Chapter 5: The Heart of Spade

At the syndicate hideout , a man who's a leader of the syndicate is sitting on his office chair while looking at 5 peoples who are involved with an attempted kidnapping. There also 2 assistants that stand beside him which is Spade who stand on the right side while Heart stand on the left. So , the leader begin to ask to these 5 peoples who are kneel in horizontal line , facing to him while handcuffed with zip ties;

Syndicate leader: "So let me say this again for one last time. All of you managed to find that kid but couldn't even catch him ?"

One of his underlings respond;

Syndicate underling: "We did tried to apprehended him. But we were taken down by two of his friends. Please...please forgive us."

It goes silent for 5 seconds. Then;

Syndicate leader: "Very well. I let you go."

Syndicate underling: "Really...?"

Syndicate leader: "Yes , I let you go....of this world."

Syndicate underling: "Eh...?"

The underling is confused but it is too late to think about it as the Heart is already stand behind him and instantly snap his neck and died. Another underling begin to run away in fear but he is also soon shoot at the back of his head with a silence pistol held by the Spade. Now that there are 3 underlings left in captives , the syndicate leader stand up and walk down toward them. 2 of the captives are girls which interested the syndicate leader so , he ask the young girl at the center. He begin to touch the skin of her arms and stomach as other underlings watch her from both side. He finally begin to touch her face and reach to touch her neck then he says;

Syndicate leader: "Your meat is nice and tender...I like it."

The young girl: "Eh...meat...?"

Without any warning , he suddenly sink his teeths to her neck and begin to chow down her flesh. The young girl begin to scream in agony while the other 2 underlings surprise of what they have seen. As he rip her flesh off her neck with the grip of his jaw , the young girl is left in shiver as her neck is bleeding profusely and in the end , she died due to loss of blood. After he gulping down the flesh of the young girl , he begin to look at the women at his right side and approach her with the same intention , eating her alive.

The woman: "No....stay back !!."

Syndicate leader: "Oh , there's no need to be hostile now , it'll be over soon."

The last captive couldn't do anything but turn away as he hear the scream of the woman eaten alive by the syndicate leader but the Spade hold his head and force him to watch the horrifying scene. In the end , the man is killed due to snapping his neck by Spade.

Meanwhile at Akio's room , Seo wanted to know more about Akio's parents so he walk to Akio who is researching on his computer and ask;

Seo: "Hey Akio-kun."

Akio: "Yeah ?"

Seo: "About your parents , what's their names ?"

Akio: "My mother is Akimoto Akari and change to Akari Scarlet. My father is Ivan Scarlet."

Seo: "Ivan huh ? , where is he from ?"

Akio: "America. We occasionally went there at my father's hometown and change my name to Lucas Scarlet while my sister's name change to Evangelyn Scarlet."

Seo: "What ? , why would he change the names ?"

Akio: "Unfortunately , I don't know."

Seo begin to think for few seconds then;

Seo: "Where do your father work ?"

Akio: "I don't know about that either. I did tried to ask him in the past but he keep on dodging my question and said he work in an estate agency."

Seo: "I see."

Moments later , Akio finally able to find an information that could lead to the whereabout of the syndicate leader.

Akio: "I did it !."

Seo: "Great job , Akio-kun. Now that we have the information , we can meet up with the othe-"

Seo and Akio suddenly struck by an explosion from outside of the window near them. After the blast , Varmoth goes inside Akio's room in a hurry and found Akio were pick up unconsciously by the Heart and Spade is standing in her way while pointing the gun at her head. Seo begin to wake up from the rubble then he witness the Spade point the gun at Varmoth but he notice that the Spade's finger is hesitate to pull the trigger. The Heart soon fleed away with Akio then follow by Spade and leaving Varmoth behind. Varmoth proceed to look at Akio's computer and she notice where are they headed so , she begin to go there alone.

Seo: "Varmoth-san wait..."

It was too late for him to stop her.

30 minutes later , Seo and the others arrive in front of a tall building.

Minami: "Is this the place ?"

Seo: "Yes. Varmoth-san may be still inside this building. We need to catch up to her as soon as possible."

Mizuki: "I hope Var-chan is fine."

Meanwhile in a big chairman room , Varmoth is walking along the way and found a silhouette of person sitting on the office chair. She pointing her gun at the person. As the clouds pass over , the moonlight shine toward the person and reveal its identity , it was Akio who sit there with his mouth seal with a tape while tied up with ropes. Varmoth is surprise by the revelation and suddenly ambush by tackling her down. As her face is on the ground , she look at the person who tackled her , it was the syndicate leader.

Syndicate leader: It's been a while , Varmoth-chan~."

Varmoth: "You!!!"

Meanwhile at the lobby , Seo and the others were greeted by both Spade and Heart standing in their way. Seo begin to step forward;

Seo: "I don't know why are you doing this...but this has to stop."

There's no respond from Spade and Heart.

Seo: "Don't you know , your daughter is still alive and still point the gun at her , Ivan-san."

Still , there's no respond from Spade and Heart but they soon take off their helmet to reveal that the Spade is actually Ivan Scarlet while the Heart is Akari Scarlet. They both...are parents of Akio and Varmoth.

Ivan look at Seo with a death stare but eventually remember what he did in the past.

5 years ago , Ivan work with his close friend who happen to be Haruhiko Ogata , Iwami's father. Ogata work in a company that rival against the estate agency while Ivan work in the estate to investigate and expose its dark secrets to the public. But Ivan were caught 3 years later by the syndicate leader by the name Noburo Aichi for what he was doing. He were brutally beaten down by Aichi's underlings. As he lay there in blood and bruises , Aichi walk toward him;

Aichi: "You sure got the guts for attempting to expose me."

Ivan: "You may break me but no matter what , I will show the world of your unspeakable deeds to this town and its people."

Aichi: "Oh~ how brave. In return , I have a present for your efforts."

Ivan: "What ?"

Ivan look to the side to see a person kneel down tied with ropes and the mouth seal with a tape. As he look carefully , he is surprise to see his wife were tied there.

Ivan: "Akari!!!"

Akari: "MMM!!...MMM!!!"

Aichi: "Oh how lovely~."

Ivan: "Damn you..."

Aichi: "So , I have a favor to ask. If you refuse , then the only thing you will see your wife is her head on a plate."

Ivan doesn't have a choice;

Ivan: "Yes...yes....I'll do anything you ask."

Aichi: "Great answer."

2 years later , Ogata and his wife and daughter just on their way driving back to their home when suddenly they were hit by a car that came out of nowhere and crash on a nearby electric pole. The one who hit them come out from the car which happen to be Ivan then walk toward to Ogata's car and peak inside their car window. He could see Iwami and Asahi were unconscious but his close friend Ogata is barely awake and badly injured. He proceed to open the driver door and look at Ogata;

Ogata: "Ivan...san..?"

Ivan proceed to stab Ogata in the chest with a switch knife. He look at Ogata with sadness in his eyes.

Ivan: "I'm sorry..."

Ogata: "I....I see...."

Ogata later died and on the next day , he was confirmed by the police that he was dead by his injury in the car accident.

A year later , Aichi call Ivan in his office room and demand someone from him.

Ivan: "What ? , you want my daughter ?"

Aichi: "Yes , I took an interest on her and apparently she is your daughter. What a coincidence , so I want you to be bring her to me."

Ivan: "No..."

Aichi: "Pardon ?"

Ivan: "She is my only daughter. I will not give her to you that easily."

Aichi: "Oh~ , what a brave father. Maybe I should sending my men and massacre your entire family to see if you're still brave enough."

Ivan: "Kghh...!?"

Aichi: "You have 6 hours left to hand me your daughter. Refuse and your family will gone while forcing you watch them die."

An hour later on that day , Ivan and Akari choose to lure their daughter , Varmoth , inside their home while Akio is having a sleepover at his friend's house. Then , Both of them murdered their daughter by multiple stabbing to her body with kitchen knifes and Varmoth would later died from her wounds. As Varmoth let out her last breath and slowly close her eyes , a drip of tear drop to her cheek from Ivan's eyes then both him and Akari later cried for not be able to save their daughter from this brutal reality. 6 hours has passed and Ivan was able to bring his daughter's severed head to present to Aichi. Aichi is surprise by this and pick up Varmoth's head. As he running his finger across Varmoth's lifeless face;

Aichi: "So smooth...and tinder..."

Ivan: "...?"

Aichi suddenly sink his teeths to Varmoth's face and begin to devour more flesh from her.

Ivan: "...!?"

Ivan couldn't do anything but witness that horrible scene. From that moment , he lost his smile , happiness...everything.

Fast forward to a month ago , Aichi demand a favor from Ivan but this time , he want someone specific. It was Iwami. 27 minutes later , Ivan came to Haruhiko residents of the apartment and discuss with Asahi. But then;

Asahi: "No."

Ivan: "But it's for her own good. I'll promise I protect her if things doesn't go well."

Asahi: "I won't let you have her. I know what you did to your own daughter and I will not let the same thing happen to Iwami."

He let out a sigh;

Ivan: "I guess I have to go the hard way then."

He proceed to walk toward Iwami's room but Asahi grab his suit from his back to prevent him to go any further. Ivan begin to get her off him but she won't let it go. So , he start to get angry and push her off of him then she hit the back of her head at the edge of the table as a result. As she fall unconscious , he take a few step forward when Asahi manage to grab his leg to prevent him from entering Iwami's room. That action lead to his anger then decide to drag Asahi by her hair and drag her to her room. Moments later , Ivan made a hang rope and put Asahi's head into it then tight up the hang rope on her neck. Ivan later pull up the end of the rope and hang up Asahi above the floor. As he watch Asahi hang by the neck;

Iwami: "Mom...?"

Ivan see Iwami by the door so , he hide at the dark corner of the room. Iwami try to help her mother then he take out his knife and wait for his chance to ambush her. Asahi saw what Ivan is trying to do to her daughter so she push her daughter away from her then Iwami fall from her wheelchair and unable to get back up. His memory lane begin to end as Iwami cried for her mother but Seo suddenly appear to check on Iwami and her mother so he keep waiting in the dark until he's escape when Seo bring Iwami to the hospital.

(End of Chapter 5)