Sweet Surrender Ep 13

Theon:- Hey, you never cried like this before. So, don't try to hide your sadness. Tell me what's wrong or what's hurting you? 

Sara:- It's.. It's truly nothing.. hiccup.. I.. I really don't wanna cry about something so old.. but.. but this tears.. are.. are so stubborn.. They just don't stop.. no matter.. How much I wipe them. (She replied while trying hard to stop her tears)

Theon:- It's ok Sara. You should not hide your emotions. It's fine to let it out. I don't know what you are crying for but it must be something very painful. So let it out. (Theon said her while cupping her face)

As he said that, Sara started to cry more. After a few minutes she went silent. 

Sara:- Let's.. go back home. I don't wish to be seen like this to anyone here. (Sara said while keeping her head down)

Theon:- (He knows that she is still feeling down but he didn't say anything further about it) As you wish. 

**Then they took their leave and went toward their car. Theon opened the front door of the car for her. As she sat in the car, he closed the car and got on the driver's seat. Then they depart for home. Sara stayed silent all along. So, Theon stopped the car in front of a mall. As he stopped the car, Sara looked at the side at him slightly**

Theon:- Wait a minute for me. Ok? I'll be back soon.

Sara:- (She didn't reply to him. Only nod a bit) 

**Then, Theon went to the mall and came back after 10 minutes with a mini bag in his hand. He again got in the car and kept the bag in front of Sara**

Theon:- There is a cup of Ice-cream in there. Eat it before it melts. You will feel better. (He said while starting the engine.)

Sara:- You went to buy it? It wasn't necessary. (She replied in heavy voice)

Theon:- I know, It wasn't necessary. But I wanted to bring it for you. So now eat it. Otherwise it will melt. (He started driving again)

*Sara didn't argue anymore. She opened the box and started eating. After a while, She takes a spoonful of ice- cream and holds it before Theon's mouth. Theon stare at that* 

Sara:- Are you gonna eat it or not? It will spill into your clothes.

Theon:- (He quickly eats that from her. He don't know why, but he felt a sudden rush of greed to eat from her hand)

**After that, he kept driving while she fed him ice- cream in the middle. He doesn't know why, but he felt good when she fed him.. after a while, they arrived at their home. After freshening up,**

Theon's POV:- (She's looking quite fine. I wonder if I should ask her about that or not. Sigh. Let's take the risk and ask her. He looked at Sara, who just came out after taking a bath and approached her)

Theon:- How are you feeling now, Sara?

Sara:-I'm fine. (She replied in a calm voice)

Theon:- Geez.. I didn't know you were such a crybaby.. Your face was all red from crying. I thought you got a fever from crying too much. I'm glad that you're fine now. (He was teasing her) 

Sara:- (His words make her remember about today's party. Her face became red from embarrassment. She can't believe she actually cried in front of him like that.) Who told ya to come for me? You better not tease me, You know.

Theon:- Geez. Ok, fine. I will not tease you but won't you tell me why you were crying?

**Sara was still hesitating to share this. As he saw she was hesitating. He stopped asking her.**

Theon:- It's ok. If you can't share it with me yet. You still don't trust me enough. It's fine. Tell me, when you are ready. Anyways, wanna drink coffee?" (He said while turning back to go to the kitchen) 

**But before he went I grabbed one of his fingers.**

To Be Continued

*Khadiza Jahan*