Chapter No.7 Devas Vs Asuras (3)

Mandodari and the Devas were shocked beyond belief by what they had just witnessed. Mandodari, wide-eyed, looked at the celestial remnants in disbelief, her protective instincts for Meghnad momentarily eclipsed by the awe-inspiring display of power from the infant.

The remaining Deva, witnessing the sudden demise of their comrade, took a defensive stance, their celestial weapons aimed at Meghnad. The once calm and calculated demeanor of the celestial warrior wavered, replaced by a hint of fear at the unexpected turn of events.

However, due to his fear of Meghnad, He turned his back on Mandodari who immediately took her chances and pierced his throat from behind killing him with a single swift motion. The celestial being crumpled to the ground, his weapons clattering beside him.

Right after that she swiftly moved to the cradle and gently scooped Meghnad into her arms. The infant, seemingly unfazed by the recent events, sleeps peacefully in his mother's embrace. Mandodari, with a mix of relief and concern, looked down at Meghnad. The radiant red glow that had surrounded him during the display of power had subsided, leaving him in his innocent slumber.

"Such power in such a small child," Mandodari whispered, her eyes reflecting a blend of maternal love and awe. She gently kissed Meghnad's forehead.

As Mandodari stepped out of the hidden chamber, she was met with the aftermath of the celestial and demonic clash. The air was thick with the scent of magic, and the distant sounds of battle echoed through the palace corridors. Mandodari tightened her grip on Meghnad, her gaze scanning for Shurpanakha.

Shurpanakha, who had been engaged in a fierce battle with the lead Deva, noticed Mandodari emerging from the hidden chamber. The asura princess, her determination unyielding, seized the opportunity to strike. With a powerful surge of energy, she unleashed a wave of ethereal flames, overwhelming the celestial warrior.

The Deva, caught off guard by Shurpanakha's sudden offensive, struggled to defend against the onslaught. The flames danced and flickered, wrapping around the celestial being and intensifying with each passing moment. In a desperate attempt, the Deva summoned a protective barrier, but the relentless flames broke through, scorching their celestial form.

Shurpanakha, fueled by a combination of protective instincts and the desire to ensure Meghnad's safety, pressed on. The battle within the hidden chamber had taken a toll on her, but the power of her elemental mastery proved formidable. The lead Deva, now weakened, could barely withstand the onslaught.

As Mandodari approached, carrying the peacefully slumbering Meghnad, Shurpanakha noticed the aftermath of the celestial and demonic clash in the palace corridors. The once pristine walls bore the scars of magical battles, and the air crackled with residual energy.

Mandodari and Shurpanakha exchanged a glance, a silent acknowledgment of the challenges they had faced and the dangers that still lingered. The clash outside, though momentarily subdued, hinted at the ongoing struggle for the fate of Lanka.

"We need to find a safe place for Meghnad," Mandodari suggested, her voice carrying a mixture of concern and determination.

Shurpanakha nodded in agreement, her attention still on the lead Deva, who now struggled to maintain their celestial form. "We should deal with this one first. We cannot afford any threats to Meghnad's safety."

With a coordinated effort, Shurpanakha and Mandodari unleashed a final barrage of elemental forces. The flames intensified, intertwining with Mandodari's protective energy. The lead Deva, unable to withstand the combined assault, dissipated into cosmic particles, leaving behind only echoes of their once formidable presence.


Back on the outskirts of Lankapuri, the celestial and demonic forces continued their relentless battle. Shani Dev, unwavering in his pursuit of cosmic justice, faced the formidable might of Ravana, the demon king. The clash of celestial and demonic powers created a spectacle that reverberated through the very fabric of the universe.


Ravana bellowed a command, his authoritative voice cutting through the chaotic symphony of battle. The demon king, sensing an opportunity, ordered his forces to withdraw.

"Lunar Slash: Chandrahasa!"

With a sweeping motion of his ten-headed form, Ravana unleashed a powerful lunar energy wave from his enchanted sword, Chandrahasa. The celestial forces caught off guard, faced the devastating slash that cut through their ranks.


The slash which was continuing on its way disappeared without leaving traces of it.

"Stop this chaos this instead~"

An elderly voice filled with divine wisdom emerged, capturing the attention of both celestial and demonic warriors. The cosmic battlefield fell silent as a figure materialized between the two opposing forces. It was Brahma, the creator of the universe, his four heads representing the four Vedas and were pointed to the four cardinal directions. He was seated on a lotus flower, a symbol of purity and enlightenment.

"Ravana, Shani Dev, cease this conflict at once," Brahma's voice echoed with a resonance that commanded attention. His gaze shifted between the celestial and demonic forces, emphasizing the weight of his divine presence.

Shani Dev, acknowledging the presence of the creator, lowered his celestial weapon. Ravana, though reluctant, also signaled for his forces to stand down. The battlefield, once filled with the clash of cosmic energies, now hung in an uneasy silence.

Shani Dev, with a stern expression, spoke, "Ravana has defied the-"

"I know who did what." Brahma's voice cut through Shani Dev's explanation.

"First of all Devas army retreat to your respective domains. Asurs, return to Lanka."

Shani Dev and Ravana, despite their differences, issued commands to their respective forces. The celestial and demonic warriors, recognizing the divine authority of Brahma, withdrew from the battlefield, dissipating into their respective domains.

As the celestial and demonic forces retreated, the atmosphere gradually calmed. Brahma, his divine presence radiating tranquility, turned his attention to Shani Dev and Ravana.

"First Ravana, Immediately release the devas you hold captive."

Ravana, though filled with defiance, hesitated under the unwavering gaze of Brahma. The cosmic authority in the air was palpable, and Ravana knew better than to challenge the creator of the universe.

"I shall release them," Ravana conceded, his voice carrying the weight of acknowledgment. With a wave of his hand, the celestial realm where the captive devas were held flickered, and the celestial beings were released from their imprisonment.

"Now, Shani Dev," Brahma addressed the divine embodiment of Saturn. "Your pursuit of justice has been heard, but you waged this war more for vengeance and justice combined. It is not within the cosmic order to settle personal scores in such a manner."

Shani Dev bowed his head, acknowledging Brahma's words. "I acted out of anger and a desire for retribution. I will abide by the cosmic order."

"That's why I hereby declare a ceasefire between Devas and Asuras for 10 years. This conflict has brought enough turmoil to the realms, and it is time for a period of peace and reflection."

Brahma announced, his voice echoing through the cosmic expanse.

The announcement of the ceasefire resonated across the realms, and a tentative peace settled over the cosmic landscape. Shani Dev and Ravana, though still harboring their grievances, understood the importance of adhering to the divine decree.

As the celestial and demonic forces dispersed, the attention turned to the aftermath of the conflict. Brahma, with his divine wisdom, addressed both Shani Dev and Ravana.

"Reflect on the consequences of your actions. The cosmic order demands balance and harmony. Let this period of peace be a time for contemplation and understanding."

With those words, Brahma slowly faded away, returning to his celestial abode. Shani Dev and Ravana left to ponder the events that had transpired and exchanged a lingering glance before parting ways.


Back in Lanka, within the palace walls, the atmosphere gradually shifted from the tension of battle to a cautious calm. The royal family, including Ravana, Vibhishana, Shurpanakha, and Mandodari, gathered to assess the situation.

Vibhishana, The youngest brother of Ravana and advisor due to his intelligence and virtuous nature, spoke up amid the gathered assembly.

"We must use this period of peace wisely," Vibhishana suggested, his eyes scanning the faces of those present. "The cosmic decree calls for reflection and understanding. We, as a kingdom, need to evaluate the path we have been treading."

Ravana, still bearing the scars of the recent conflict, nodded in reluctant agreement. The events had shaken the very foundation of his rule, and the words of Brahma echoed in his mind.

"We need to address the grievances and discontent within our kingdom," Vibhishana continued. "This conflict has revealed deep-seated issues that cannot be ignored. It's time for introspection and reform."

Mandodari, holding the peacefully slumbering Meghnad, listened to Vibhishana's words with a thoughtful expression. The recent events had indeed exposed the vulnerabilities and internal conflicts within Lanka. As the queen and mother, she couldn't help but feel a responsibility not only for Meghnad's safety but also for the well-being of their kingdom.

"Vibhishana is right," Mandodari spoke, her voice carrying a blend of determination and concern. "We cannot ignore the issues that have come to light. This period of peace is an opportunity for us to heal and strengthen our kingdom from within."

Shurpanakha, who had stood silently, observing the discussion, nodded in agreement. The battles had taken a toll not just on the physical realm but also on the unity of the Asura forces. The need for internal harmony was more apparent than ever.

Vibhishana continued, "Let us convene a council to address the grievances of our people. It's time to foster understanding and unity. Only then can we truly stand strong against external threats."

Ravana, despite his initial reluctance, understood the wisdom in Vibhishana's words. The scars of the recent conflict were not just on the battlefield but also etched into the very fabric of their society. The demon king sighed, acknowledging the necessity for change.

"Very well," Ravana conceded, his gaze firm. "We shall convene a council and address the concerns of our people. It's time to lead with wisdom and ensure the prosperity of Lanka."

With the decision made, the royal family, along with trusted advisors, began the process of healing and reconciliation within Lanka. The council sessions were a forum for grievances to be aired, disputes to be settled, and reforms to be implemented.




*To Be Continued*


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