Chapter 4: Little brother

At J:Com Hall , Hachioji , Minami is blending among the crowd in an event of idols concert. As he watch the idols sing on the stage with the cheers of the crowd , his phone suddenly buzzing inside his pocket so he decide to sneak out of the hall. Once he's outside , he take out the phone and answer the call;

Minami: "Hey , is she with you now ?"


(on the phone): "Yeah , I need you to come here now because Var-chan have something to tell to us."

Minami: "Okay then."

He hang up the phone call and proceed to Hachioji station which is not far from the hall. Once he arrive , Varmoth and Mizuki is already there waiting for him then they soon take the train for their journey to Tachikawa. 2 minutes later in the train , Varmoth decide to discuss with them regarding the bombings of her old hideout.

Varmoth: "So , you've met a person with a head of black mannequin ?"

Minami: "Yes. I wasn't prepared that person brought a bomb detonator at the last seconds."

Mizuki: "May we ask who is that person ? , Var-chan."

Varmoth pause for a moment but then she start to explain;

Varmoth: "You two might not know who are we dealing with. The person that you saw is not just ordinary people , they are the only crime syndicate who did the unspeakable even the police are afraid of them. They are known as The Blackheads. The black mannequin head that you saw before , that's represent who they are. I've been searching and tried to exposed them for many years but in the end I...I them."

Minami: "I see....thank you for telling us."

Mizuki gently grasp Varmoth's hand;

Mizuki: "That must have been painful after you've been through the ordeal."

Varmoth: "Yeah....but , I'm fine now."

5 minutes later , they finally arrive at Tachikawa station but they are surprise the moment they walk off the station , they are greet by many bodies scattered everywhere throughout the neighbor. Minami proceed to check the conditions of a man among those bodies;

Varmoth: "How is it ?"

Minami: "I can feel the pulse , he still alive."

Varmoth: "So that's mean , all people within the neighborhood were knocked unconscious."

Mizuki: "But I can't believe whoever this person is , able to take them out without harming them."

Suddenly , a phone in Varmoth's pocket buzzing for a brief moment so she take out her phone and look at the message;

Varmoth: "Hmm , this coordination..."

Mizuki: "Did you find something ?"

Varmoth: "Yeah. Follow me."

As she lead them the way , both Mizuki and Minami soon follow her until they reach to a certain place according to the coordination given in the message. As they about to arrive , Varmoth begin to recognize one of the house in the neighbor area so she begin to run toward the house until she stop at the entrance and look at it.

Varmoth: "(I knew it. Those coordination , is not just some random meeting point. This where I was killed in the past , my home.)"

She open the house gate and goes inside as others follow. Varmoth then standing in front of the door entrance while Mizuki pick up one of the pot of plant at the front yard.

Minami: "What are you doing with that plant ?"

Mizuki: "Oh don't worry about it. I'm just borrowing it , just in case."

Minami: "I...I see..."

Now that they are standing behind Varmoth , She begin to open the entrance door very slowly and manage to enter the house. Once they inside , they couldn't see anything because of how dark it is. So , they decide to walk carefully without making a noice. Mizuki and Varmoth are already ahead while Minami is behind them but a figure of a person start to appear at Minami's back then proceed to ambush him and hold him hostage. Varmoth instantly notice him so she take out her handgun and point it at the figure but the second figure appear and point its blade near her neck. Mizuki is the only one left unharm but she sensed that someone is about to attack her from behind so she summon many vines out of the pot of plant that she pick up from the front yard and able to drag the third figure out of the dark. She look at the third figure very close then she recognize that figure.

Mizuki: "Cupid-chan !?"

Cupid: "Eh !? , Mizuki-chan !?"

Varmoth: "So , that's mean...the one behind Minami..."

Seo: "Oh , it's you , Varmoth-san."

Varmoth look to her side and see Katashi who already lower his blade. Few moments later , everyone are reunited after 6 months of not seeing each other from both side. Soon after , Varmoth look at Seo and ask;

Varmoth: "How did you come here at the first place ?"

Seo: "I was sended with a letter in my apartment but ended up meeting with the sender at the local park."

Varmoth: "Who is that sender ?"

Seo: "Well , it's-"

Akio: "Onee-chan..."

Varmoth know that voice and begin to turn around to see him standing at the top of the stairs. Akio start to run down as Varmoth run toward him and soon , they hug each other as reunited siblings.

Moments later , Seo is looking around the living room and notice something that catch his attention so he look at the small table and on top of it , a set of poker cards is found near a family photo.

Varmoth: "My dad is really fond of that cards. He is really good at poker games with me and my brother when we were little."

Seo: "I see. That must be nice."

Varmoth then look at Akio who sit near them and ask;

Varmoth: "Akio-kun , there's something I want to ask you."

Akio: "Hmm ? , what is it ? Onee-chan."

Varmoth: "How did you know I am alive ? , and how did you discover us ?"

Akio: "Well...on the day of your death. I was devastated to heard the news of your passing. As 2 years goes by , I begin to heard many news from the neighbors about someone getting murdered and assassinated in brutal death. So , I started to secretly investigate in my room about report after report of someone's death. One day , dad is heading toward work without bringing his office bag so I tried to sneak in and search inside dad's bag , I was surprised when I found a picture of you with the date of 3 months ago. I tried to write down all the information related to you and decide to go to Hachioji on the next day. When I arrived , I'm just walk around many streets hoping that I could find you until I saw you exiting from a local bakery shop a week ago. After I came home , I went to my room and start to plan out of meeting you. But I can't just meet you directly. On the next day , I've eavesdropping on dad whose on voice call with someone. Then I soon heard that sentence ; 'find Varmoth and kill her'. I was panic and ran to my room to call some help. I begin to search anything that related to you and that is where I found out about a guy named Ootori Seo who live nearby and know you. I can't contact both of you at the same time , but I found a way to contact Onee-chan and Seo-san separately which is by sending mail letter and phone messaging. That is how everything comes together."

(End of Chapter 4)