Chapter No.8 Awakening Bloodline

"Oh, I have something to tell you about Meghnad, Svami(Husband)" Mandodari said with a mix of excitement and concern in her voice. Ravana, intrigued by Mandodari's tone, turned his attention to his queen.

"What is it, Mandodari?" Ravana inquired, his eyes narrowing with curiosity.

As the royal family gathered around, Mandodari gently cradled Meghnad in her arms. The infant, still in peaceful slumber, seemed oblivious to the discussions unfolding around him.

"He possesses a power unlike anything we've seen," Mandodari began, her gaze fixed on Meghnad. "But..."

"But what, Mandodari?" Ravana pressed, a mixture of anticipation and concern in his eyes.

"It's very destructive in nature," Mandodari continued, her voice tinged with both awe and apprehension. "The display of power earlier, it was... overwhelming. An adult Deva picked him up from his cradle which I think was to threaten me, Had his hands which held him disintegrated or simply erased from existence itself. right after that, A radiant red glow surrounded Meghnad, and the Deva met an instantaneous demise. It was as if the very essence of life was at Meghnad's command."

Ravana's eyes widened, absorbing the weight of Mandodari's revelation. The realization that his son possessed such formidable power, even as an infant, stirred a complex blend of emotions within him—pride, concern, and a hint of fear.

Vibhishana, the voice of reason in the assembly, spoke, breaking the momentary silence that followed Mandodari's revelation. "This power, though formidable, is a double-edged sword. We must tread carefully and ensure that Meghnad learns to control it. Unchecked, it could pose a threat not only to our enemies but also to us."

Mandodari nodded in agreement. "I fear for his safety, Svami. This power, if not harnessed properly, could bring about unintended consequences."

Ravana, conflicted by the revelations about his son's power, took a deep breath. "We must seek guidance. Perhaps there are sages or beings with knowledge of such extraordinary abilities. Meghnad's potential should be cultivated, not suppressed."

Vibhishana suggested, "How about, Guru Shukracharya."

"Guru Shukracharya," Ravana mused, considering the suggestion. "Yes, he is known for his profound knowledge of Asura lore and mystical arts. If anyone can guide us on how to channel Meghnad's power, it would be him."

"But not now as Meghnad is just an infant, So maybe after five-six years, when he is old enough to understand and learn," Vibhishana added, his wisdom evident in the cautious approach.

Ravana nodded in agreement, his mind already strategizing the steps to ensure Meghnad's potential was nurtured without endangering those around him. "We shall wait for the right time, and then seek Guru Shukracharya's guidance. In the meantime, we must focus on rebuilding Lanka and fostering unity within our kingdom."


[Does the host want to claim the rewards?]


Currently, Meghnad was lying in a crib-like structure staring at the system prompt asking for his confirmation to claim the rewards from the previous quest.


The system acknowledged Meghnad's decision with a subtle glow, and a series of ethereal messages appeared in his mind.

[Loading Rewards...Please wait]

[Rewards: 50 Devil Points, Early Devil Bloodline Awakening]

[Current Devil Points: 60]

[There are two bloodlines from which the host can choose.]

[1. Satan]

[2. Lucifer Morningstar]

'Can I get the descriptions of these bloodlines, Eve.'

[Loading Bloodline Descriptions...Please wait]

[1. Satan Bloodline: The Satan Bloodline is a powerful and ancient lineage associated with the embodiment of temptation, darkness, and rebellion. Hosts of this bloodline gain enhanced demonic abilities, including control over hellfire, manipulation of shadows, and the ability to induce temptation in others. The bloodline is known for its resilience and adaptability, making it suitable for both physical and mystical combat.]

[2. Lucifer Morningstar Bloodline: The Lucifer Morningstar Bloodline is derived from the Morningstar himself, a celestial being who fell from grace. Hosts of this bloodline possess a unique blend of celestial and demonic powers. They have heightened senses, control over celestial and hellish energies, and the ability to manipulate reality to a certain extent. This bloodline is marked by its charisma, intelligence, and the potential for profound cosmic influence.]

[Please Note: There are chances for the host to awaken the fallen angel bloodline inside the Lucifer Morningstar's bloodline.]

Meghnad, despite being just an infant, was now faced with a crucial decision that would shape his destiny. The descriptions of the two bloodlines, Satan and Lucifer Morningstar, resonated in his mind. The duality of his heritage, born of the cosmic clash between celestial and demonic forces, is reflected in the choice before him.

'Satan seems to embody the darkness and rebellion within my demonic lineage. The ability to control hellfire and manipulate shadows could be formidable in battle. On the other hand, Lucifer Morningstar's bloodline offers a unique blend of celestial and demonic powers, a harmony that mirrors the cosmic balance. The potential to influence reality and the fallen angel bloodline within it... intriguing.'

Meghnad, with a sense of deliberation unusual for an infant, made his choice.

'Lucifer Morningstar.'

The ethereal messages responded to Meghnad's decision.

[Rewards: Lucifer Morningstar Bloodline Awakening]

[Host has chosen the Lucifer Morningstar Bloodline, a fusion of celestial and demonic powers.]

[Initializing Bloodline Awakening...]

As the awakening process unfolded, a radiant glow surrounded Meghnad's small form. then 'it' came...


It was like pouring some molten lava inside his veins, an excruciating sensation that seemed to sear through every fiber of his being. Meghnad's tiny frame trembled with the intensity of the awakening process, his infantile cries piercing through the air.

The room where Meghnad lay became infused with pulsating energy, an otherworldly aura that accompanied the bloodline awakening. Mandodari, hearing her son's cries, rushed into the room with a mixture of concern and motherly instincts.

"What's happening?" she exclaimed, witnessing the radiant glow surrounding Meghnad.

Vibhishana and Shurpanakha, alerted by the commotion, joined Mandodari in the room. The three of them looked on as Meghnad's awakening unfolded, a process that seemed to transcend the boundaries of the mortal and the divine.

As the pain surged through Meghnad, his cries took on a peculiar resonance. It was as if the very fabric of the cosmos responded to the awakening, acknowledging the fusion of celestial and demonic energies within the infant.

The ethereal messages continued their narration.

[Bloodline Awakening Progress: 50%]

[Host is exhibiting remarkable resilience to the awakening process.]

[Lucifer Morningstar Bloodline merging with the host's essence.]

The pain, though intense, began to transform into a sensation of power surging through Meghnad's tiny form. His cries shifted from distress to a resolute determination, as if he, even in his infancy, understood the significance of this awakening.

[Bloodline Awakening Progress: 75%]

[Host's essence successfully integrating with the Lucifer Morningstar Bloodline.]

The glow surrounding Meghnad intensified, casting a warm and ethereal light that danced in harmony with the cosmic energies. Mandodari, Vibhishana, and Shurpanakha exchanged glances, sensing the profound nature of the moment.

[Bloodline Awakening Progress: 100%]

[Lucifer Morningstar Bloodline Awakening Complete]

As the ethereal messages declared the completion of the awakening, the radiant glow subsided, leaving Meghnad in a state of calm. But then a tingling sensation spread inside his body which started focusing on his backside like something was trying to come out of him.

The tingling sensation intensified, and Mandodari, with a mix of concern and curiosity, carefully turned Meghnad over. To their astonishment, on the infant's back, a tiny pair of ethereal wings emerged. These wings, delicate yet imbued with celestial and demonic energies, fluttered gently as if adjusting to their newfound existence.

The room fell into a momentary hush as the trio, Mandodari, Vibhishana, and Shurpanakha, beheld the miraculous sight of the ethereal wings on Meghnad's back. The cosmic blend of celestial and demonic energies radiated from the delicate wings, creating a mesmerizing display.

Mandodari, overcome with a mixture of awe and concern, gently touched the ethereal wings. The touch was tender as if affirming the reality of this extraordinary manifestation. Vibhishana and Shurpanakha, too, approached cautiously, their eyes reflecting the profound nature of Meghnad's awakening.

"He bears the mark of both celestial and demonic realms," Vibhishana remarked, his voice filled with a blend of reverence and contemplation.

Shurpanakha nodded in agreement, "The balance of powers within him is truly exceptional. It's as if he embodies the cosmic harmony that Brahma Dev spoke of."

As the trio observed the infant with the ethereal wings, Meghnad's eyes, now open and radiant, met theirs. There was a depth in those eyes, a wisdom beyond the understanding of an ordinary child. It was as if the very essence of the celestial and demonic forces had intertwined within him, granting him a unique perspective.

The ethereal messages continued their narration in Meghnad's mind.

[Lucifer Morningstar Bloodline: Awakened]

[Host gains the abilities of celestial and demonic origin, including enhanced senses, and manipulation of celestial and hellish energies for now.]

[Fallen Angel Bloodline Potential: Latent]

[Host may awaken the fallen angel bloodline within the Lucifer Morningstar lineage through experiences and challenges.]


[Amaravati, Svarga]

Amaravati—The capital city of Svarga also known as the 'City Of The Immortals' stood as a magnificent testament to celestial grandeur. The divine city, adorned with ethereal palaces and celestial gardens, gleamed with a radiant glow under the eternal sunlight that bathed Svarga in perpetual brilliance.

But a palace much grander than others stood at the epicenter of the city, where Devraj Indra, the ruler of Svarga, resided. The palace, with its intricate architecture and shimmering golden spires, exuded an aura of divine authority.

Inside the grand hall of the palace, Lord Indra sat on his celestial throne, surrounded by other prominent Devas enjoying the evergoing dance of Apsaras (The celestial singers and dancers) and the soothing melodies played by celestial musicians. The air was filled with the fragrance of celestial flowers, and the atmosphere resonated with the divine energies that permeated Amaravati.

However, amidst the apparent serenity, Lord Indra's expression bore a tinge of concern. The recent conflict with the Asuras had left its mark on the celestial realms, and the divine order dictated that introspection and resolution were necessary.

As Lord Indra contemplated the events that transpired, a radiant figure materialized in the grand hall. It was Agni, the celestial god of fire, his form aglow with an inner flame.

"Devraj Indra," Agni spoke with a respectful bow, "I bring news from the mortal realm."

Indra, acknowledging Agni's presence, gestured for him to continue.

"The conflict between the Devas and Asuras has come to a temporary halt," Agni reported. "Brahma, the creator, has declared a ceasefire for ten years. The cosmic decree emphasizes the need for peace and reflection."

Indra, absorbing the information, leaned forward on his celestial throne. The celestial beings in the grand hall paused their activities, sensing the gravity of the news.

"A ceasefire decreed by Brahma himself," Indra mused, his brows furrowed in contemplation. "This conflict has indeed taken an unprecedented turn. What led to such a decision?"

Agni, the bearer of news, replied, "The celestial and demonic forces clashed in a manner that disrupted the cosmic order. Brahma deemed it necessary to intervene and restore balance. Shani Dev and Ravana have been instructed to reflect on their actions during this period of peace."

Indra nodded, recognizing the significance of Brahma's intervention. The cosmic balance was delicate, and any disruption could have far-reaching consequences. The grand hall, once filled with the harmonious melodies of Apsaras, now echoed with a thoughtful hush.

"Then tell me at least the child has been taken care of right?"

"That..." Agni hesitated for a moment before responding, "No, Devraj Indra. The child who has been named, Meghnad, still lives."



Indra's thunderous voice echoed through the grand hall, causing a ripple of unease among the celestial beings. The mention of Meghnad, the name associated with the roar of clouds, stirred a deep resonance within the celestial ruler.




*To Be Continued*


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