Sweet Surrender Ep 10

**After a few days. It was Saturday night when Sara got some messages from her High school friends. Her school was holding a reunion party. So they invited every former student with their partner. As She had her most terrible bad memory there. She didn't agree to go at first. But later She had to agree because of her friend's nagging. So, She went to the living room, where Theon was sitting on the sofa doing some work on his laptop.**

Sara:- Theon? Are you free tomorrow?

Theon:- Yeah. I'm free tomorrow. Why do you ask? Is there something that you want to do? 

**Sara suddenly asking about free time made him suspicious but he didn't say anything about it. He tried to look normal and casual while he was talking to her.**

Sara:- Emm.. no.. Actually my high school is holding a reunion party tomorrow. So they invited me. They invited me with my partner as they know I'm married.. sooo.. WIll you come with me tomorrow?

Theon:- Oh. I see. Why not? Sure. I'm in. Just tell me the time when I should pick you up. I'll get my best suit to impress your old classmates.

**Theon wanted to know why Sara wanted him to come. Maybe she wanted him to come for a specific person or to protect her during the party. He was wondering about it but he didn't want to ask right ahead. So, he just tried to look normal and happy about the plan.**

Sara:- Really? thanks. Tomorrow at 5PM. (I said calmly with a soft smile)

Theon:- Ok, 5pm. I'll pick you up at 5 and I'll impress everyone with my best suit. hahaha.. (he said this in a happy tone and a soft smile)

**He just wanted to have a good time and he wanted to be with Sara right now. Because being in her presence can make his mood better. **

Sara:- hehe. okk.


**Tomorrow at 5PM. Sara got ready to go and came out of the room. Theon was waiting at the main door. He couldn't wait to see what Sara was wearing for the party. As Sara enters the main door wearing this beautiful dress. Theon's eyes are filled with wonder and surprise. He was just watching Sara in her outfit for a couple of minutes. (He just can't take his eyes off her!) **

Theon:- Then, he snapped out of his surprise and he went close to her and started to speak. "This looks lovely on you. What a beautiful dress you got for the party. You look.. breathtakingly beautiful today .

Sara:- Thanks Theon. You're looking handsome too. You might get kidnapped by some people for your looks. Be careful. haa. (I said with a smile teasing him)

Theon:- Hey. No. My looks are safe with me. So, don't worry about it. (he laughed a bit) I think you should worry about yourself. Because, you'll definitely get kidnapped by someone at the party with your beauty. (again, he laughed a bit and it was a joke))


**After having a little laugh. They head towards the car and after a while. They both arrived at Sara's reunion party. As we entered together. I met some of my classmates and teachers. I greet them politely. After a while, me, Theon and my friends and their partners were standing together at a side. when one of my friends start speaking**

Liya:- By the way, did you all notice that our Sara now laughs a lot? Looks like someone is having a good married life.. I still remember her marriage day, she was like, what is a smile? I literally tore my throat off screaming "smile" for her wedding pics.

To Be Continued

**Khadiza Jahan**