Sweet Surrender Ep 7

**He just wanted the conversation to end now.. He didn't want Sara to stay any longer.. he was afraid that she could again ask something related to last night.. So, he wanted her to leave now.. He still doesn't want to talk about him getting betrayed by Emma.**

**Sara get ready and left for her university**


After a few hours as Sara had left.. Theon got up from the bed and he was still weak and had some hangover in his mind.. but, at least it was not to the point where he wanted to throw up.. After getting up, while he was going to the kitchen.. His phone rings.. It was Emma calling.. 

Theon:- "oh god.. not now.. I don't want to spoil my mood.. " (that's what he thought right there.. but.. he can't avoid calls to Emma as she was his gf..He then picked up the phone to answer her call..)

Emma:- "hello my love.. how's you? "

Theon (with all fake enthusiasm you can imagine):- "Heyy baby.! I'm good. I just woke up. H-how are you? " (He pretended that nothing was wrong but his voice also showed that he was kinda uncomfortable talking right now.. )

Theon:- "I can't talk now.. I'll call you later.. Ok? "

Emma (with slight disappointment):- "ok my love.. I'll wait for you.. see you later then.."

Theon: Ok.. I love you, my love.. "


**With this, he hangs up the phone.. Emma is his gf. and he didn't want to do anything that can make Emma suspicious that anything's wrong. He then proceeded to the kitchen. Once he entered the kitchen. He was hungry. He's starving. He was so hungry that he forgot to eat because of his hangover from yesterday. so, he decided to make himself a healthy lunch.. After eating, he sits down on the sofa in the living room. He was now thinking what to do now.. He loved Emma. but she deceived him and used him for his money. He can't just break up with her. She should get the taste of betraying him. After a few minutes of thinking. he grabbed his phone and called one of his best employees who manages most of his businesses. He then asked her to do something while he's home so that he can monitor things. That employee is named "Mary".**

Theon: Mary. I have a task for you. I want you to investigate Emma and her company "Rinex". I want everything that can be considered illegal. I don't want to see this company become successful any longer. Do you understand? 

Mary: Yes, sir. I'll do it right away.

Theon: Good. That's all. if you need me for anything. any help. give me a call immediately. Ok.

**With this, Theon then cut the call with Mary. He had one thing in mind now. how he's gonna handle Emma. he must do something that will hurt her like how she hurt him. but, at the same time. he's not sure how he's gonna do that. He was not an evil person. but he wants to teach Emma a lesson. He wants to make sure she can't fool anyone again. He decided to use his time well and he sat with his laptop. and started working. He was just checking his work and responding to emails.. As he is working.. he's thinking about the way he will teach Emma a lesson but the best way he can think of is to ruin her company.. by investigating and finding the illegal activity. He was too focused on work and he had only one thing on his mind. To destroy Emma's family company. time skip to evening. Sara returned home. She rang the calling bell.**

To Be Continued

**Khadiza Jahan**