Sweet Surrender Ep 21 (Final Part)

*The waiter nodded at him and he started taking the order for Theon and Sara and after that Theon and Sara kept whispering to each other and Theon kept gazing at her with soft and sweet eyes while thinking about her. Then, after some time, the ordered food arrived and it looked awesome and They started to serve the food to each other and they both enjoyed their dinner. After some time, the dinner was about to end. So, Theon looked at Sara while smiling and he said: "This dinner was very fun, my love. Then, he gave her a kiss on the forehead and the meal officially ended. Now, they both were ready to go back home and they both left the restaurant. As they both walk towards the car. Theon looked at Sara while smiling **

Theon:- Sara. It was a nice dinner and I wanted to say something else too. Sara, will you be my co-CEO? 

Sara:- Ehh? ha! I thought I would be working for dad but when my husband wants me more. How can I deny you? ( She replied with a smile)

Theon:- So, you accept. Right? You wanna work with me and become my co-CEO.

**Sara's answer made Theon super happy and he was relieved because she said "Yes". He gave Sara a warm hug and they both went to the car and drove back to their home.**

**After that they start to live as a couple. They had a quite happy marriage. After a few days, Sara also had her graduation. Then she joined Calendula Closet as the Co-CEO. They had lot ups and downs but still their days were going so smoothly and happily**

Theon:- Boo! 

Sara:- Kyaa! What are you doing?

Theon:- What were you thinking huh? I was calling you for some time now.

Sara:- Ohh. Nothing. I was just thinking about the past. Our golden times.

Theon:- Are you planning the topics that you want to tell our prince or princess, my lady?

Sara:- (giggle) Oh yeah. I gotta tell them what an idiot their father was. 

Theon:- Come on, my lady. Don't talk badly about their father at this stage. Otherwise they might love you more than me.

Sara:- Isn't that good for me?

Theon:- Nooo. I want them to be as crazy as their dad. So they will love you as crazy as me.

Sara:- Hehe. Is that so?

Theon:- Mhm. What do you think, sweety? Will we have princesses or princes?

Sara:- I don't know. What do you think?

Theon:- I can't guess either. Who cares! I just want them to arrive safely in this world. I will treasure you and them always. I love you, my lady.

Sara:- Love you too.

[Author's POV:- All of you must be confused about what they are talking about right? Some of you must have already guessed what's happening. Then let me give some explanation

Our Sara is now 7 months pregnant with twins. They are preparing to welcome their twins into this world. Theon now works from home to give Sara enough time. While her friends and both of their parents' families also came frequently to their house to visit her.] 

**After 2 months, on the due date, they were at the hospital. Everyone was there for them. Sara was in the delivery room. While Theon couldn't stand still in tension**

Theon's Mom:- Theon. Don't be so worried. Everything will be fine. 

Sara's Mom:- Yes dear. Don't worry. My daughter is strong. She will make it safely.

Theon:- But I'm still worried. I don't want anything to happen to her. 

Theon's Dad:- Now you feel it boy? That's the tension I felt when you were about to be born. Haha! 

Sara's Dad:- Ahh! Tyler, don't make fun of him. He is already so tense. Don't tease your boy like that. He might cry. Haha

Sara's Mom:- Mmm. Aaron! You're teasing him too. 

**Before anyone could say anything more, the baby's cries were heard. The twins have arrived. They had a boy and a girl. After Sara and her babies were moved to a cabin, Only one person was allowed to meet her and the babies at that time. So, Only Theon entered the Cabin.**

Theon:- My lady! I'm glad you made it safely. I'm so happy!! 

Sara:- Mhm. Look at them, Theon! They are so cute. Our girl got your looks while our boy got mine. Aren't they so beautiful? (She said while looking at the cradle beside the bed)

Theon:- Yes dear, They are so beautiful!

After that they lived happily together with their healthy childrens. 

[Author:- I think some of you might be wondering what their child's name would be. Their daughter's name is Airish Tara and son's name is Tristan Skylar.]

**The End**

**Khadiza Jahan**