Sweet Surrender Ep 11

**After having a little laugh. They head towards the car and after a while. They both arrived at Sara's reunion party. As we entered together. I met some of my classmates and teachers. I greet them politely. After a while, me, Theon and my friends and their partners were standing together at a side. when one of my friends start speaking**

Liya:- By the way, did you all notice that our Sara now laughs a lot? Looks like someone is having a good married life. I still remember her marriage day, she was like, what is a smile? I literally tore my throat off screaming "smile" for her wedding pics.

**When Liya said this, Theon's face turned red. He felt embarrassed because he was the reason for Sara laughing more often. It looked like the secret about him was out to everyone. He was a bit shocked because Liya mentioned their wedding. Even though she didn't mention his name. But, he didn't say anything. He knew that Liya was just teasing her. So, he remained silent and had a sheepish smile on his face.**

Sara:- Aa. Liyaaa. Come on. I'll stop smiling if you keep doing this.. you used to scream my ear off nagging me about it. So you should be happy about it. 

??:- Yeah. Liya, You should be happy about it. After all the gloomy clouds light up a little at last. She must have given her best to overcome her loss of her first love. After all, love matters too much for a nerd. (Suddenly a female voice said it in taunting voice from behind)


**As everyone looks behind they spot a couple. The boy with her was a popular guy back at high school. Also Sara's crush. He played with Sara's feelings back then. The moment Sara heard her first love's name. She felt hurt. But, she controlled her emotions and tried to look calm but it seems like the words said by that woman pierced Sara's heart and made her feel sad and disappointed at the same time. As for Theon, he felt shocked because he never thought that someone from Sara's past would appear in this party. Sara was hurt by her words but she doesn't have the intention to let her go with that.**

Sara:- Hmm? ohh. My day was so perfect until your filthy face appeared before my eyes Nova. You may call me a nerd because I was the topper unlike you, who struggled to pass every single exam. (She replied in a sarcastic voice.)

[**The name of the boy is Zian and Nova is his gf. He made her his gf right after he rejected Sara back at then]

**Sara's comment made the woman shut up. But, everyone was now shocked by Sara's reply because they didn't expect Sara to give such a reply. Nova was now feeling nervous. Just a few moments ago, she was mocking Sara and now, she was unable to reply. This made Nova look weak in front of her friends. Theon felt sorry for Sara when Nova said the "nerd" comment. He was pissed off at Zian and Nova.**

Sara:- What? Cat got your tongue? What did ya think, I would cry over your pathetic comment? If you wish to do that, at least learn the right way first. (She added in her most savage way)

**Sara's words hit Zian hard. Everyone saw him standing like a statue. No one expected that she would be roasted back by Sara. They always thought that Sara is someone who doesn't talk too much. But, Sara was different than what they expected her to be and so, now in front of everyone. Sara roasted Nova and she is unable to speak any words. While Zian silently kept staring at Sara, as he didn't expect her to speak up. Theon felt happy to see Sara winning this round but he still can't believe that his sweet Sara is so savage.**

Sara:- If you don't have anything to say, please excuse us.. I don't wish to ruin my night by arguing with you or your bf.

To Be Continued

**Khadiza Jahan**