Chapter No.16 A Vision?

[Meghnad's POV]

"Mmm...Why is it dark?"

"I was clearly taking my baby power nap just a while ago."



But no reply came from my trusted AI.


"D-Did I die again?"

"T-That must be it. Someone might have assassinated me, But this time they have succeeded."


"I didn't even get to take my first steps in this life."


"Huh! Something is glowing there. Might as well look what it is."

As Meghnad's consciousness navigated the mysterious darkness, drawn towards the twinkling light, he felt a peculiar sensation. It was as if he was floating in a void, disconnected from any physical form. The twinkling light grew brighter, guiding him through the ethereal expanse.


A blinding light flashed, Which forced Meghnad to go blind momentarily.

Ahhh! Damnit!

Meghnad's senses slowly adjusted to the newfound brightness, and as the light faded, he found himself in a surreal landscape- No, It was a battlefield.

The air was thick with the scent of blood, and the ground was littered with the remnants of a fierce conflict. The clash of weapons, the roars of mythical beasts, and the shouts of warriors echoed through the air.


The voice echoed through the battlefield, but Meghnad couldn't discern the rest of the sentence. As he looked around, he saw celestial beings engaged in an intense battle. Gods and Unknown creatures clashed, each side fighting for supremacy.

Meghnad observed the chaos unfolding before him, his eyes widening with both awe and confusion. The clash between celestial beings painted a vivid picture of divine warfare.

"Is this a battle among gods?" Meghnad wondered aloud, though his voice seemed to echo into the vastness of the battlefield without receiving a response.

The combatants on the battlefield were wielding celestial weapons, each strike unleashing a cascade of energy that rippled through the air. As Meghnad continued to observe, he noticed a figure standing at the center of the conflict, radiating a brilliant aura.

"Shiva!" The name echoed through the battlefield again, and Meghnad's attention was drawn to a mighty figure adorned with serpents, his third eye gleaming with divine power.

The battle seemed to be a struggle for supremacy, with opposing forces seeking to assert their dominance over the cosmic order. The intensity of the clashes sent shockwaves through the fabric of the ethereal realm.

Meghnad, though initially overwhelmed by the spectacle, felt a strange connection to the unfolding events. It was as if he had been granted a glimpse into a celestial conflict that transcended the boundaries of time and space.

As he focused on Shiva, the lord of destruction, Meghnad sensed a powerful presence emanating from the deity. It was a force that commanded both reverence and fear, a force that resonated with the cosmic energies swirling around the battlefield.

Meghnad's eyes widened as he noticed the grievous wounds on Shiva's form. The wounds seemed to pulse with otherworldly energy, a testament to the ferocity of the battle. Despite the injuries, Shiva stood resolute, his gaze unwavering.

His opponent was-

Meghnad strained to see the identity of Shiva's opponent, but an obscure veil shrouded the figure in mystery. The battle between the two cosmic forces raged on, each clash of their divine powers sending shockwaves through the battlefield.

The voice that had called out to Shiva earlier resonated once again, revealing only fragments of the words. "SURRENDER NOW, OTHERWISE..."

Meghnad couldn't grasp the full message, and frustration gnawed at him. It was as if the fabric of reality itself prevented him from comprehending the complete picture.



A figure rushed toward Lord Shiva while unleasing a loud and majestic roar But just like before Meghnad could see nothing more. The scene before him blurred, and the battlefield dissolved into darkness once again.

"Was that a vision of the past, the present, or the future?" Meghnad pondered, his mind filled with questions. The experience left him both intrigued and perplexed as if he had glimpsed a fragment of a cosmic tapestry woven with threads of fate.

The void around him began to shimmer, and the twinkling light reappeared. This time, it was more subdued, guiding him back to consciousness.


Meghnad felt a gentle descent, like a feather floating downward. The darkness gave way to a soft glow, and his surroundings slowly materialized. He found himself back in the familiar chamber, lying in the cradle, with the mesmerizing glow fading away.


[Yes Host?]

'Did...Did you see that?'

[Is something the matter host? What are you talking about?]

'So Eve doesn't know anything about this. But what was that, Lord Shiva fighting someone in a war, and he was gravely injured too. And that figure...that roar was somewhat familiar...'

'Nothing Eve.'


[Kalkeya Danava Clan]

"Those Devas must have deceived us,"

The Kalkeya Danava Clan, leaders of the formidable Danava forces, gathered in their dark and foreboding citadel. The atmosphere was tense, and the leaders, with their imposing and monstrous forms, exchanged wary glances.

"Our alliance with the Devas has led to the wrath of Ravana. He marches against us with the fury of a thousand storms,"

An elder of the Kalkeya Danava Clan, a towering figure with multiple heads and a body covered in demonic armor, spoke with a deep, rumbling voice.

"The Devas played their cards well, using us as pawns in their cosmic game," another Danava hissed, the flames of anger flickering in its eyes.

"Remember we still have that veil of Amrita those Devas gave in the name of the alliance, We could use that." Another Danava said greed clear in his eyes.

The atmosphere in the Danava citadel was heavy with a mixture of frustration and strategic contemplation. The leaders of the Kalkeya Danava Clan, formidable in their own right, now found themselves facing the consequences of an alliance that seemed to have backfired.

"The Amrita veil could indeed be our trump card," the elder Danava mused, his multiple heads nodding in agreement. "But we must use it wisely. Ravana is no ordinary adversary, and we cannot afford any missteps."

"But who will drink it? Only one person can drink it."

The Danava leaders fell into contemplative silence, each assessing the others with a mixture of suspicion and ambition. The decision to determine who among them would consume the precious Amrita veil was a critical one.

On the throne, Vritra looked at everyone present as they eyed each other but overlooking his presence, he rose from his imposing seat. Vritra, the supreme leader of the Kalkeya Danava Clan, towered over the assembly. His serpentine form exuded an aura of command, and his eyes glowed with a calculating intelligence.

"The decision is mine to make," Vritra declared, his voice echoing through the chamber. "I will be the one to consume the Amrita veil. I will gain immortality and lead our forces against Ravana."

The other Danava leaders glanced at each other, some with approval and others with a hint of resentment. Vritra's decision, though bold, carried the weight of leadership, and the fate of the Danava forces rested on his shoulders.

"Let it be so," the elder Danava conceded, acknowledging Vritra's authority. "May the power of the Amrita veil grant you the strength to vanquish our enemies."

With a decisive nod, Vritra turned and made his way towards the chamber where the Amrita veil was kept. The others followed, their collective gaze fixed on the leader who would bear the burden of immortality in their quest against Ravana.

The chamber was filled with an ethereal glow as Vritra approached the pedestal holding the Amrita veil. The mystical liquid shimmered, its potency evident to anyone who beheld it.

Vritra extended his serpentine neck and delicately touched the surface of the Amrita veil.

As he did so, a surge of power coursed through his body. The feeling was exhilarating and overwhelming, like a torrent of energy that threatened to engulf him. Vritra closed his eyes, savoring the sensation as Amrita's essence merged with his being.

When he opened his eyes again, a radiant aura surrounded Vritra, and his serpentine form seemed to emanate a divine presence. The Amrita had transformed him into a being of immense power and immortality.

"I am ready," Vritra announced, his voice carrying a resonance that echoed through the citadel.

The other Danava leaders looked at Vritra with a mixture of awe and trepidation. The decision had been made, and the Kalkeya Danava Clan prepared to face the impending onslaught from Ravana's forces.


The laughter of Vritra, now infused with the power of the Amrita veil, reverberated through the Danava citadel. The once tense atmosphere gave way to a surge of confidence among the Danava leaders, bolstered by the assurance of their leader's newfound immortality.

The news of Vritra's transformation spread throughout the Danava forces, igniting a spark of hope in the face of Ravana's impending onslaught. The soldiers, demonic in form and formidable in strength, rallied under the banner of their invincible leader.




*To Be Continued*


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