Sweet Surrender Ep 20

Theon: I'm sorry to have lied to you. Actually, there is no one else coming to meet us today. But, I wanted to make it look like. we're going on a normal date in order to propose to you. 

**Then, Theon looked away and he became a little bit nervous after he told Sara about this big surprise and he's just wishing that Sara will say "YES" when he proposes to her.**

Sara:- In order to do what? (I asked in surprise)

Theon: I'm going to propose to you today, Sara. I'm sorry that I couldn't propose to you when we got married. So, this time, I plan it all and I want you to say "yes" to me. okay? 

**In silence, Sara and Theon kept looking at each other and Theon thought that Sara had understood what he meant but she looked confused. So, Theon thought to clarify it a little bit more. So, then, Theon took the ring out of his pocket and he went down on his knees before Sara, and kept the ring in his hands as he proposed to her.**

Theon:- Sara. Would you make me the luckiest man in the world and.. marry me? (As he looked at her with love and waited for her to say "yes".)

*Sara was shocked but still she got the idea of messing with him.*

 Sara:- Aren't we already married, Mr. Theon? (she asked him while grinning mischievously. While he was still on his knee before her)

Theon was shocked to hear this but he's already committed to the surprise proposal, so he laughed at her answer and said:-

Theon:- Ahem. Yes but this time I want a proper marriage. Not like the previous one. So, I'm asking you again, will you marry me?

*Then, he gave her the ring and looked at her with puppy eyes. Waiting for her to say "Yes".*

Sara:- Oh my gosh. You're so cuteee. Yes. I will. (I replied with a bright smile and move my hand forward toward him)

**Theon quickly put the ring on Sara's finger and then, he pulled her up and they hugged each other tightly and Theon kissed her on the lips and he was super happy to finally hear that "Yes" from Sara. Then, Theon pulled her to him and he said:**

Theon:- Now, it's an official marriage. Not just a marriage for the names. (Then Theon looked at Sara and, with a soft and sweet voice, he said) I love you, Sara ❤ ️ .

Sara:- I... love you.. too. (She replied in a shy voice as they kissed for the first time)

**Theon smiled at her while looking at her with a loving look and he hugged her tightly. Then he looked around and he found the person whom he needed. So, he called the waiter and he said respectfully:-**

Theon:- Sir, we wanna order the best things here and, we don't wanna worry about the price. Just a few romantic things, okay? 

*The waiter nodded at him and he started taking the order for Theon and Sara and after that Theon and Sara kept whispering to each other and Theon kept gazing at her with soft and sweet eyes while thinking about her. Then, after some time, the ordered food arrived and it looked awesome and They started to serve the food to each other and they both enjoyed their dinner. After some time, the dinner was about to end. So, Theon looked at Sara while smiling and he said: "This dinner was very fun, my love. Then, he gave her a kiss on the forehead and the meal officially ended. Now, they both were ready to go back home and they both left the restaurant. As they both walk towards the car. Theon looked at Sara while smiling **

To Be Continued

**Khadiza Jahan**