Chapter 18

Another week had passed. This time there was nothing from Zeke. No summons no response. Aaron tried to see him but was turned down every day.

He was apprehensive about Zeke since that night a week ago. He thought maybe it had somthing to do with the Alpha ignoring him.

There other changes that happened within the household was the weather. He could tell spring was approaching. The melted snow revealed patches of green grass: its dew drops shimmering in the morning light.

The Omega woke every day just to see the sight. It was about the only way he was able to stay sane.

With Zeke ghosting him, there had been other developments with Zane.

Aaron had been summoned by him, everyday, to eat breakfast with him.

He didn't detest Zane like he used to: however he did find it a bit awkward.

Grateful for the company the two would engage in small talk as they ate.

Most conversations were about the weather and maybe what both of their plans were for the day. The answers being the same for both parties. Zane having his duties to his household while Aaron had to sit around and do nothing.

Aaron had to admit that Zane wasn't bad. He had come to enjoy his company under his circumstances.

What had started with breakfast turned into enjoying eachothers company.

Under Johnathan's watchdogs he was able to roam the mansion with Zane.

The Alpha shared more with him as time went on.

The week turned to two and eventually a month.

If Aaron had been counting he had now lived within the residence for two months.

He hadn't forgotten about the letter. Even as he patiently waited: Zeke did not show his face.

Sitting in his room, Aaron threw his hands up. Startling Anna he stormed to the door.

" I'm going to see him", He stated.

"Aaron?" Anna called after him.

He walked into the hallway and around the corner. The watch dogs had to Trot to keep up with his speed.

He stood in front of Zeke's chambers and pounded his fist on the door.


The Omega tried once more. Again nothing. A young maid came running around the opposite corner of the corridor.

"Please Omega! Alpha Zeke isn't here at the moment!" She frantically tried to get Aaron to stop the racket he was causing.

Aaron stopped.

"Wherr is he?! Why hasn't he answered my requests?"

The maid moved to speak but was interrupted.

"I told him not to". A male voice came up behind Aaron.

Turning he saw Zane.

"What do you mean?" Aaron asked cautiously.

Zane let out a light sigh.

From his clothes he pulled out an envelope. Aaron noticed upon further inspection that it was HIS letter.

"Why do you have that?!" Aaron felt anxious. Here he was waiting on any news of a response to his letter: all the while Zane having it in his possession.

Aaron reached out for it but Zane moved it away so the Omega couldn't snatched it.

"I had hoped these past few weeks would have distracted you from this. Though it turns out I was wrong.

Zane solemnly looked at the paper in his hand.

"Who was this for? A girlfriend? Are you making plans to leave and live with her?"

Aaron Scowled.

"You read my letter?" He calmly asked.

Zane crumbled it in his hand and tossed it to the floor at Aaron's feet.

"Who is Clara?" He sternly asked.

Aaron's eyes widened slightly.

"That's none of your concern."

Aaron replied in a warning tone.

"Considering this is my home and you are mine as well: it does."

Aaron felt like a mirror had shattered right before him. All the time he had spent with the Alpha had seemed like a waste. He was no different than the others he had encountered through his life. He was convinced there was no such thing as a good Alpha.

Aaron had let some of his walls down. He was regretting it. Building them back up he took a step towards Zane.

He reached down and picked up the letter: attempting to straighten it out in his hands.

Zane laughed.

"A whorehouse no less. Is that what you're into?" He crossed his arms.

Aaron tried composing himself. He could feel himself seething.

"Is that how you think of me?" He asked the Alpha.

Aaron walked up to Zane: attempting to get past him.

"If that's how you feel about me then fine. If that's how you see me as then why keep me around?"

Zane still didn't know why.

He grabbed Aaron by his arm before the Omega could walk pass him.

"Then tell me who she is". Zane asked again. His eyes forward not looking at Aaron.

Aaron looked forward as well: not attempting to make eye contact with Zane.

Aaron pulled his arm away from the Alpha. He walked down the hall and didn't look back.

He entered his chambers effectively slamming the doors behind him. He slumped to the floor with his back against their wooden form.

He looked down at the crumbled papers in his hand.

Opening the letter he recognized his writing. This was the letter he had given to Zeke: there was no mistake about that.

He tossed it to the side.

He felt like he was back to square one now. He couldn't trust anyone. He was like a turtle that was about to retreat back in its shell, shielding itself from threat.

He knew that everything would be resolved if he had properly explained himself to Zane.

He shook his head.

His mother was all he had left. He didn't need to give leverage to anyone that would hurt him. Making up a story that she was a random woman who he wanted to run away with kept her safe a bit longer.

Aaron felt like crying: laughing: yelling.

A tap came from the door.

"Aaron? You have...a visitor"

Anna's voice whispered from the other side.

Confused; Aaron stood up and opened the door. No one besides his servants were there.

He gave Anna a look.

"They are down stairs waiting."

This was new. The only visitors Aaron had while there were the Alpha Brothers and occasionally the doctor. He hadn't the slightest clue who it could be.

Aaron made himself presentable and made his way to the foyer.

As he came closer he smelled a familiar scent. The familiar scent sent a shiver down his body. It was not one that he associated with love, happiness or family.

Rounding the corner and entering the room: he stopped dead in his tracks in the doorway.

Their back turned to him. He made out the large figure, their shoulder length hair: matching in brown colors.

Turning around he came face to face with the last person he expected.

"Hello Aaron, My dearest little brother".

Aaron grit his teeth.
