Sweet Surrender Ep 6

**Then, he suddenly opened his eyes again. Realizing that he was laying beside Sara in the same bed. (They never shared the same room as they lived like friends) He was shocked to the core. "I was sleeping in the same bed as her?" He then realized that the whole night he was so drunk. He could've done anything with her and could've got himself in big trouble. So, he decided to play safe and just kept quiet and acted as if nothing happened. Theon was in deep thoughts. He couldn't believe his eyes. He wasn't able to understand what he was thinking right now. He wanted to ask Sara for an explanation. The whole night he was drunk and he could've done anything with her. He would have kissed and hugged her and who knows. He could've done some unmentionable things too and that's what his mind tells now. But a little voice in his head tells him that nothing has happened and he's just imagining things. He decided to keep quiet and keep his thoughts to himself.**

Sara:- She again started to read the book when she noticed that he seemed too serious in thought "What are you thinking about, that hard?" (She asked in her calm and collected voice without moving eyes out of the book)

Theon:- U.. Uhmm.. Nothing.. Just some things.. you know.. nothing too important..

**He couldn't help but ask. "Did anything wrong happen last night?" He's not a good actor. That's why he ended up asking this.**

Sara:- She stopped reading after hearing his question and diverted her eyes toward him. Ah ha. I see. He must be having some imaginations about last night now. He seems like a scared puppy now. I really wanna tease him. I decided to act a little. "Oh my? You don't remember what happened last night? I thought you remembered everything though.. "

Theon:- I... I was.. way.. too.. drunk to remember things.. But.. I was with you.. right? Right? (He tried to keep his calm but failed miserably.. He was in panic mode trying to remember things that might've happened with Sara last night.)

Sara:- pfttt.. You look so cute when you are scared (She said that innocently). haha. I was just messing with you. Don't be so panicked. Nothing too much happened last night. You came home drunk at midnight. After that you threw up twice. Once on yourself. Once on me. so I just changed your shirt when you were unconscious. And get myself cleaned. I'm innocent. So get rid of the things you are imagining right now.

Theon:- Oh.. Ok.. ok.. if you say so, then I believe you.. I'm glad that nothing wrong happened last night. Sorry for all the mess though. (His face was covered with guilt and embarrassment. As it was his mistake that he had too much to drink. He decided not to ask anymore questions. As he didn't want to create any misunderstandings between them by asking too many unnecessary questions.)

Sara:- It's fine. But why did you drink that much last night? I never saw you drunk like that before.

Theon:- I.. I was.. having a problem with my work and I just wanted an escape. So.. I had way too many drinks and it was more than what I can handle. (He was lying but he hoped that Sara won't ask further.. and her question will be left at that.)

Sara:- I can tell from his way of saying that he is lying. But I decided to not ask anything about it. He must be uncomfortable sharing the truth with me. I also can't say everything to him. So I think it's equal. "I see. Try not to drink too much in future. It's unhealthy." (I replied while closing the book).. "Will you go to the office today?"

Theon:- Well, I was gonna.. but my hangover is too strong for me to go to the office.. So, I think I'll work from home today..

**He tried to keep the conversation normal and friendly.. He really hoped she'll drop this topic and not ask further.. as for the moment.. Sara seems like she believed his lies and decided to keep quiet about it..**

Sara:- ohh.. then, I will tell the servants that you will be home today... then, have some rest.. I will go get ready for uni now.. call the servants if you need anything.

Theon:- Ok.. Thank you.. And um.. have a great day at University..

**He just wanted the conversation to end now.. He didn't want Sara to stay any longer.. he was afraid that she could again ask something related to last night.. So, he wanted her to leave now.. He still doesn't want to talk about him getting betrayed by Emma.**

**Sara get ready and left for her university**

To Be Continued

**Khadiza Jahan**