Sweet Surrender Ep 14

**Sara was still hesitating to share this. As he saw she was hesitating. He stopped asking her.**

Theon:- It's ok. If you can't share it with me yet. You still don't trust me enough. It's fine. Tell me, when you are ready. Anyways, wanna drink coffee?" (He said while turning back to go to the kitchen) 

**But before he went I grabbed one of his fingers.**

Sara:- W-wait. Don't go. I'm sorry, I hesitated. I think I can share it with you. But it's a long and old story of mine. Are you.. patient enough to hear me out? 

Theon: Yes, I'm patient enough. So, tell me, what was it that made you cry? 

**Then, he took Sara's hand and led her to sit on the couch with him. Then he looked at her softly. He was ready to listen to her and he was waiting for her to tell him everything. So, he can help her. She started to tell him about her past.**

Sara:- On the first day of my high school, I got ready and went to school early. But I couldn't find my friends. so, I was wandering around the school.. when suddenly I bumped into someone, he caught me when I was about to fall. That was the moment when I first saw his face that close and had a crush. 

10 Years Ago:-

Zian:- Are you okay? (He asked sweetly while holding her)

Sara:- Oh! (She quickly stood straight and fixed her cloth) I-I'm fine. Thank you. (She replied in a weak voice)

Zian:- I see. Be careful. Don't fall again. You might get hurt. Take care. 

Sara:- B-bye. (Zian went away while Sara was blushed from current accident)

*Suddenly. a group of girl's approached her from behind*

Sylvia:- Woww. Hey. Miss Sara. What's up? Looks like you got lucky today. (She teased her)

*I looked behind her and saw my friends. Zian is a popular guy in high school. So, they teased her for interacting with him. They kept teasing her*

[Author Pov:- While her friends keep teasing her, Let's see the past Sara's personality and her friends name.

Sara:- Shy, Cute, Introverted, Intelligent. Even though she was shy type, she was quite famous in school for her outstanding results. But some people also used to call her 'Nerd'.

Her group had 9 members. Sara, Liya, Nari, Amy, Lilian, Fiona, Sylvia, Maria and Myla. Their group leader was Sylvia. As Sara was shy and cute, also the youngest among them, she was adored by them. They tried their best to protect her from bullies. ]

**Later, They start to live like normal. They went to school, took the class and had fun together. But coincidently, Sara and Zian kept having frequent interactions. They start to hang out together. While she started to fall for him harder. **

After 4 years, at the last year of the high school:- 

Fiona:- Oh my gosh! What am I hearing? Is she really gonna do it?

Myla:- Are you serious Amy? 

Amy:- I'm serious. Sara really said she will do it. 

Sylvia:- What are you guys gossiping about Sara, hmm? 

**As they heard Sylvia's voice, all of them looked at that side. She enters the common room with Liya, Nari, Lilian and Sara. They approached them. But before anyone replies Sylvia, Maria quickly throws a question toward Sara.**

Maria:- Sara! They were saying that you are gonna propose to Zian? Is it true?

Sara:- Sshh! Don't say it too loud. I'm really planning it.

Fiona:-Woh. I can't believe it. Our little Sara is really gonna propose to him.

Sylvia:- Our Sara isn't little anymore dear. She is growing up. She is gonna be 18 soon.

Lilian:- Yeah. Let's cheer up our Sara.

Amy:- So, when are you gonna propose to him Sara?

Sara:- I'm thinking of proposing to him at the night of the prom party.

Myla:- wow. That's gonna be romantic. Good Luck Sara!

Nari:- Yeah. Good Luck. Tell us if you need our help to prepare for prom night. 

Sylvia:- Yea. Don't worry Sara. We will help you prepare for that night. He will say Yes for sure. 

Sara:- Thank you so much guys.

**After that they had a group hug. They all helped her to prepare for the prom night.**

At the prom night:- 

To Be Continued

*Khadiza Jahan*