Chapter 31: The First Visit

"Here we are."

After twists and turns, Xu Lin finally heard Bai Xiaoxiao's words, and he slowly came to a stop.

Bai Xiaoxiao got out of the back seat to open the door. Xu Lin quickly followed, straightening his collar and feeling a sudden nervousness for some reason.

After opening a door, a small yellow-grey dog emerged from the yard, circling around Bai Xiaoxiao, its tail wagging rapidly.

"Come in; Little Keko won't bite."


Xu Lin pushed the bicycle inside; Bai Xiaoxiao took over, parked the bicycle by the entrance, and then closed the door.

Entering the yard, Xu Lin found it not very large, similar in size to the one he visited before. It had bare earth instead of paved tiles, yet it was meticulously cleaned, just as Bai Xiaoxiao had described.

No other trees or flower decorations; only a small vegetable plot with some farming tools and an electric tricycle.

"Come, let's go inside."

"Sure, I hope I'm not disturbing your mom's rest."

"No worries; it seems she already finished cleaning the yard."

"Who is it?"

"Mom, I'm back."

"Xiaoxiao is back."

With a clicking sound, the door of the east room opened. A middle-aged woman wearing a bright red sweater, a woollen hat, and a black cane walked out. 

"Oh, I told you to rest. I could have handled the cleaning when I got back."

"These days you're having exams; just focus on your studies."

She smiled, but her face looked weary. However, upon closer inspection, Xu Lin noticed she still had hair, indicating that she wasn't suffering from the severe illness he feared.

"By the way, Mom, this is my classmate Xu Lin. He came to our house today... as a guest."

Bai Xiaoxiao wasn't sure how to introduce him, simply stating, and mother Bai then noticed his presence and took a couple of steps forward.

"Hello, I'm Xu Lin." Xu Lin took a few steps forward, introducing himself.

"Sorry, my eyes are a bit... I didn't notice you earlier. Come in and have a seat."

Mother Bai indeed seemed to have some eye issues, blinking slowly with a yellowish tint in her eyes and bloodshot veins.

"Sure, sorry for the intrusion."

Upon entering the room, Xu Lin noticed that the north and east rooms were connected. In the east room, there was a small dining table, and next to it was the kitchen.

Though referred to as a kitchen, it only had a gas stove, a small fridge, and a cabinet with no other appliances and no range hood either.

Passing through the connecting door between the east and north rooms, Xu Lin entered the bedroom, or rather, a combined living room and bedroom.

This room, the easternmost in the north, contained a double bed, a single bed, a small sofa, and a coffee table. Across from them was a large TV.

Simple white walls and cement flooring, but still consistently clean and tidy.

"Take a seat first. Xiaoxiao, make some tea."

"No need to bother; plain water is fine."

Although Xu Lin said so, Bai Xiaoxiao went outside to prepare it for him. However, as Bai Xiaoxiao briskly walked out, her figure swayed slightly. She steadied herself on the door frame before continuing.

"We don't have any beverages at home. I'll cook later; luckily, there's some meat left." Mother Bai apologised, rubbing her hands awkwardly.

"Auntie, no need to trouble yourself. I just happened to pass by for a short visit; my mom is waiting for me at home for dinner."

"Alright, Xu Lin, you're a classmate with Xiaoxiao, right?"

"No, I'm in the second year."

"How did you two meet then? I remember your school having separate buildings for the second and third years."

"I got to know senior Bai from the school bulletin board. Recently, I bumped into her at the cafeteria and asked her some questions. That's how we got acquainted."

As Xu Lin spoke, Bai Xiaoxiao, who was making tea nearby, sighed in relief. Her mother was unaware of her buying food, a fact she likely wouldn't approve of.

Despite the modest conditions at home, Bai Xiaoxiao insisted on not taking advantage of others, a value she held for her father and herself.

"Oh, I see. How are your grades?"

"They're okay. This time, I should be close to the top 50 in the second year."

"That's good. Xiaoxiao studies at home too. If you want to study, you can come over and study together."

Hearing about his good grades, Mother Bai also sighed in relief. After all, she was a bit worried about the nature of their relationship. Xiaoxiao is about to take the college entrance exam, and she can't afford any distractions...

But on closer inspection, this boy looks quite handsome, clean-cut, and well-spoken. He doesn't seem like a troublemaker. Otherwise, Xiaoxiao wouldn't have brought him home.

"Here, have some tea."

"Yes, thank you, senior."

"By the way, I'll cut some fruits for you guys." Mother Bai said.

"I'll do it."

"You chat with your junior classmate; it's just a few steps. I'll be fine."

"Be careful." Bai Xiaoxiao nodded, feeling a bit embarrassed as she sat down.

"Senior Bai, although it might be presumptuous, is there something wrong with your mom's health?"

"Her leg was injured, but it doesn't affect her much. It happened a long time ago. Recently, there's just been a bit of a gynaecological issue related to her uterus."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's okay. She's maintaining it with medication, and my dad is saving money for surgery. So, I try to be frugal; it's my decision."

"As long as my mom is cured of her illness, there won't be much financial pressure, so there's no need for you to pity us."

"No, I've never thought of you as pitiful. I think you're very strong and brave. You work hard to protect this family, and your studies are part of that, right?"

"Yes, I will definitely get into the best university!"

When Bai Xiaoxiao said this, there was no hint of shyness or timidity. She spoke with determination.

"I believe you can do it. You're already one of the top students in the third year. Getting into a good university should be well within your reach."

"It's not enough... I have to work even harder. Otherwise, with the tuition and surgery fees combined, my mother's treatment will be delayed again. I can't let it drag on any longer."


"Don't say you want to help me. As long as I make further progress and achieve the top spot in the school, I can qualify for a scholarship."

"No, I can't really help you. I'm just a high school student."

"Yeah, sorry. Sorry, my bad."

Bai Xiaoxiao immediately blushed and became embarrassed, entering a stuttering state once again.

"The small table next to your bed—is that where you do your homework?"


"The numbers on it?"

"I set a standard for myself. I study until 11:30 every day and go to bed at 12. It won't delay getting up early, and it won't hinder my studies."

"What time do you wake up in the morning?"

"Almost 5 o'clock."

"Ah, you're not just working hard; you're pushing yourself to the limit. Other students are fine, but look how thin you've become!"

"But I have to work hard."

"Working hard is one thing, but eat more and make sure you're getting enough nutrition."

Xu Lin looked at her slender wrists, feeling a bit uneasy.

"I actually eat for every meal, but I..." she suddenly became shy, and Xu Lin gave her a stern look before she cautiously continued.

"I eat a lot, and if I eat less than that, it's not enough, so naturally, I've become thin."

"Then eat more, and don't skip meals. Make sure you have meat, eggs, and dairy; that's essential. You seem to be malnourished."

"We always have meat, eggs, and dairy at home, but my mother also needs..."

"If you want to go to college, you have to take care of your health and regulate your schedule. When you were just carrying things, you almost fell."

"BaBai Xiaoxiao hadn't realised that he noticed that moment of discomfort.

"If you want to get into college, change yourself, and change your family, you need to pay attention to your health. If you suddenly feel unwell during exams, would your efforts still mean anything?"

With this assumption, Xu Lin made Bai Xiaoxiao a bit frightened, but she had been living like this for a long time.

"Think about it yourself; your parents surely want you to be healthy."


"I'll be going then."

"I'll cut an apple for you. Then go back."

"No, it's already 7 o'clock, and it takes me half an hour to get back."

"Alright, I'll walk you out to the main road; otherwise, you might get lost."


Exiting the room, Mother Bai also approached with a plate, but Xu Lin called out.

"Auntie, I'm leaving."

"Have an apple."

"No need; both of you enjoy it." I have to go back. It's getting dark, and I didn't tell my family today. I'll let them know next time. I enjoyed talking with you."

"Take care on the way, Xiaoxiao; escort your junior classmate."


And so the two hurried out of the alley. Xu Lin took out 500 yuan from his pocket and tried to hand it over. Bai Xiaoxiao was surprised and quickly refused.

"We really don't need it. We have money for meals!"

Bai Xiaoxiao didn't expect Xu Lin to go this far, but she couldn't accept the money. He was her junior, a student, and surely didn't have much money. She couldn't take it.

"When I came, I intended to buy something, but your mom and you probably wouldn't accept it. Just take this money."

"I can't take it!"

Bai Xiaoxiao was surprisingly firm, pushing the money back and even resisting against Xu Lin's strength.

"This money isn't a free gift for you. Don't refuse."

"Huh?" Bai Xiaoxiao was momentarily stunned.

"I happen to need a tutor, so consider this money as an invitation for dinner. Like your classmates invite you to eat, you can tutor me in geography."

"That's not necessary. I can also..."

"Not much. This is half a month's salary, remember? Don't save it; spend it all on yourself! Buy food!"

"I'm not a great person, and I can't help with your mother's illness. But let yourself eat better, aim for a good university, and change your own future." After saying that, Xu Lin put the money in her hands quickly.

"Junior Xu Lin, I..." But Bai Xiaoxiao tried to give back the money again.

Xu Lin turned around, evading her hand, and then ran off into the distance!

Bai Xiaoxiao immediately followed. Although Xu Lin wasn't as strong as her, he ran quite fast, getting farther and farther away.

She foolishly looked at the five crumpled bills in her hand, trembling uncontrollably, and her eyes slowly became moist.

A glistening teardrop slid down from the corner of her eye. She quickly wiped it away with her hand, leaving a dark mark on the back of her hand.