Chapter No.15 Hellforge


The Ability Wheel spun with a mesmerizing glow, and after a moment, it gradually slowed down. The light settled on a specific segment, revealing Meghnad's newly acquired ability.

[Vapula: Power over Lions]


A majestic roar resounded inside Meghnad's mind as mysterious energy flowed inside his body, Travelling every part and finally entering the heart of Meghnad.

Ba-dum~ Ba-dum~

The rhythmic beating of Meghnad's heart echoed in sync with the newfound power surging within him. The ability, Vapula: Power over Lions, bestowed upon him a connection with the regal beasts of the wild. As the energy settled, Meghnad felt a profound understanding and control over the essence of lions.

'Eve, Description please~'

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[Vapula: Power over Lions]

[An ability exclusive to the Vapula clan that has the title of the Great Duke, Being one of the highest-ranking among all 72 Pillars. As its name suggests, The Power over Lions is a type of ability that allows users to tame lions easily. It also grants the user powers of lions, such as enhanced strength, agility, and the ability to communicate with them telepathically. The user can summon and control lions at will, and the lions under their command gain supernatural abilities as well. The strength of this ability is directly linked to the user's affinity with lions and their understanding of the natural bond between the Vapula clan and these majestic creatures.]

'Mmm... Power over Lions, huh? Interesting.'

As Meghnad contemplated his newly acquired ability, a soft coo escaped him.

'Oh right, Eve can you show the description of that optional reward?'

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[An ancient and mystical forge of demonic origin, the Hellforge is a unique facility that refines the Devil Minions/Soldiers. The host has to put more than one Devil Soldier inside the Hellforge, Then the Devil Soldiers get refined in Hellfire. But the process is not without risks, as the Hellfire may devour weaker Devil Soldiers. Creating a single strong and much more powerful Devil soldier. The Hellforge can also be used to craft demonic weapons, armor, and artifacts using the essence of Devil Minions/Soldiers. The efficiency of the Hellforge depends on the quality and quantity of Devil Minions/Soldiers sacrificed in the process. It's a powerful tool, but its usage requires careful consideration.]

"The Hellforge could be a game-changer as well, but I need to be cautious about how I use it. Sacrificing Devil Minions comes with risks, and I'll need to carefully consider the quality and quantity to achieve the desired results without losing too much," Meghnad thought.

'But I only have one Devil Soldier for now, So let it be for now.'

"What is my little is doing?"

Meghnad turned around to find his aunt standing there with a curious expression. She looked at him with a mix of affection and w-what that intense emotion?

"Are you alright, My precious nephew?"

She asked while picking him up from the cradle.


'I can only giggle or chuckle, As my voice is still developing.'

"Oh! it's you, Sister-in-law," Mandodhari walked inside the chambers looking at Shurpanakha holding her son in her arms.

Mandodhari smiled warmly at Shurpanakha as she approached, her eyes filled with a mixture of love and concern. She gently touched Meghnad's cheek, her fingers brushing over his soft skin.

"He seems to be doing well, Shurpanakha. The energy around him is vibrant," Mandodhari remarked, her gaze shifting to the mesmerizing glow that still lingered around Meghnad.

"Did you hear that your brother is going to wage war on Danavas for trying to kill our precious Meghnad?"

Shurpanakha nodded in response to Mandodhari's comment, her eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and determination. "Yes, I heard. This incident has made it clear that we can't take the safety of our family for granted. Brother's decision to confront the Danavas is a necessary one."

Meghnad, in his infant form, cooed softly, seemingly aware of the conversation around him. Shurpanakha continued to cradle him with a gentle touch.


While inside the throne room, Ravana sat imposingly on the throne still fuming from just thinking about the recent events. His eyes glowed with a mixture of anger and determination.

The throne room was dimly lit, and the air carried the weight of tension as Ravana brooded over the recent events. His mind, usually sharp and strategic, now clouded with the anger of a protective father. The attempt on Meghnad's life had ignited a fury within him, and he was ready to unleash that wrath upon those responsible.

"Vibhishana!" Ravana's voice echoed through the chamber, resonating with authority. The younger brother promptly entered, bowing respectfully before the enraged king.

"My lord, what is your command?" Vibhishana inquired, maintaining a composed demeanor despite sensing the storm brewing within Ravana.

"We are going to war, Vibhishana. The Danavas have dared to threaten the life of my son, our future. This affront cannot go unanswered," Ravana declared, his words carrying the weight of his resolve.

Vibhishana nodded, acknowledging the severity of the situation. "I understand, my lord. What are your orders?"

"Prepare our forces. We march on the Danavas at once. I will not rest until they pay for this treachery," Ravana commanded, his eyes ablaze with determination.

"As you command, my lord. Our forces will be ready for the march," Vibhishana affirmed, bowing once again before leaving the throne room.

As preparations for war began, word spread throughout Lanka about the impending conflict. The atmosphere was charged with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. The citizens could feel the impending storm, and the very air seemed to vibrate with the tension of imminent battle.


[Amaravati, Svarga]

"HAHAHAHAHA!!!" A joyous laughter resounded through the celestial realm of Amaravati. Indra, the king of the Devas, stood with his divine council, sharing a moment of triumph.

"Indeed, our alliance with Danavas has borne fruit. The Danavas have stirred the wrath of the mighty Ravana by attempting to harm his son. This is the opportunity we've been waiting for," Indra proclaimed, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of satisfaction and anticipation.

The celestial realm of Amaravati buzzed with activity as the news of Ravana's impending war against the Danavas reached the divine ears. Indra, surrounded by his council, reveled in the unfolding events.

"Ravana's fury will make him a formidable opponent for the Danavas. This is our chance to weaken both sides and maintain the balance," one of Indra's council members remarked, a shrewd glint in their eyes.

Indra nodded in agreement, his expression thoughtful. "Indeed, we must seize this opportunity strategically. The turmoil in the mortal realm could create openings for us to assert our influence."

"But Devraj, If Tridev learned that it was your plan then?..." Angi Dev stood from his seat and expressed a note of caution. The celestial beings in Amaravati were well aware of the delicate balance between the forces of the Devas, Danavas, and other cosmic entities. Any overt interference could lead to consequences from the higher cosmic powers.

Indra, however, grinned confidently, brushing off the concern. "Let them speculate. We shall play our part discreetly, guiding events without direct involvement. The dance of destiny is intricate, and we are merely orchestrators in the grand scheme of things."

"But Devraj, what Agni Dev has spoken of is true too?" A Deva with dazzling brightness with under-control but overwhelming heat inquired. The concerned Deva's radiance contrasted sharply with Indra's composed demeanor.

Indra's gaze shifted from one concerned face to another, and he let out a hearty laugh. "My dear council, do you doubt the wisdom of your king? I've spent eons navigating the intricacies of cosmic politics. Rest assured, our involvement will be subtle, and the mortals will be none the wiser."

His words seemed to reassure the council, though a lingering sense of unease remained. The divine beings in Amaravati knew that even the slightest disturbance in the delicate balance of power could have far-reaching consequences.


"But nothing Surya Dev," Indra interjected, his tone firm. "We must act in accordance with the cosmic dance, each step calculated and precise. Our involvement will be like a gentle breeze, guiding the course of events without leaving a trace."

The council, though not entirely convinced, nodded in reluctant agreement. Indra's reputation as a skilled strategist and leader of the Devas had been earned over countless ages, and they deferred to his judgment.

"Very well, Devraj. We shall trust in your wisdom," Agni Dev conceded, though a flicker of concern remained in his fiery eyes.

"But you will be the one who will be held responsible as I humbly ask the council to bear witness to this decision," Surya Dev, the god of the sun, added with a solemn tone.

Indra, undeterred by the cautious words of his council, smiled confidently. "I accept the responsibility, Nothing will happen as we will emerge victorious."

'After killing off those evil creatures, My throne will remain secure.'

Indra thought while having a smirk on his face looking at the council the look that screams 'You fools!'.





*To Be Continued*


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