Sweet Surrender Ep 9

**Theon was in anger mode. He can't tolerate this. Sara is innocent and she's been very friendly to him. Not just him. But very friendly in general and Emma is trying to blame everyone for her own mistakes. That's why he lost his calm. He took a step forward towards Emma and slapped her hard. As Emma falls back. He goes close to her and starts to talk calmly. **

Theon:- I gave you everything but you had no respect for me and you treated me like a dog. You used me for your needs and when you got bored of me, you threw me away. Sara here, never complained once but you on the other hand complained again and again only for money. So, do you think I'll feel bad for this? I gave everything I could to you and all you cared about was money. You deserve this. You deserve all the karma you are getting.

**He was still angry with Emma. Her selfish behavior still hurts him. As the anger in Theon isn't calming down. Sara had to go and comfort him.**

Theon:- GET OUT! Get out of my house right now and don't you ever dare to approach Sara. 

Emma (in a mocking tone):- Ok.. ok.. I'm leaving and I don't need your permission to approach Sara. She's also my rival in love by the way. 

**Emma left and Theon looked at Sara standing just beside him. He was still in a bad mood and was not in his calm senses.**

Theon:- You didn't have to face her like this. You know? (He was feeling guilty after seeing Sara in discomfort but he'll never tell Sara this.)

Sara:- It's fine. You broke up with her? Is this the reason you were quite down these days? You should've told me. Aren't I your friend? (It's been 10 months of their marriage. but there relation is more like friends than husband-wife)

Theon:- Yeah. I broke up with her and yes, I have been kinda down. Sorry Sara. I don't know. I didn't want to share this with anyone as it kinda hurted me a lot but I'm trying to move on from this now.. I.. I know we are just friends. even now but, I can't thank you enough for being with me all this while. (He said this with a soft voice and he was in a better mood this time.)

Sara:- It's fine. That is what friends are for. Everyone needs their own space too. I also experienced it so I understand. Just don't think you're alone. I'll be there for you always. (I hold his one hand while talking with him in a friendly way)

Theon:- Thanks. I'm sorry. I.. I just.. I don't know.. Maybe, I'm just.. not used to being vulnerable and telling people about my problem.. I'll get used to you soon. (He then gave a soft smile and he felt better.. He was feeling good now that he got the person he wanted out of his life and his friend is still there. He had nothing else to worry about. Then, he just sat on the sofa in the living room and he started to watch TV.)


**After a few days. It was Saturday night when Sara got some messages from her High school friends. Her school was holding a reunion party. So they invited every former student with their partner. As She had her most terrible bad memory there. She didn't agree to go at first. But later She had to agree because of her friend's nagging. So, She went to the living room, where Theon was sitting on the sofa doing some work on his laptop.**

Sara:- "Theon? Are you free tomorrow?"

To Be Continued

**Khadiza Jahan**