Chapter 6: Precious Diamond

After Ivan finished his memory lane , he look directly at Seo;

Ivan: "I understand that all of you are trying to save our daughter , I appreciate that. But you have to turn back and go home now because that is our responsible as parents. So , we are going to look after our daughter.

Seo: "Only to get her killed again ? I won't let that happen so let us through."

Akari: "Then , looks like we don't have any choices left but take out each and everyone of you."

Ivan: "Agreed."

He then tell Seo one last time;

Ivan: "You....after I'm done with your dead body , the girl on her wheelchair.... she's next."

Hearing that is making Seo angry as he dash toward him while unsheath his sword and swing it at him. Ivan manage to evade it but Seo change his attack and thrust his sword toward Ivan's body. As the sword almost reach to thrust Ivan , the sword deflect by a single bullet coming from Akari's handgun and making Seo immobilize. He try to regain himself but Akari is already switch her handgun to shotgun and aim it toward him. He immediately protect himself with his shield then Akari pull the trigger and shoot him. It blast him away from her then follow by Minami and Mizuki who rush toward Akari. Minami begin to throw many punches and kicks at her but she's able to block and deflect his attacks until she find an opening. As he use grapple on her , she quickly dash under his arms and stomp behind his calf making him kneel down on one knee. She try to aim her shotgun at the back of Minami's head this time and suddenly , a whiplash of thorn vine get caught on her gun. She look to her side to find where it came from then she see Mizuki who hold a whip of thorn vine begin to yank off the gun from her grip. Akari take out her handgun and aim it at Mizuki to finish her off but the moment she pull the trigger , Minami grab her gun then move it away and the shot miss as the bullet nearly hit her head. Minami proceed to twist Akari's arm which make her to let go of her handgun then pin her down with her face facing toward the floor. While Minami hold her down , Mizuki take out another vine seed then making it grow into vine and begin to tie Akari's hands together with it.

Meanwhile , Ivan is having a disadvantage against Seo , Katashi and Cupid. He take out his knife and dash forward to Seo. Seo begin to swing his sword toward Ivan but he dodge his attack so Seo keep on swing his sword two more times. Ivan evade the first strike and block the second strike with his knife then lift his knee toward Seo stomach. He forcefully take away Seo's shield while Seo is hunch over then he proceed to bash the shield at the back of Seo's head making him to fall over to the ground in pain. He look to his left to see Katashi swing his katana at him so he block the attack and counter it with Seo's shield then smack Katashi's hand with his katana away from his grip. Ivan push him away with a thrust kick and begin to turn his attention toward Cupid. She begin to stretch the bow with her arrow and start her enchantment as many lights appear surround the arrow then absord toward it. She keep on enchanting her arrow but she start to notice when Ivan throw Seo's shield with all his might toward her and it hit at her face with full force which make her fall on the floor. Katashi grab his katana then rush to Ivan and attack him but he manage to block it and suddenly , Seo appear behind him then slice his thigh which make him to lose his balance. Katashi see the opening and swing his blade toward Ivan's right shoulder. Ivan start to become weaker so he begin to scream in frustration but it was cut short as Cupid shoot 3 more magical arrows at him then he fall down on his back and he look up at the shining chandelier in defeat.

As the battle is over , Seo is now can walk pass both Ivan and Akari. He reach toward the elevator then the moment he is about to press the button;

Ivan: "How beautiful...."

Seo: ".....?"

Ivan: "I can see the bright jewels of the chandelier like stars in the night sky. No matter how hard I try to reach it , it still far away from my grasp."

He begin to roll over and struggle to get up on his knees then look at Seo.

Ivan: "I have failed to protect my daughter in the past and a miracle begin to happen as I was given a chance to see her again. Just like the card deck , without the diamond , it will never complete. how precious my 'diamond' is...because I've miss her so much."

Akari: "Dear..."

Ivan: "So I beg you.....please...please save her and Akio from that monster."

Seo didn't expect to hear Ivan's plead.

Seo: "The Spade (Ivan) , Heart (Akari) , Diamond (Varmoth) and Club (Akio) huh ?.....I see..."

Seo press the button and the elevator door begin to open. As he step inside the elevator , he look at Ivan one more time;

Seo: "I'll bring her and Akio back once this is over."

After the elevator door close , Ivan could only reply with;

Ivan: "Thank you..."

Once Seo reach to the top floor while leaving his team to look after Varmoth's parents , he see another staircase which could be lead to where Varmoth have been.

Seo: "You better be alive , Varmoth-san."

Meanwhile at the chairman office , Aichi is pinning on top of Varmoth and grab her hair to force her to watch at something inside a small box of glass display case. Varmoth wasn't sure what it is since it is dark.

Aichi: "Ever since I tasted you , I begin to craved for human flesh sometimes. Over many victims I ate , the young tasted the best especially girls."

Varmoth look at the display case as the moonlight shine toward it. She is shock to see a skull with white hair still intact to it's scalp. It is a skull of her former self inside the display case.

Aichi: "As an inspired from the taste of your flesh , I was able to taste many human flavors. So , I put my first victim in a case as a trophy of my achievement."

Varmoth: "Why....Why are you doing this ? You were kind and a gentle person last time we met."

Aichi: "Oh that..."

He thought to himself for a moment;

Aichi: "Hmmmmm , I don't remember much since I've killed many peoples for my own amusement. But I do met someone who help me change to who I am today. He even give me his card , what a generous man."

Aichi drag her hair to force her to stand up and wrap her neck with his arms as she look at tied up Akio.

Aichi: "Hey , can I have a nibble of your brother ? I wonder what he taste like....Oh how about this , instead of killing you for the second time , how about I force you to give birth to my child so I can eat them the moment they comes out of you. Oh~ that must be delicious to think about it."

With the unspeakable statement from Aichi , Varmoth begin to question herself of her fate.

Varmoth: "(Is this....the end...?)"

Varmoth: "(Am I going to experience this nightmare for the rest of my life ?)"

Varmoth: "(I....I....)"

Akio who see her losing her grip of reality , he try to call out for her despite his mouth were sealed with duct tape.

Akio: "MMMEKHAN !!! (ONEE-CHAN!!!)

Suddenly , Varmoth grab Aichi's arms that wrap around her neck with incredible force. As she's about to free herself;

Varmoth: "TO HELL WITH IT !!!"

Something must have awaken her. She can feel an immense amount of adrenaline flowing through her body as if she's in frenzy for blood. She begin to grab Aichi's suit then throw him around the room where he land at the back of the couch. She walk up to him and grab him up then begin to punches his face left and right with intense anger. Aichi begin to feel angry so he pull out his knife and penetrate her left upper shoulder with it. He smile expected for her to scream in pain but he start to feel strange;

Aichi: "(Wait...does she feel the pain ? Why won't she scream ?)"

The knife is left stab in her shoulder as she grab Aichi's face and slam the back of his head to the floor. She sit on top of him then continue to punches his face left and right to the point she knock some of his teeths out of his mouth and he received bruise on his right eye. It comes to the end where she stomp his face so hard with his nose broke deeper into his skull.

She walk to her brother and set him free;

Varmoth: "Are you okay ? , Akio-kun."

Akio: "I'm fine , Onee-chan."

Varmoth: "Thank goodness."

The sibling give a hug to each other. Then;

Aichi: "Ehehehehe..."

She immediately turn around to see Aichi is stand up while holding a handgun and aim it toward them. She protect Akio behind her;

Aichi: "It's time to meet your end."

As he's about to shoot her , Seo manage to grab Aichi's arm and they begin to fight over the gun. While they fighting , Varmoth see her own handgun that lay on the floor so she quickly grab it. As she point it to Aichi , Seo is already held at gunpoint to his head.

Varmoth: "Let him go , Aichi."

Aichi: "No no no , there's no negotiate in this so...I'm going to kill him too."

As he finish his sentence , Seo hit his head to Aichi's face then grab his arm to give an opening.

Seo: "Shoot him now."

Varmoth: "But what if it hit yo-"

Seo: "Now !!!"

Varmoth instantly pull the trigger and a bullet fly through toward them. Since Seo's head is so close to Aichi's neck , she wasn't sure who will get shot but both Aichi and Seo soon fall to the ground.

Varmoth: "Seo-san !!!"

She rush toward him who lay beside Aichi so she start to check on him.

Varmoth: "Seo-san....Seo-san..."

Seo: "Varmoth-san..."

Varmoth: "Oh my god , thank goodness you're okay."

Seo: "Yeah , but what about him ?"

They both look beside them to see Aichi who begin to dying with his neck bleeding profusely by gunshot wound. As he cough so much blood he want to say something to Varmoth.

Aichi: " got me this time. Ah...I'm going to miss your taste."

He turn his view toward Seo.

Aichi: "That girl Iwami....It's not me who want her. No matter how far she go.....someone will find her one day."

He take one long breath and as he let out his last breath , he died by succumbing to his injury.

A week later , a news were shown that Aichi's corporation were shut down for police investigation. Regarding Ivan and Akari , they are sentence to life imprisonment and will be eligible for parole after 8 years. Meanwhile at Tachikawa Hospital , Iwami begin to start her walking rehabilitate session on her own will with her uncle by her side after she readed her postcard sended by Seo telling her that he can't meet her and won't be there for a long time. No one know where Seo might be after he vanish without a trace the day after Aichi incident. That is why Iwami decide to rehabilitate so she can stand on her own and find her big brother.

As for Varmoth and Akio , they're moving out from their hometown and live somewhere far away from their dark past.

(End of Chapter 6)