Sweet Surrender Ep 12

**Sara's words hit Zian hard. Everyone saw him standing like a statue. No one expected that she would be roasted back by Sara. They always thought that Sara is someone who doesn't talk too much. But, Sara was different than what they expected her to be and so, now in front of everyone. Sara roasted Nova and she is unable to speak any words. While Zian silently kept staring at Sara, as he didn't expect her to speak up. Theon felt happy to see Sara winning this round but he still can't believe that his sweet Sara is so savage.**

Sara:- If you don't have anything to say, please excuse us. I don't wish to ruin my night by arguing with you or your bf.

**Nova tried to find a way to insult Sara. (she never expected that Sara would be able to roast her back) She tried to say something more but she realized that he had no counterattack. So, Zian took Nova's hand and left the scene and now everyone saw that Nova is the loser in this argument. Even her friends laughed at him this time as she always roasts someone else but now, it seems like Karma did its job this time.. **

[Author's POV:- They deserved this. How dare they look down on our precious Sara.]

**Everyone is now looking at Sara as she proved herself to be stronger than Zian. Everyone is now impressed. They started to talk about how Sara roasted Zian and Nova easily. Even Theon is happy seeing his Sara winning and he just got to see a new side of her. The savage one. He didn't think that Sara had this side too. She's a real queen.. ❤️ **


**Later at the party, Sara went to the washroom. It's been a little long but she didn't come back. Theon went to search for Sara. After searching for Sara. Theon finally found her in the garden, standing away from everyone. As Theon gets close to her, he can see that her cheek was wet. As if. she might be crying.** 

Theon:- Sara? What happened? (Theon asked in a soft voice but Sara stayed quiet and didn't reply to his question)

Theon:- Sara..? (Theon asked again but Sara didn't reply. She just looked at Theon with her eyes filled with water as if she wanted to say something.)

**But she quickly wiped away her tears.**

Sara:- W-what are you doing here Theon?. I was about to go back there.

Theon:- I came to check on you. As you didn't return for a long time.

**Then, he can see the tears in her eyes. Even though she's trying to hide it. So, Theon felt worried.** 

Theon:- "Sara, why are you crying?" 

**But she still remained quiet. She just looked at him in silence with a sad look on her eyes.**

Sara:- N-nothing. Just some bad memories.

Theon: Some bad memories?

**Theon knew that Sara was crying about something but she didn't speak it out loud. So, he's unable to understand what made her cry. He kept both his hands on her shoulders, when he saw her tearing up .** 

Theon:- Hey, you never cried like this before. So, don't try to hide your sadness. Tell me what's wrong or what's hurting you? 

Sara:- It's.. It's truly nothing.. hiccup.. I.. I really don't wanna cry about something so old.. but.. but this tears.. are.. are so stubborn.. They just don't stop.. no matter.. How much I wipe them. (She replied while trying hard to stop her tears)

To Be Continued

*Khadiza Jahan*