Chapter No.6 Devas Vs Asuras (2)

The celestial and demonic forces clashed with relentless fury, the very fabric of the battlefield quivering under the intensity of their conflict. Amidst the chaos, Ravana wielded Chandrahasa, a sword bestowed upon him by Lord Shiva. The blade gleamed with an ethereal light, its every swing carving through the opposing forces with unmatched precision.

With just a single swing of Kumbhkarna's huge mace, the landscape of the battlefield shifted. Celestial beings were thrown off balance, and the divine army faced the brunt of the colossal demon's relentless assault. Shani Dev, however, remained steadfast, his divine presence a beacon of resilience amidst the chaos.

Ravana, seizing the opportunity, intensified his magical onslaught. His ten heads chanted incantations that sent waves of dark energy toward the celestial forces. The clash of celestial and demonic powers created a maelstrom of energy, illuminating the battleground in a kaleidoscope of otherworldly hues.

The celestial forces, despite their divine might, faced a formidable challenge against the overwhelming power of Ravana and his demonic army. Shani Dev, recognizing the urgency of the situation, unleashed a surge of celestial energy, rallying his forces for a counteroffensive.


A small team of Devas could be seen sneaking inside the palace while the cosmic clash unfolded outside. Their mission was clear - locate and free the captive Devas imprisoned by Ravana and kill the newborn son of Ravana. The divine warriors moved with utmost stealth, navigating the intricate corridors of the palace, and avoiding the patrolling asuras.

Meanwhile, within the hidden chamber where Meghnad rested, Shurpanakha and Mandodari remained vigilant. The distant echoes of the celestial battle outside reached their ears, a constant reminder of the imminent threat to Lanka.

Shurpanakha, her senses heightened, scanned the surroundings for any signs of danger. "We must stay alert. The clash outside is fierce, and we cannot afford to underestimate the power of Shani Dev and the celestial forces."

Mandodari, holding Meghnad protectively, nodded in agreement. "Our priority is Meghnad's safety. Whatever happens outside, we must ensure he remains unharmed."

As they maintained their watch, a subtle disturbance in the air caught Shurpanakha's attention. A faint sound, like the rustle of fabric, echoed in the hidden chamber. Her instincts kicked in, and she swiftly turned toward the source of the disturbance.

In the dim light of the concealed chamber, a group of Devas materialized, their divine forms juxtaposed against the shadows. Shurpanakha's eyes narrowed with suspicion. "Devas infiltrating the palace? This complicates matters further."

Mandodari, holding Meghnad closer, looked at Shurpanakha with concern. "What should we do? We cannot let them harm Meghnad."

"Go further inside, I will deal with them. Whatever happens, don't come out."

Shurpanakha's expression hardened as she stepped forward, her determination clear. "I won't let any harm come to Meghnad. Go, Sister-in-law, and keep him safe."

Mandodari, with a reluctant nod, retreated further into the hidden chamber, cradling Meghnad protectively. Shurpanakha turned her attention back to the unexpected intruders. The Devas, realizing they had been discovered, adopted defensive stances.

"Explain your presence here, Devas," Shurpanakha demanded, her tone firm and unwavering.

One of the Devas, a radiant figure with divine armor, stepped forward. "We are here to free our brethren held captive by Ravana and to ensure the balance of the cosmic order is restored. Stand aside you wretched asura, and we may spare you."

Shurpanakha's eyes narrowed at the Deva's words. "Your mission ends here. I won't allow any harm to befall my family or this child," she declared, her determination echoing through the hidden chamber.

The Devas, undeterred, readied their celestial weapons, the divine glow intensifying. Shurpanakha, drawing upon her own formidable powers, prepared for the confrontation. The air in the chamber crackled with tension as the opposing forces faced off.

The lead Deva, with a stern expression, spoke with authority, "Asura, do not stand in the way of cosmic justice. Release the captive Devas, and we may spare Lanka from further devastation."

"Come already,"

Shurpanakha's challenge echoed in the hidden chamber, her stance unwavering. The Devas, resolute in their mission, launched the first assault. Celestial arrows streaked through the air, their radiant glow cutting through the shadows. Shurpanakha deftly dodged and countered, her own powers manifesting in a display of elemental mastery.

The clash within the hidden chamber intensified, each side pushing the limits of their celestial or demonic abilities. Shurpanakha, drawing upon her asura heritage, conjured ethereal flames that danced around her, warding off the celestial projectiles. Her speed and agility matched the divine precision of the Devas.

But still, with the numbers advantage in Deva's favor, Shurpanakha found herself pressed from multiple sides. The lead Deva, wielding a brilliant sword of celestial light, engaged her directly. Their clash echoed with the clash of cosmic forces, each strike sending ripples of energy through the hidden chamber.


An arrow pierced her shoulder blade, and a searing pain coursed through Shurpanakha's form. She gritted her teeth, refusing to yield. The battle within the hidden chamber intensified, the clash of celestial and demonic forces echoing through the concealed space.

"You two go inside, We will follow soon after dealing with her."

The Devas, sensing an opportunity, heeded their leader's command. Two of them broke away from the ongoing confrontation, swiftly moving towards the entrance of the hidden chamber where Meghnad lay.


Shurpanakha wanted to stop them, But The lead Deva engaged Shurpanakha with relentless determination, the clash of their powers creating a whirlwind of cosmic energy within the hidden chamber. Shurpanakha, despite her formidable abilities, found herself being gradually pushed back.


The two Devas passed through the entrance of the hidden chamber, their eyes narrowing as they beheld the protective charms and the cradle in which Meghnad lay. Mandodari, holding the infant close, met their gaze with fierce determination.

"You shall not harm the child," Mandodari declared, her voice unwavering.

The Devas, undeterred, raised their celestial weapons. "Stand aside, asura. We have a mission to fulfill, and nothing will stand in our way."

Devas with an eye signaled each other, right after which one engaged Mandodari and the other went towards the child.

Mandodari, with a fierce resolve, summoned her protective abilities to shield Meghnad. A barrier of divine energy enveloped the cradle, forming a protective cocoon around the sleeping child. The Deva, determined to fulfill their mission, unleashed a barrage of celestial energy against Mandodari's defensive shield.


As metal met metal, Mandodari wielded a concealed weapon, a divine dagger passed down through generations. With a swift motion, she parried the celestial onslaught, her maternal instincts fueling her determination to protect her son.

While the other Deva almost finished destroying the barrier surrounding the child, the sound was so extreme that Meghnad woke up again and looked at his surroundings.

'WTF!, What is happening here?'

[Shani Dev has attacked Lankapuri for revenge and of course to kill you.]

'Oh, that's it~'


'What 'Yes' they are going to kill me!!!'

[There is a quest in Quest Board.]


'Show me then, Eve.'

[Loading Quest Board...Please wait.]

[Active Quest: 1]

[Name: Protect Yourself]

[Main Objective: Remain Unharmed (Incomplete)]

[Optional Objective: Defeat A Deva (0/1)]

[Reward: 50 Devil Points]

[Optinal Reward: Early Devil Bloodline Awakening]


Meghnad screamed inside his mind but the system with its ever so dull settings continued.

[Don't worry host should calm down first and think properly.]

Despite the urgency of the situation, Meghnad took a deep mental breath, trying to focus amidst the chaos around him. The situation was dire, but the system's advice rang true – panicking wouldn't help.

But his concentration broke he felt himself being lifted from the cradle. The Deva, having successfully breached the protective barrier, held Meghnad aloft with a triumphant smirk.

"Got you, demon spawn," the Deva declared, unaware of the internal turmoil and resistance building within the infant.

'I am gonna die again, But that smirk is very much irritating I want to destroy that smirk so badly.'

Then as if responding to his wishes, A radiant red energy started emitting from Meghnad which instantly erased the arms holding him.


"M-My H-Hands!!!"

The Deva recoiled in shock and pain, looking at the place where his hands used to be with a mixture of horror and disbelief. The once triumphant smirk transformed into a mask of agony as the celestial being struggled to comprehend the sudden turn of events.

Meghnad, still radiating a faint red aura, hovered in the air. His innocent eyes, now tinged with an otherworldly glow, fixated on the injured Deva. The celestial warrior, weakened and disarmed, could only watch as the infant he intended to harm held an unforeseen power.

"Pa-Pa Guw~"(Ruin Star!)

A more compressed radiant red energy gathered around Meghnad's tiny form. With an almost playful motion, he extended his tiny hand toward the injured Deva. The celestial energy, now concentrated and focused, shot forth like a beam, enveloping the Deva.

The Deva convulsed as the radiant energy surged through his celestial form, overwhelming him with a power he hadn't anticipated. The once formidable warrior now writhed in agony, unable to comprehend the reversal of fortune. In moments, the celestial being disintegrated into cosmic particles, dissipating into the air. Meghnad, still floating in the air, gradually descended back into the cradle.



'Now I am sleepy again~'

[Ding! Quest Completed]




*To Be Continued*


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