Chapter No.14 Soul Extraction

'So that was the reason huh~'


[Does the host want to extract the soul?]


'And what will happen if I were to do it?'

[His soul would be extracted and the host would be given two options.]

'And the options would be?'

A new panel appeared in front of Meghnad:

[Ding! Soul Extraction Options]

[Option 1: Absorb the extracted soul. Gain a portion of the deceased's abilities and sometimes memories too.]

[Option 2: Revive the slain person as the Devil Soldier under your command. Set a trigger word for revival.]

[Please choose one option: 1 / 2]

Meghnad hesitated, weighing the consequences of each choice. After a moment of contemplation, he made his decision.

'Option 2. Revive him as a Devil Soldier. Set the trigger word as "Arise".'

[Ding! Soul Extraction Successful]

[The soul of Arunasura has been extracted and bound to your command as a Devil Soldier.]

[Trigger Word for Revival: "Arise"]

A dim light enveloped the dissipating remnants of Arunasura, and his form began to emit red smoke like a spectral mist.


The spectral mist gathered and coalesced into a figure. A shadowy humanoid with red glowing eyes and crimson streaks running all over its form materialized before Meghnad. Arunasura, now transformed into a Devil Soldier, knelt before the young Yuvraj.


Only then did Meghnad see Kavya stupefied looking at the scene before her.

[Host can store the devil soldiers inside his shadow, Almost no one can sense them in shadows. Trigger word: "Comeback"]


As Meghnad uttered the trigger word, Arunasura, the newly transformed Devil Soldier, dissipated into a smoky essence and vanished into Meghnad's shadow.

Kavya, still trying to comprehend the surreal events that unfolded before her, finally managed to speak, "Yuvraj, what... what just happened?"


The chamber returned to an eerie calmness as Meghnad settled back into the cradle, his celestial and demonic energies once again in harmony. The radiant wings retracted, disappearing as if they were never there.


As if on cue Ravana, the mighty king of the Asuras and father of Yuvraj Meghnad, stormed into the chamber. His towering form exuded authority, and the air seemed to thicken with his presence.

'Talk about getting late~'

Ravana's gaze shifted between the bewildered Kavya, the seemingly innocent Meghnad in the cradle, and the headless body lying on the ground near the cradle. His eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation, and the air itself seemed to tense with the weight of his scrutiny.

Kavya, still recovering from the shock of the recent events, tried to find the right words. "My Lord, there was an intruder, an emissary named Arunasura. He attempted to harm Yuvraj Meghnad."


Ravana's rage echoed through the chamber, his demonic aura intensifying. The very air seemed to tremble under his wrath. His gaze shifted between Kavya and Meghnad, a mixture of concern and fury etched on his features.

"You did a great job protecting my son grr..."

Kavya directly knelt bowing her head, "Kavya, Number:1024 Elite Assassin Force."

Ravana's expression softened as he acknowledged Kavya's loyalty and skill. "Rise, Kavya, Elite Assassin Force. You have proven your worth tonight."



Mandodari ran past Ravana and Kavya, her eyes filled with concern as she reached Meghnad's cradle. She cradled him in her arms, checking for any signs of harm.

"Is he alright? Has the intruder been dealt with?" Mandodari questioned with her motherly instincts in full force.

Ravana nodded, his anger still simmering beneath the surface. "The intruder has been taken care of, thanks to Kavya's swift action."

Mandodari looked at Meghnad with a mixture of relief and concern. "My precious, you had quite an eventful night, didn't you?"

Meghnad responded with a cheerful coo, seemingly oblivious to the tension that had filled the chamber just moments ago. His innocent gaze met Mandodari's, and a warm smile crossed her face.

Ravana, however, was not so easily placated. "I will not let this go unanswered. Danavas will pay for their audacity. Summon the council, and prepare for war."

Kavya, still processing the recent events, acknowledged Ravana's command. "As you command, my Lord."

Ravana turned towards his wife, "Mandodari take our son to our chambers and rest. I will join you shortly after addressing the council."

Mandodari nodded, cradling Meghnad protectively. She cast a grateful look towards Kavya, acknowledging her role in protecting their son.

As Mandodari left the chamber, Ravana's gaze lingered on the dissipating remnants of Arunasura's headless form. The air was thick with tension, and the upcoming war loomed over the Asura realm.

Kavya, now standing before Ravana, awaited his further instructions.

"Kavya, your loyalty and skill have proven invaluable tonight. Assemble a group of elite warriors. We must be prepared for any further attempts by the Danavas," Ravana commanded with a tone that brooked no disobedience.

"As you command, my Lord. The Elite Assassin Force stands ready," Kavya replied with a firm salute.

Ravana nodded, his mind already occupied with the looming conflict. The events of the night had set into motion a chain of consequences that would shape the destiny of the Asura realm.


[Kalkeya Danava Clan]

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'ARUNASURA IS DIED'?" King Vritra's roar resonated throughout the palace of Davanas. The news of Arunasura's demise spread like wildfire among the Danavas gathered in the grand hall. The atmosphere was tense, and the air thickened with a sense of foreboding.

"My King, his life crystal just scattered meaning he is no more. The emissary Arunasura, in his attempt to fulfill the mission, faced unexpected resistance," the messenger explained, his tone respectful yet tinged with caution.

King Vritra's eyes narrowed as he processed the information. The loss of Arunasura, a skilled and trusted emissary, was a blow to the delicate alliance between the Danavas and the Devas.

"Unexpected resistance, you say?" King Vritra's voice rumbled with a dangerous undertone. His gaze swept across the assembly of Danava commanders, each eyeing the others with a mix of curiosity and concern.

"What happened?" Vritra demanded, his eyes narrowing on Ketu, the Devas' emissary who had overseen the exchange of Divine Astras.

Ketu stepped forward, his demeanor composed. "Great King, Due to Brahma Dev's decree, Devas can't look past the barrier surrounding the Asura Realm. I assure you, we had no hand in this unforeseen turn of events. Arunasura faced resistance within Lankapuri itself, and the details are not clear."

Vritra's gaze shifted from Ketu to the gathered commanders. The air in the hall grew heavy with tension as the Danavas exchanged uneasy glances.

"Unforeseen resistance within Lankapuri," Vritra mused, his mind calculating the implications. "This changes the dynamics of our alliance with the Devas. Arunasura's mission was of utmost importance, and his failure puts us in a precarious position."

"But do you all know what is more terrifying?... Anyone?"

The hall fell silent as the Danava commanders awaited King Vritra's revelation. The weight of the situation hung in the air, and the anticipation was palpable.

"What is more terrifying," King Vritra continued, his voice carrying the weight of realization, "Is Asura King Ravana's wrath. What you do think he will do when someone attempts to kill his newborn son?"

The Danava commanders exchanged uneasy glances, realizing the gravity of the situation. The threat of Ravana's wrath was indeed a formidable force that could shake the very foundations of their realm.

"Ravana will not take this lightly. His wrath is like a tempest, and we are the ones who have stirred the storm," one of the commanders spoke, his voice filled with a mix of concern and realization.

King Vritra nodded solemnly. "Ravana, as a father, will seek retribution for the attempt on his son's life. Our actions have set in motion events that may lead to a war with the Asuras. The delicate alliance we sought with the Devas now teeters on the brink of collapse."

The atmosphere in the grand hall grew heavier, laden with the implications of their failed mission. The Danava commanders, now aware of the consequences, awaited King Vritra's decision on the path forward.

"Prepare for war," King Vritra declared, his voice echoing through the hall. "Summon our forces, strengthen our defenses, and be ready for the inevitable conflict. Ravana may be a formidable opponent, but we shall face him with the might of the Danava clan."

"We are on our own because Devas can't go against Asuras due to Brahma Dev's decree," Vritra said sarcastically looking toward Ketu.

The Danava commanders, though apprehensive, nodded in agreement with King Vritra's decision. The realization of impending war hung over them like a dark cloud, and the urgency to prepare for the inevitable clash with the Asuras became their paramount concern.

As the grand hall buzzed with activity, messengers were dispatched to relay the orders to various divisions of the Danava forces. The atmosphere was charged with a sense of urgency and anticipation.


[Lankapuri, Kingdom Of Lanka]

Inside the chambers of King Ravana and Queen Mandodari, Meghnad was lying in the new cradle prepared for him.

'Spin the Ability Wheel.'

[Loading Ability Wheel...Please wait.]

[Spin the roulette of Ability: 1]






*To Be Continued*


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