a silk like fabric that seemed to be moving.

No not moving: more like breathing. He could feel the outlines of muscle underneath the clothing. He didn't feel alarmed in the slightest. It was the scent that was the most reassuring. He leaned his head closer to Zane's chest: along with his body. He couldn't exactly explain how he was feeling. He just knew the scent meant comfort and safety.

He felt Zane's arm tighten a bit around Aaron's waist as he had got closer. Aaron couldn't find the strength to fight him on this. All he could ask was why. The Alpha's body heat slowly lulling him back to sleep.

The next time Aaron opened his eyes it was morning: and the Alpha was gone.

Draped over him was his blanket, onto of that was a cloak: giving off the wooded pheromone scent.

Aaron sat himself at his table in the room. Being a chilly morning he had the cloak wrapped around him.

Looking at his clock he knew it was about time for his breakfast.

As if on cue there was a light tap at his door. Pushing the wooden structure open Anna came in with the breakfast tray.

She didn't speak to Aaron.

The last impression she left him with was a look of terror from last night.

He waited for her to set everything down. She turned to leave.

"Anna wait!" Aaron called out.

Anna stopped in her tracks: she didn't turn around.

"Are you okay?" He asked as softly as he could.

Anna stood there: collecting her thoughts. She managed to turn around to Aaron.

"If you don't mind me speaking plainly. I was worried for you".

"Not ABOUT me?" Aaron asked himself.

He smiled.

"I'm fine though. You don't have to worry".

Anna nodded.

He didn't want to ask her what she meant by worried for him so he changed the subject.

"So; where did Zane go?"

"He left early this morning." Anna responded.

She looked as if she had somthing to ask.

"What?" Aaron cocked his head to the side.

"Well..." She started.

"He seemed strange when he left."

Aaron gave a quizzical look.

"He's already weird, what do you mean".

She shook her head.

"It's probably nothing. However: he seemed almost threatening when he left. As if he was out to kill someone."

Aaron was shocked. He wondered if it was because of him. He wondered if he managed to pass him off again.

"It's probably nothing", Anna waved her hands to reassure Aaron.

He nodded to her as she left him to his meal.

Aaron turned to his food.

He didn't much feel like eating.

He clenched the cloak he was wearing.


That morning Zeke had laid in his bed. He was hungover and downright mad. He covered his face with his arm to block the sunlight.

The door to his room abruptly opened. Zeke didn't bother to move.

"What...?" He had an exasperated expression on his face along with a sharp tongue.

The door slammed: brisk footsteps approached him at the side of his bed.

"I'm in no mood Zane. Fuck off". He warned.

"Get up". Zane hissed.

Moving his arm Zeke looked up at his brother.

"Don't give me that look", Zeke warned.

Zane didn't waver.

"Get....UP", Zane spoke again.

Zeke abruptly sat up.

"If you don't leave...." Zeke grabbed Zane by the front of his shirt.

"I wouldn't try it". Zane warned.