Chapter No.9 Indra's Cunning Plan (1)

[Amaravati, Svarga]

"Devraj, We can't do anything to the child for ten years. Otherwise, Brahma Dev will intervene again but this time as the initiator we will face dire consequences," Agni advised, his tone a blend of caution and diplomacy.

Indra, though visibly agitated, understood the implications of Brahma's decree. The cosmic order demanded adherence, even if it meant restraining the celestial forces.

But a cunning glint appeared in Indra's eyes, a spark of devious intention. "Agni Dev, we can not act directly against the child, But if we offer a veil of Amrita to Danavas for killing the Asura prince, we can indirectly influence the events. Amrita, the nectar of immortality, is a potent lure for the Danavas. If they take the bait, it might lead to both of their downfall. Due to Danava's action cosmic order will once again be disturbed, and we, as Devas, can act in response to restore balance. Hence two birds with one stone, as they say."

'Sometimes my geniuses scare even me~'

The celestial court in Amaravati was abuzz with activity as Lord Indra's devious plan unfolded. The suggestion to use the allure of Amrita as bait for the Danavas revealed a calculated strategy to indirectly influence the events in the mortal realm without violating Brahma's decree.

Agni, though aware of the potential consequences, nodded in agreement with Lord Indra's plan. "Devraj, your strategic acumen has always been unparalleled. The prospect of luring the Danavas with Amrita may indeed lead to a chain of events that works in our favor."

Indra, his gaze fixed on the celestial realm's cosmic map, contemplated the intricacies of the plan. The delicate dance between the celestial and demonic forces required finesse and subtlety, and Indra intended to exploit every nuance.

"Prepare a portion of Amrita, Agni, and send a messenger to the Danava kingdom. Let them believe that this is a gesture of reconciliation, a token of peace to mend the recent conflicts," Lord Indra commanded.

Agni bowed and disappeared in a flicker of celestial flames, carrying out Lord Indra's instructions. The celestial beings in the grand hall, still recovering from the shock of the recent conflict, watched as the cosmic drama unfolded.


[Lankapuri, Kingdom of Lanka]

'Those wings,'

Ravana was looking at them with a mixture of pride and contemplation. The celestial and demonic energies that now coursed through Meghnad's being had manifested in the form of ethereal wings on his back. The delicate wings, pulsating with cosmic energy, seemed to symbolize the balance between the celestial and demonic realms within the infant.

"Brother," Vibhishana spoke, breaking the contemplative silence in the room, "Meghnad's awakening is truly extraordinary. The balance of powers within him is unprecedented. It's as if he is destined to bridge the gap between our realms."

Ravana still fixated on Meghnad's ethereal wings, nodded in acknowledgment. The implications of Meghnad's unique heritage were both fascinating and daunting. The cosmic forces that flowed through his veins were potent, and Ravana understood the responsibility that came with nurturing such power.




[Loading Status...Please wait.]

[Name: Meghnad]

[Age: 1 Days]

[Race: Royal Asura]

[Sub-Race: Devil]

[Bloodline: Lucifer Morningstar's Bloodline]

[Title: Prince Of Lanka, The Devil]

[Powerlevel: None]

[Devil Points: 60]

Meghnad looked at his status panel while lying on the bed in his mother's chamber. As his gaze turned towards the new title 'The Devil', he felt a mixture of curiosity and understanding. But still, he wanted to know its details.

'Eve, I got the title because of the bloodline right?'

[Host is correct.]

[Loading Title Description...Please wait.]

[Title: The Devil]

[Description: Due to his immense pride and pride being one of the major sins, Lucifer Morningstar became the template for the devil figure in various mythologies. The Devil's title is a reflection of the host's lineage, embodying the essence of Lucifer Morningstar's bloodline. It signifies the unique blend of celestial and demonic powers within the host, making him a formidable force with the potential to influence both realms.]

Meghnad absorbed the information, realizing that his title was a direct reflection of his bloodline—Lucifer Morningstar's bloodline. The significance of being the Prince of Lanka and inheriting the Devil's title added a layer of complexity to his identity.

'Show Skills and Abilities Tab.'

[Loading Skills and Abilities Tab...Please Wait.]

[1. Asura Physiology]

[2. Power of Destruction(Basic)]

[3. ??? Mark: ??? ???]

[4. Celestial Energy Manipulation: Latent - It is currently dormant and will awaken as the host's understanding and mastery of his celestial grows. Celestial Energy Manipulation holds the key to accessing and channeling celestial forces.]

[5. Demonic Energy Manipulation: Latent - It is currently dormant and will awaken as the host's understanding and mastery of his demonic grows. Demonic Energy Manipulation holds the key to accessing and channeling Demonic forces.]

[6. Ethereal Wings: The wings are a manifestation of the celestial and demonic energies within the host. They provide the ability to fly and are an indicator of the unique balance within the host's bloodline.]

[7. Devil Face: It is an ability entirely of a demonic nature, When used the host's face transforms into a horrifying demonic visage, instilling fear and intimidation in those who witness it. The effect increases on individuals with more sins.]

[8. Celestial Charm: Latent - It is currently dormant and will awaken as the host grows.]

Meghnad, having examined his skills and abilities, felt a sense of anticipation for the latent powers waiting to be unlocked within him. The celestial and demonic forces coursing through his veins held untapped potential, and he was eager to explore and harness these abilities.

'I have to wait till, I grow maybe 3 to 4 years old to even try the practice.'


[Amaravati, Svarga]

The celestial court was in motion as Lord Indra's plan unfolded. Agni returned, carrying a portion of Amrita. The celestial flames flickered as he approached Lord Indra with the elixir of immortality.

"Devraj, the Amrita is prepared as per your instructions," Agni reported, presenting the divine substance in a crystalline chalice.

Indra, with a calculated smile, took the chalice. "Dispatch a messenger immediately. Let the Danavas believe that we extend an olive branch, a gesture of peace."

"I have already prepared a trusted deva of our court to carry the message. He will deliver it to the Danava kingdom with the utmost discretion," Agni assured, understanding the sensitivity of the mission.

"Oh, Who?"

Agni bowed before Lord Indra and responded, "It's Ketu, a skilled messenger and diplomat among the Devas. His discretion and ability to navigate through the realms make him an ideal choice for such a delicate task."

"Very well. Ketu shall be our emissary in this delicate matter. Ensure that he understands the gravity of the situation, Agni," Lord Indra instructed, handing the crystalline chalice to Ketu, who had now appeared in the celestial court.

Ketu, with a respectful bow, accepted the task. "My Lord, I shall carry out this mission with the utmost care and discretion. The message shall be delivered as if it were the whispers of the wind, leaving no trace behind."

"Go, and may your journey be swift and unnoticed," Lord Indra commanded, and Ketu vanished in the blink of an eye, embarking on his mission to deliver the veiled offer of Amrita to the Danavas.


[Kalkeya Danava Clan]

In the dark and foreboding realm of the Kalkeya Danava Clan, the atmosphere was heavy with the essence of otherworldly power. The rugged landscape, dominated by jagged peaks and molten rivers, echoed with the sounds of demonic incantations.

As Ketu, the chosen emissary of the Devas, materialized in the heart of the Danava territory, he felt the weight of his mission. The air itself seemed to pulse with malevolence as demonic sentinels eyed him with suspicion.

In the central citadel, adorned with ominous symbols and guarded by fierce Danava warriors, Ketu was ushered into the presence of the Danava King, Vritra. The imposing figure of Vritra, with his multiple heads and arms, exuded an aura of ancient power.

"What brings a Deva emissary to the heart of our dominion?" Vritra's voice rumbled like distant thunder as he regarded Ketu with a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

Ketu, maintaining his composure, spoke with a carefully measured tone. "Great King Vritra, I come with a message from Lord Indra, the ruler of Svarga. In a gesture of peace and reconciliation, he extends an offering of Amrita."

The mention of Amrita stirred the interest of Vritra and the assembled Danava nobles. The elixir of immortality was a coveted substance, and its allure had the potential to sway even the most hardened hearts.

"Amrita, you say?" Vritra's eyes gleamed with avarice. "Speak, Deva, what terms does Lord Indra propose? And why does he seek reconciliation after the recent conflict?"

Ketu, choosing his words carefully, presented the crystalline chalice containing the divine elixir. "Lord Indra wishes to mend the recent conflicts and restore a semblance of balance between our realms. This Amrita is offered as a token of goodwill, a chance for both Devas and Danavas to coexist without further discord."

Vritra's many eyes scrutinized the emissary, gauging the sincerity of his words. After a moment of contemplation, he extended a multi-fingered hand to accept the chalice. "Tell Lord Indra that we shall consider his offer. Our decision will be conveyed in due time."




*To Be Continued*


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