Chapter No.17 Weakness of Amrita

Sorry for not uploading the chapters for a few days, I have some reasons.

Anyway, Here is the chapter.


[After a few months]

It's been four months to exact, Since the start of the war between Asuras and Danavas, And both are surprisingly playing their cards a bit slowly. Both Asura King Ravana and King Vritra are not entering the war themselves but are strategically deploying their forces, testing each other's strengths and weaknesses. The battlefield, once pristine, is now marred with the scars of countless skirmishes.

Like testing something but not yet committing to the full-scale confrontation. It's as if both sides are waiting for the opportune moment, observing and analyzing each other's moves.

Asura King Ravana wanted to directly end the war by slaughtering every single Danava from the face of the earth, But a valid reason from Vibhishana stopped him from doing that. Vibhishana, with his strategic mind, argued that a confrontation might lead Tridev to take action again and escalate the conflict to a cosmic scale. Ravana, though fueled by the rage of protecting his son Meghnad, saw the wisdom in Vibhishana's counsel and decided to bide his time.

On the other side, King Vritra, now infused with the power of the Amrita, felt a surge of confidence. The Danava forces, bolstered by their leader's newfound invincibility, continued to engage in calculated skirmishes with the Asura army. Vritra, however, understood the delicate balance of power and refrained from making any rash moves that could attract unwanted attention from higher cosmic forces.

The battlefield had become a dynamic chessboard, with each side making strategic moves and counter-moves. Both Ravana and Vritra were playing a dangerous game, where the stakes were not only the outcome of their war but the very balance of power in the cosmic realm.

But today Vritra lost his patience first due to his newly founded immorality, He decided to make a bold move. Vritra, with the confidence that came with his newfound invincibility, led a massive assault on the Asura army. The Danava forces, fueled by their leader's overwhelming power, surged forward with relentless determination.


The battlefield echoed with Vritra's thunderous challenge, the words carrying a mix of defiance and anger. The Asura forces, caught off guard by the sudden ferocity of the Danava assault, scrambled to regroup and mount a defense.

"YOU STUPID SNAKE IS NOT WORTHY OF MY MIGHTY BROTHER'S PRESENCE!!!" Kumbhakarna roared, leading the charge against the Danava forces. The clash between the two formidable armies intensified, with the battlefield becoming a chaotic battleground of magic, might, and monstrous creatures.

As the dust settled, Vritra stood tall, his serpentine form radiating with the aura of invincibility. The Danava forces, emboldened by their leader's prowess, pressed forward with renewed vigor.

Kumbhakarna's huge mace created craters with every attack killing tens and hundreds with every single swing of it. The ground shook beneath the impact, and the Asura army fought fiercely to withstand the onslaught. Despite the overwhelming might of Vritra and his Danava forces, Kumbhakarna, fueled by his loyalty to Ravana, stood like an unyielding mountain amid the chaos.

"Enough of this! I will crush you all!!!" Kumbhakarna bellowed, unleashing a powerful shockwave that sent Danavas flying.

Vritra, however, remained undeterred. His eyes glowed with the assurance of his newfound immortality, and he advanced toward Kumbhakarna with relentless determination.

"Your efforts are in vain, Asura. I am invincible! The power of Amrita courses through my veins!" Vritra declared, his voice resonating with a blend of arrogance and triumph.

Kumbhakarna, undaunted by Vritra's boast, charged forward with unbridled fury. The clash between the two colossal beings sent shockwaves through the battlefield, causing the very ground to tremble.

Every injury Kumbhakarna effectuated on Vritra seemed to heal almost instantly, a testament to the potency of the Amrita. The battle between the two giants raged on, with each blow and counter-blow creating shockwaves that reverberated across the battlefield.

As the conflict unfolded, Ravana, observing the battle from a strategic vantage point, clenched his fists. The sight of Kumbhakarna, his loyal brother, facing an opponent seemingly impervious to harm, fueled the flames of frustration within him.

"Vibhishana, we cannot let this continue. We need a plan to neutralize Vritra's advantage," Ravana declared, his eyes locked onto the ongoing clash.

"It looks like he did drink Amrita, And your suspicion was also correct about Devas being behind all this. Because that perfectly explains Amrita in possession of a mere Danava King."

Vibhishana nodded in agreement. "Indeed, my lord. The power of Amrita grants Vritra a significant advantage, but every advantage has its vulnerabilities. And I have a theory ready too, But even I don't know if it is possible or not."

Ravana's gaze intensified as he listened to Vibhishana's words. "Speak, Vibhishana. What is your theory?"

"I think Amrita is as powerful as it is, but it still doesn't grant true immortality, Like giving eternal youthful appearance, higher level of power, and sometimes knowledge too, But not true immortality in any sense. It may have limitations or conditions that we are not aware of. My theory is that if we can somehow exploit those conditions, we might find a way to counteract Vritra's invincibility."

Ravana's expression turned thoughtful. "What conditions are you referring to, Vibhishana?"


"Mind?..." Ravana raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Explain."

Vibhishana continued, "Yes, my lord. I think it works better for Devas due to their divine souls and Amrita grants physical attributes which completes the package. and mortals who consume Amrita get physical attributes of it too but their mind or soul stay the same as their origin 'Mortal'."

Ravana absorbed Vibhishana's explanation, considering the implications. "So you're saying that while Amrita grants physical enhancements, it doesn't necessarily affect the mind or soul in the same way for mortals."

"Exactly, my lord. Instead of trying and wasting energy and time on harming him physically, targeting his mind or soul might be a more effective approach."

"And I assume you have that strategy ready."

"Yes, my lord. We can attempt a mental assault on Vritra. If we can find a way to weaken or destabilize his mental defenses, it might create vulnerabilities that we can exploit."


"Infinite loop."

"Infinite loop? Explain further, Vibhishana."

"Well, my lord, the mind can be vulnerable to certain patterns or repetitions. If we can create an illusion or mental construct that traps Vritra in a loop of thoughts or emotions, it might distract or weaken his focus. In such a state, his invincibility might become less effective as his mind grapples with the illusion."

Ravana nodded, understanding the concept. "So, you suggest creating a mental illusion, a sort of maze for his mind to get lost in. If successful, it could disrupt his concentration and perhaps open him up to vulnerabilities."

"Exactly, my lord. It's a risky strategy, as we are delving into the realm of the mind, but considering the circumstances, it might be our best chance. and you are the only one who can achieve this."

Ravana contemplated Vibhishana's strategy, weighing the risks and potential rewards. The idea of a mental assault was indeed unconventional, but the nature of Vritra's invincibility demanded unconventional measures.

"Very well Vibhishana, I will end this war right here and right now."

Ravana, fueled by a sense of urgency and determination, descended from his vantage point and approached the frontline. The battle between Kumbhakarna and Vritra raged on, each clash shaking the very foundation of the battlefield.

As Ravana approached the frontline, he could feel the intensity of the magical energies clashing around him. The air crackled with the power of divine and demonic forces locked in a fierce struggle.

"Vritra!!!" Ravana's voice boomed, cutting through the chaos of battle. His eyes locked onto the serpent-like form of Vritra, who turned to face the Asura King with a confident smirk.

"You dare to face me, Ravana? Your brother Kumbhakarna is already struggling to withstand my might. What hope do you have?" Vritra taunted, his voice laced with arrogance.

Ravana's words echoed with a chilling certainty as he advanced towards Vritra. The battlefield seemed to quiet down for a moment, as if nature itself held its breath, anticipating the clash between two titans.

Vritra, undeterred by Ravana's confidence, prepared for the confrontation. The aura of invincibility surrounded him, making his serpentine form appear even more imposing.

As Ravana closed the distance, he gathered his mystical energies, channeling the power that coursed through his Asura veins. Vibhishana, observing from a distance, could sense the intensity of the magical currents converging around Ravana.

The clash was imminent.

"Prepare yourself, Vritra!" Ravana's voice echoed with a mixture of command and challenge. He raised his hand, and a surge of dark energy coalesced into a swirling vortex of shadows.

Vritra, seeing the oncoming attack, readied himself. The clash between the dark energies unleashed by Ravana and the invincible aura of Vritra created a dazzling display of magical sparks.

The moment of impact.

The battlefield erupted with a burst of dark and radiant energies, creating shockwaves that rippled through the air. The clash between Ravana and Vritra was a spectacle of power that drew the attention of every being on the battlefield.

As the magical energies dispersed, revealing the outcome of the confrontation, a gasp rippled through the Asura forces.

Vritra stood unscathed, his aura of invincibility holding firm against Ravana's assault. The Danava leader grinned, his confidence unshaken.

"Is that all, Ravana? Your dark magic is futile against the might of Amrita!" Vritra taunted, his voice echoing across the battlefield.





*To Be Continued*


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