Chapter 30: Following for a Visit

Bai Xiaoxiao walked to the bicycle shed, recalling today's exams. Satisfied that she hadn't made any mistakes, she sighed deeply.

However, while her mind was momentarily free from exams, the image of a guy, equally slim but quite handsome, floated into her thoughts.

Yet, more than this, it was his unusual concern for her that stood out. Initially, she wondered if he might be interested in pursuing her romantically.

But looking in the mirror at home, would he really be interested in her? Even if he were, she couldn't reciprocate.

In middle school, she used to fantasise about those beautiful love stories when reading romance novels.

But she also knew that she didn't need anything right now except to study. Only by studying well could she get into a good university, earn money, and make her parents happy.

As she gripped the worn-out handlebars and emerged from the bicycle shed, a familiar yet unfamiliar figure blocked her path.

"Hello, Xu Lin."

"Hello, Senior Bai, I want to talk to you about something."

"Xu Lin, I don't..."

"It's not about dating. Let's talk outside."

"Okay." She glanced at Xu Lin beside her. She really wasn't good at refusing others.

Even in school, students had become creatures driven by appearances. When a handsome guy and a beautiful girl walked together, everyone would surely take a second glance, wondering if they were a couple.

And then they'd inquire about their class. But when two less attractive students walked together, no one paid attention. It was just too realistic.

They didn't encounter any acquaintances on the way, and Xu Lin followed her directly out of the school gate.

"Don't you have a bicycle?"


"Then I'll walk too." She got off her bike, leaving the bicycle lane.

"I want to apologise to you."

"Why... apologise?"

"Because I misunderstood your friends. They're all good girls."

"Yeah, they know my family's not well off. Every time, they ask me to bring them breakfast or other things, but they always pay me and buy something for me too."

"I initially thought they were bullying honest students. I planned to talk to them and call the police if they didn't listen."

"Xu Lin, thank you for your concern. We've only met once, but it seems in this world there are more kind people."

Surprisingly, she lifted her head and smiled at him, revealing impeccably white teeth that didn't quite match her skin colour. 

"So if you face any difficulties, you can tell me, and I'll try to help you."

"Why does Xu Lin want to help me? Just being kind?"

"Are you curious?" Xu Lin, doing a good deed for the first time, had to explain himself.

"Maybe I used to be like you. Through others' help, I became different and worked hard to move forward."

Xu Lin thought of his college classmates in his previous life. He had always been socially awkward and introverted, from elementary school to high school. He had friends, but he wasn't good at socialising until college. Several roommates taught him many survival skills in society and helped him become more outgoing.

So he was grateful to those classmates. Although they might not be roommates again in this life, if he had the ability in the future, he wanted to have a meal with them again and express his gratitude.

Bai Xiaoxiao sensed the changes in Xu Lin's facial expression and felt that this person might genuinely not be lying.

"Also, Senior Bai Xiaoxiao, tell me about your family situation."

"There's nothing to say much about my home. My father works outside to support the family, so we have to be frugal."

After hearing the words "family situation," her palms slowly clenched, pulling the oversized school uniform tightly against her body.

"Every family has its difficulties. As a high school student, I can't do much, but I'd like to visit your home. Is that okay?"

"Huh? Now?"

"Yes, now."

"My home is a bit far. It'll take more than half an hour to walk. If you don't mind, you can ride on the back, and I'll pull you."

Xu Lin glanced at her bicycle. It wasn't a mountain bike, just an old regular one. Many parts of the paint had peeled off, but like her shoes, it was well-maintained.

He didn't hesitate and grabbed the handlebars. "You get on the back of the bicycle; I'll pull you."

"No, it's quite far. You'll definitely get tired."

"I'm sure I can handle even a light girl like you."

Seeing Xu Lin's determination, she hesitated, then released the handlebars. Xu Lin straddled the bicycle directly, and she awkwardly walked to the back.

"Can we go forward a bit? There might be students around. Shall I get on now?"

"Sure, but why be shy? Look over there."

Following Xu Lin's gaze, she saw a girl in a school uniform sitting on a motorcycle, obviously belonging to a guy who looked like he was hanging out in society. As soon as she got on, the guy turned back and embraced her, their mouths meeting.

She immediately closed her eyes and turned her head back. "I think this kind of thing is not good for students—not very self-respecting."

"Yeah, and it's easy to get hurt. But even so, many teenagers still fall into these pitfalls. When they grow up and become sensible, they'll understand."

"The word'regret' only appears after experiencing it, right? But feelings are mysterious. I've seen middle schoolers dating, and after graduating high school, some of them really stay together, living a normal life."

"So, for some things, I may not like or agree with them, but I won't completely deny them. People should respect their choices, whether good or bad."

"After all, who knows what the future holds?"

Xu Lin's words made her feel a bit uncertain about this junior. He seemed different from other boys, as if he had experienced a lot.

"Okay, no one's around. Come on up."

"Alright, but going to my place and then back home, won't it be quite late?"

"No worries, it's just half an hour or so. Hold on tight, get ready to go!"

With a low roar, Xu Lin stomped on the pedal. He was no longer the same person—when a slender girl like her took off, it was like taking flight!

His legs tensed, and with a forceful step, they shot forward. A pair of hands grabbed onto his waist and immediately let go.


"Just hold on tight! But you should be careful. I'm a big guy, and I'm afraid you might take advantage of me. Just don't grab the wrong place, and it's fine."


They rode for about fifteen minutes. The surrounding buildings gradually decreased in height, turning into old-style commercial buildings of 3 or 4 stories, lining both sides of the road.

After a few more minutes along the road, a massive sign appeared at the roadside, reading "Zhu Alley."

Xu Lin slowed down and turned into the side alley, and as soon as they entered, the bike jolted. The asphalt road turned into a dirt path.

He slowed down even more until, after riding a dozen metres, the path became a bit smoother.

"The roads here are really rough."

"Yeah, but they say they're going to pave the roads this year."

"They said the same thing five years ago."

Xu Lin looked around at the low brick-and-tile houses and the narrow alleys that occasionally passed by, leading endlessly into the distance. He felt that this legendary Zhu Alley was indeed just as described.

Although Zhu Alley was named after bamboo, it actually had no connection to bamboo. Many years ago, there used to be a workshop here that processed chopsticks, hence the name. However, the workshop was later closed down, but the name remained. Now, this area has become one of the few within the urban area of Linshui without makeshift renovations.

Squeezed between two roads, there were approximately over 300 households here, waiting for the day when they could be relocated. However, they had been waiting for seven or eight years.

It had gradually become a gathering place for the elderly and tenants from other places because the young people had all bought houses. The elderly guarded the houses, and when they were finally relocated, the young people would come back to claim their share of the compensation.

People from other places gather here to work mainly because it's affordable and the location isn't too remote, despite the less-than-ideal environment.

"Xiao Xiao, school's over?"


"Xiao Xiao, who's this?"

"A classmate."

"A classmate? Not your boyfriend?"

"Hahaha, don't tease the kid."

"Xiao Xiao, good evening!"

"Xiao Li, good evening."

Xu Lin continued riding the bicycle inside the alley, but the greetings from the surroundings didn't stop. It seemed like everyone knew Bai Xiaoxiao and was familiar with her.

Entering each alley and encountering each person, none of them were strangers. It felt like this small place was just like a big family.

"Everyone here is so friendly."

"Yeah, so I feel like even though the environment isn't that great, I consider this place my home."

As she said this, there was a glint of sincerity and purity in her eyes.