Chapter No.11 Arunasura

[Lankapuri, Kingdom of Lanka]

[Days Passed]

"You will be with little prince all the time, His every need shall be taken care of, and his safety is of utmost importance," Vibhishana, with a stern yet caring expression, emphasized the importance of safeguarding Meghnad, the newborn Asura prince. The young maid, a servant chosen for her diligence and loyalty, nodded earnestly.

"Yes, Lord Vibhishana, I understand the gravity of my responsibility. I shall ensure the prince's well-being and safety with utmost dedication," she assured, her voice reflecting a sincere commitment.

This maid has been selected especially due to her young age, But her age shouldn't be a factor to underestimate her, Because she is one of the most elite assassins of the Asuras. Vibhishana, aware of the maid's true identity and capabilities, entrusted her with the crucial task of safeguarding Meghnad while maintaining the facade of a caring servant.


Meghnad's cooing interrupted the conversation, drawing the attention of both Vibhishana and the maid. The newborn prince, nestled in a cradle adorned with intricate demonic symbols, seemed blissfully unaware of the cosmic events unfolding around him.

Vibhishana approached the cradle and gently picked up the infant with a gentle smile on his face, "Little nephew, you are the hope of our people, the bridge between realms. May your journey be guided by balance and wisdom."

As Vibhishana held Meghnad, the young maid watched with a mixture of awe and reverence. The delicate balance of celestial and demonic energies within the newborn prince fascinated her. She understood the importance of her role in ensuring his safety.

Vibhishana handed Meghnad to the maid, instructing her, "Keep him close and remember, his safety is paramount. The cosmic forces within him make him a target, and we must be vigilant."

The young maid cradled Meghnad with utmost care, nodding in acknowledgment of the responsibility entrusted to her. Vibhishana, with a final reassuring gaze at the infant, left the chamber to attend to other matters. The room fell into a hushed silence as the maid began her vigil over the newborn Asura prince.

"Greetings, Yuvraj (Prince) I am Kavya. From now on I will be taking care of and protecting you with all my heart," Kavya whispered to the infant, her eyes gleaming with faint adoration. Meghnad, in his innocent facade, seemed to respond with a contented gurgle.

[Image Here]


[Amaravati, Svarga]

In Svarga, the celestial court remained abuzz with anticipation. Lord Indra, reclining on his celestial throne, occasionally glanced at the cosmic map, contemplating the unfolding events. The emissaries were expected to return soon, carrying the Danavas' decision on both the broader alliance and the peculiar request concerning Meghnad.

As the emissaries materialized once again in the celestial court, led by Ketu, a ripple of expectation swept through the assembly. Lord Indra, with a composed demeanor, focused his attention on the lead emissary.

"Welcome back, emissaries of the Danavas. Speak, for the cosmic realms await your decision," Lord Indra declared, his gaze penetrating yet composed.

The lead emissary, conveying a sense of gravity in his tone, addressed Lord Indra, "Lord Indra, the Council of Danavas has deliberated on the alliance proposal and the matter of the asura prince, Meghnad. Our decision is reached with careful consideration of the delicate balance between our realms."

The celestial court held its collective breath as the emissary continued, "The Danavas acknowledge your proposal for a non-aggression pact and cooperation in shared knowledge and resources. We are open to the prospect of a peaceful coexistence that respects the autonomy of both Devas and Danavas."

A subtle murmur of approval resonated in the celestial court. Indra, with a measured nod, acknowledged the positive response to the alliance proposal.

"As for the matter of Meghnad, the Council of Danavas recognizes the potential threat foretold in the prophecy. We agree to cooperate in averting this threat, with a few conditions," the lead emissary added.

Indra, maintaining his composure, gestured for the emissary to continue. The delicate negotiations were entering a critical phase, and each condition presented added layers of complexity to the alliance.

"The Danavas are willing to kill off the Asura Prince, Meghnad. However, We would need Divine Astras because to reach the prince we would first need to face Asura King Ravana himself. And everyone here knows what happens to the ones to challenge the Asura King. Hence, we request the Devas to provide us with powerful Divine Astras that can ensure the success of this mission without direct confrontation with Ravana," the lead emissary stated.

Lord Indra's countenance remained unchanged, his expression a mask of thoughtful consideration. The request for powerful Divine Astras presented a strategic challenge, and Indra knew that the delicate balance of power hinged on the decisions made in that celestial court.

"Your request is not without its complexities," Indra spoke, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "Divine Astras are potent instruments of cosmic power, and their deployment requires careful consideration. However, if the Danavas are committed to averting the prophecy, we shall engage in a cooperative effort."

Indra turned his gaze to Agni, the Divine Fire, who stood at his side. "Agni, prepare the Divine Astras requested by the Danavas. Ensure they possess the necessary potency to fulfill their mission. However, make it clear that these Astras are to be used solely for the purpose of averting the prophecy concerning Meghnad."

Agni, with a bow, acknowledged Lord Indra's command. The flames surrounding him flickered and danced with newfound intensity as he prepared the Divine Astras for the Danava emissaries.

"As for the broader alliance, we accept the terms proposed by the Danavas," Indra declared, shifting the focus back to the alliance negotiations. "Let this cooperative framework be a testament to the potential harmony between our realms. The cosmic balance shall guide our actions."

The lead emissary, expressing gratitude, bowed respectfully. "Lord Indra, we appreciate your cooperation and understanding. The Danavas are committed to the success of this alliance and the joint efforts in averting the prophecy. May the realms find a path of mutual understanding and peace."

The emissaries, carrying the assurance of Divine Astras, departed from the celestial court, leaving behind an atmosphere charged with both anticipation and uncertainty.

Indra, reclining on his celestial throne, contemplated the intricate dance of diplomacy that had unfolded. The alliance with the Danavas, while a potential source of stability, introduced new dynamics that required careful navigation.


[Kalkeya Danava Clan]

In the dark and foreboding realm of the Kalkeya Danava Clan, the emissaries returned bearing the news of their negotiations with the Devas. King Vritra, seated at the center of the Council of Danavas, awaited the report with a stoic expression.

"The negotiations have yielded positive results, my king," the lead emissary conveyed, "The Devas have accepted our proposal for a non-aggression pact and cooperation in shared knowledge and resources. The alliance, with its terms, has been approved."

Vritra nodded, acknowledging the success of the diplomatic mission. The delicate dance between the celestial and demonic realms seemed to be proceeding, albeit with caution.

"As for the matter of the asura prince, Meghnad," the emissary continued, "The Devas have agreed to cooperate in averting the prophecy. They will provide us with powerful Divine Astras to ensure the success of the mission without direct confrontation with Asura King Ravana."

A murmur of approval echoed through the Council of Danavas. The prospect of Divine Astras, potent cosmic weapons, added a significant advantage to their mission.

"However," the emissary added, "It is crucial to emphasize that these Astras are to be used solely for the purpose of averting the prophecy concerning Meghnad. Any other use may jeopardize the fragile alliance between our realms."

Vritra, his multiple eyes narrowing in concentration, understood the implications of this condition. The delicate balance between cooperation and potential conflict required careful adherence to the terms agreed upon.

"We shall convey our acceptance of these terms to the Devas. The Council of Danavas acknowledges the importance of maintaining trust in this alliance," Vritra declared, his deep voice resonating through the dimly lit chamber.

"Call Arunasura, Tell him it's important."

[Few Hours Later]

In the heart of the Kalkeya Danava Clan, the passage of time saw preparations intensify for the mission to avert the prophecy concerning Meghnad. Arunasura, a formidable warrior and trusted general of King Vritra, received the summons to the Council of Danavas. As he made his way to the chamber, a sense of purpose emanated from the dark corridors of the Kalkeya realm.

Entering the council chamber, Arunasura approached King Vritra with a respectful bow. "My King, you summoned me. How may I serve the interests of the Danavas?"

King Vritra, his towering form radiating authority, addressed Arunasura, "A crucial task lies ahead, and your role in this mission is of utmost importance,"

"You are to infiltrate Lankapuri, the capital city of Lanka, and eliminate the young Yuvraj Meghnad. The Devas will provide us with Divine Astras to aid in this endeavor, but caution is paramount. The alliance with the Devas is fragile, and any deviation from the agreed-upon terms may jeopardize the delicate balance we've achieved," King Vritra emphasized, his voice resonating with authority.

Arunasura, bowing once again, affirmed his understanding, "My King, I shall execute this mission with utmost precision and discretion. The success of this alliance and the fate of our realms rest on my shoulders."

As Arunasura left the council chamber, he began formulating a plan to navigate the intricate defenses of Lankapuri and reach the Asura prince without alerting the formidable forces that guarded him. The Divine Astras provided by the Devas would be instrumental in overcoming any magical barriers or protections surrounding Meghnad.




*To Be Continued*


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