Chapter No.12 Mandatory Quest!

Arunasura, with a mind sharp as the edge of a divine weapon, delved into the strategic intricacies of his mission. He knew that infiltrating Lankapuri and reaching the well-guarded Yuvraj Meghnad required not only physical prowess but also a deep understanding of the magical defenses surrounding the capital city.

Days turned into nights as Arunasura meticulously planned his approach. The emissaries from the Devas, led by Ketu, arrived in the Kalkeya realm with the promised Divine Astras. These cosmic weapons were imbued with celestial power, capable of piercing through even the most formidable mystical barriers. Arunasura, recognizing their potency, studied each Astra with reverence, aware of the responsibility they carried.

"The success of this mission depends on the effectiveness of these Astras," Arunasura thought to himself as he observed the radiant glow emanating from the cosmic weapons.

King Vritra, overseeing the preparations, addressed Arunasura with a stern yet measured tone, "Arunasura, the fragile alliance between our realms hinges on the fulfillment of this mission. The Devas have shown a rare cooperation, and any misstep on our part may lead to disastrous consequences."

"I am aware, my King. I shall tread with utmost caution and execute the mission with precision," Arunasura affirmed, the weight of responsibility evident in his voice.

As the emissaries departed, carrying the assurance of the Danavas' acceptance of the terms, Arunasura delved into the shadows, concealing himself from prying eyes. His journey towards Lankapuri would involve navigating treacherous landscapes, avoiding celestial sentinels, and bypassing mystical wards that shielded the Asura prince.


[Meanwhile, in Lankapuri]

Kavya, the young maid and elite assassin entrusted with the safety of Yuvraj Meghnad, moved gracefully through the chambers of the palace. Her eyes, alert and watchful, scanned for any signs of potential threats. The celestial and demonic energies within Meghnad created a subtle but palpable aura that could be sensed by those attuned to such forces.

'Little Yuvraj is showing signs of trying to crawl on his own,' Kavya thought, observing Meghnad's movements in the cradle. The infant, with tiny hands reaching out and legs kicking in excitement, seemed eager to explore the world around him.

[Meghnad's POV]

It's been some days since I was born and killed that man who was a Deva from the talks of my family. Oh~ from family I remember did I mention that my mother and aunt are so beautiful if not then listen they are so beautiful that even the models from my previous life look like beggars and that too without any makeup or any surgeries~, and my uncle Vibhishana is always carrying me with such care. I like the gentle sway of his arms; it feels like a comforting lullaby. But there's also someone else who takes care of me, a young maid named Kavya. She whispers soothing words and protects me with a watchful eye.

A soft giggle escaped Meghnad as he tried to make sense of the world around him. The faces of those caring for him became familiar, and he found comfort in the gentle touch of Kavya, his assigned protector.

Kavya, though maintaining her role as a maid, couldn't help but feel a growing connection with the young Yuvraj. She marveled at the delicate balance of celestial and demonic energies within him, a balance that held the key to both hope and potential danger.

As my attempts at crawling became more pronounced, Kavya gently scooped me up from the cradle, cradling me in her arms. "Oh, little Yuvraj, eager to explore, aren't we?" she whispered with a warm smile, the adoration in her eyes reflecting genuine affection.

I continued to giggle, my innocent laughter filling the chamber. But my giggle was interrupted by the notification alert from the system.

[Ding! A Quest]

[It is a Mandatory Quest]

[Name: Assassination Attempt]

[Main Objective: Defend yourself]

[Opitional Objective: Defeat or Kill the Assassin(0/1)]

[Reward: 100 Devil Points, Free Ability Wheel Spin x1]

[Opitional Reward: Unlock New System Feature]

[Accept or Accept?]

I deadpanned at 'Accept or Accept?' with the expression that screams 'Seriously? What choice do I have.'


[Accept. Hehe~]

'You enjoy seeing me like this right, Eve?'

[I don't know what the host is on about~]

'I- anyway forgot about that, But seriously what is this assassination attempt? I am a child for god's sake, And I smell that cowardly shocker's involvement in all this shit.'

[That's for you to find out m dear host~]

'H-Hey stop using that tone, Otherwise I will call the child harassment association on the multiverse level and then you are d-doomed hmph!'

[My master~ is benevolent he wouldn't do that to this poor and weak system spirit right?]

'Right, W-Wait system spirit? I thought you were the AI of the System.'

[That's a conversation for another time, dear host~ Now, let's see how you handle this quest.]


[Outside Lankapuri]

Outside the walls of Lankapuri, concealed within the shadows, Arunasura, the skilled Danava assassin, prepared for his infiltration. Clad in dark, form-fitting attire that melded seamlessly with the shadows, he blended into the night, becoming one with the darkness.

The Divine Astras provided by the Devas hung at his side, their radiant glow subdued in the cover of his cloak. Each step Arunasura took echoed the assurance of a predator closing in on its prey. His eyes, sharp as a serpent's gaze, surveyed the magical defenses that enveloped Lankapuri.

The city was not just a fortress of stone and mortar; it was fortified with powerful mystical wards and demonic guardians. Arunasura, however, had studied these defenses meticulously, identifying the weak points that would allow him to slip through unnoticed.

Arunasura approached the city walls, where the mystical barriers hummed with potent energy. He extended a hand, feeling the vibrations and identifying the threads of magical energy interwoven into the protective layers.

"It's a delicate dance of energies," Arunasura murmured to himself, his fingers gently tracing the arcane patterns in the air. "But I've danced with greater forces than these."

The first Divine Astra-A silvery dagger manifested in Arunasura's hand as he channeled his intention into a focused form. Its blade glowed with celestial energy, capable of cutting through both physical and mystical barriers. Arunasura raised the dagger, and with a swift, precise motion, he aimed it at a specific point where the magical defenses seemed to intersect.


The celestial dagger cut through the magical threads like a hot knife through butter. The once-protected space now shimmered with a faint residue of disrupted energy. Arunasura moved through the opening, his form slipping through the weakened barrier.

As Arunasura navigated through the mystical barriers surrounding Lankapuri, he continued to rely on a combination of stealth, magical finesse, and the potent power of the Divine Astras. The city, adorned with demonic symbols and guarded by supernatural forces, presented a formidable challenge that Arunasura approached with calculated precision.

"There are several Rathi level Sainik(Soldier) patrolling the streets, and the Watchers, with their keen senses, are on high alert," Arunasura observed, his eyes scanning the surroundings. The Divine Astras at his side remained ready, their celestial energy pulsating in anticipation.

A shadowy figure, Arunasura moved with the grace of a seasoned assassin, avoiding the watchful eyes of the demonic sentinels. The city streets were winding, and the towering structures cast long shadows, providing ample cover for his stealthy advance.

Within the palace, Kavya continued to cradle Meghnad, unaware of the impending threat that lurked in the shadows. The infant, sensing the subtle shifts in the cosmic energies around him, fidgeted in Kavya's arms.

Little did she know that her role as a protector was about to be put to the test.

As Arunasura advanced through the mystical barriers, he reached the inner sanctum of Lankapuri, where the heart of the demonic city lay. The palace, a grand structure adorned with demonic motifs, loomed ahead. The task at hand was clear - infiltrate the palace and reach the Yuvraj Meghnad.

Arunasura observed the palace from the shadows, evaluating the patterns of patrol, the positions of the sentinels, and the potential points of entry. The Divine Astras at his side resonated with power, awaiting the moment of their deployment.

As Arunasura advanced, he noticed the faint traces of magical wards that enveloped the palace. These protective barriers were designed to repel any unauthorized entry, and breaching them required both finesse and power.

"I need to disable the wards without alerting the sentinels," Arunasura whispered to himself, contemplating the most strategic approach. The second Divine Astra—a shimmering bow materialized in his hands, its string made of ethereal light.

Aiming at the magical wards, Arunasura drew the bowstring with precision. The celestial arrows, formed from pure cosmic energy, shot forth, piercing through the protective barriers. Each arrow disrupted the magical threads that maintained the wards, rendering them temporarily inactive.

A subtle sigh of relief escaped Arunasura as he passed through the disabled wards and approached the palace gates. However, the challenges were far from over. The interior of the palace, with its intricate corridors and guarded chambers, posed new obstacles that required careful navigation.

As Arunasura silently traversed the palace, his keen senses detected the faint presence of the young Asura prince, Meghnad. The cosmic energies emanating from the prince served as a guide, leading Arunasura toward the heart of the royal residence.




*To Be Continued*


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