Questions in the Spotlight

Back inside the dungeon, the masked man stepped through the wall of blue light, his senses momentarily overwhelmed as he entered the second floor. All around him was an impenetrable darkness, an absence of light so absolute that it seemed to consume everything in its path. He couldn't see his own hand in front of his face, and the eerie silence pressed against his ears.

The darkness was stifling, suffocating, and it felt as though the very air he breathed had turned heavy with foreboding. He knew that this floor would not be like the first; it would bring forth new challenges and mysteries to unravel.

His whispered thoughts pierced the stillness, words hanging in the air like an unanswered question. "What is this darkness?" he muttered, his voice almost swallowed by the void. The masked man's steps were cautious, each movement deliberate as he ventured deeper into the obsidian abyss.

As he continued to walk through the oppressive darkness, he couldn't help but wonder aloud, "What awaits me in this inky void?"

The masked man's steps echoed softly through the oppressive darkness, a haunting cadence in the void. His senses were on high alert, and his grip on his sword remained firm, ready for any unexpected challenges that lay ahead.

He couldn't shake the feeling that this darkness held secrets, hidden perils, and uncharted mysteries. The absence of any light source was disorienting, and it seemed as though time itself had become fluid in this inky abyss.

He whispered again, this time with a touch of uncertainty in his voice, "Is this a test of my resolve or a trial of my instincts?" The masked man knew that the answers to his questions might be found deeper within the darkness, but he also understood that those answers could come at a price.

The oppressive silence continued to envelop him, and he felt as though the very darkness itself was listening, waiting for his next move. With each step he took, he ventured further into the unknown, determined to unravel the mysteries of this floor.

But then, a soft, ethereal voice echoed through the darkness, its origin impossible to pinpoint. "Challenger, what lies in the depths of your heart?"

The masked man froze, his heart pounding in his chest. The voice's question was profound, striking at the core of his being. It felt as though the darkness itself was probing his soul, seeking to expose his innermost desires and fears.

He hesitated for a moment, contemplating his response. Then, with unwavering determination, he replied, "In the depths of my heart, I seek power and knowledge. I seek love... Love and care from someone special."

The voice lingered in the darkness, as if considering his words. Finally, it spoke again, "Very well, challenger," the ethereal voice responded, its tone both mysterious and contemplative. "For the love you seek, you must confront the power which will soon destroy the whole galaxy."

The masked man stood in the impenetrable darkness, the weight of the voice's words settling upon him like an ominous shroud. The cryptic message left him with more questions than answers. 'What does it mean by the power that would destroy the galaxy? And how did it relate to my quest within the dungeon?'

As he pondered these enigmatic words, a subtle change occurred in the darkness surrounding him. Faint glimmers of light began to appear, like distant stars in a night sky. They formed intricate constellations, each one telling a story, and they seemed to move and shift as if alive.

"Be prepared because they are coming to take 'HER' away," the voice echoed through the darkness, its tone filled with an unsettling sense of urgency. The masked man's heart raced as he absorbed these cryptic words. He couldn't help but wonder who 'HER' referred to and why someone would seek to take her away.

"And if they succeed in doing so, then 'HIS' anger will destroy every living being," the voice continued, its words hanging in the air like a dire prophecy. The mention of 'HIS' anger sent a chill down the masked man's spine. It was clear that whatever 'HIS' represented, it was a force to be reckoned with.

The darkness seemed to respond to the voice's ominous warning. Suddenly, the faint glimmers of light that had previously appeared began to intensify. They grew larger and brighter, enveloping the entire surrounding space in a celestial spectacle.

The masked man stood in awe as the once impenetrable darkness gave way to this mesmerizing display of light. The intricate constellations danced and pulsed, forming patterns that seemed to convey a message of cosmic significance.

As he watched, the constellations shifted and rearranged themselves, as if responding to some unseen force. It was as though the very fabric of reality was being woven and rewoven before his eyes.

[2nd Floor.]

[Defeat the Boss monster: Super Zombie]

The masked man, still shrouded in a sense of wonder and confusion, found himself standing on the 2nd floor of the dungeon. The abrupt transition from the oppressive darkness to this new environment left him momentarily disoriented.

"Huh?! The 2nd floor?" he exclaimed softly, his voice echoing in the unfamiliar space. His eyes scanned the surroundings, trying to make sense of the change. The darkness and the mysterious voice that had filled the previous floor now felt like a distant memory.

He couldn't help but wonder aloud, "Then what was that darkness and the voices I heard?" The masked man's thoughts swirled with questions, and the enigmatic nature of the dungeon continued to intrigue him.


Outside the dungeon...

Mia, her live stream still ongoing, continued to provide commentary on the situation outside the Dark Cave dungeon.

"As you can see, viewers, it's been three hours since the color of the dungeon's entrance changed, and there is still no trace of the Divine Extractor," she remarked, her voice carrying a mix of anticipation and curiosity.

Mia's phone screen was filled with comments from her viewers, and she couldn't help but read some of them aloud.

"Viewers, let's check out your comments while we wait! 'Where is the Divine Extractor?' 'Is he still inside?' 'What could be taking him so long?' These are just some of the questions flooding in."

She turned the camera to show the crowd, and the excitement in the air was palpable. Some spectators were discussing theories about what could be happening inside the dungeon, while others exchanged stories of their favorite Divine Extractor moments from the past.

Mia's eyes widened as she noticed a familiar figure approaching. It was Sera, the guild master of the One guild. She was flanked by her guild members, and they seemed just as intrigued by the situation as the rest of the crowd.

"Sera from the One guild is here!" Mia exclaimed, her voice tinged with excitement. "This is getting even more interesting, folks."

The comments from Mia's viewers filled with excitement:

- "I can't believe Sera is there too! This is huge!"

- "What's taking the Divine Extractor so long?"

- "I hope he's okay inside the dungeon!"

- "The anticipation is killing me!"

- "Mia, keep us updated!"

- "I've been watching for hours! Come on, Divine Extractor!"

- "This is the most exciting thing ever! Sera's presence adds an air of mystery to this whole situation."

As Mia continued to provide live coverage, her camera panned back to the entrance of the Dark Cave dungeon. Just then, a figure emerged from the darkness, silhouetted by the intense golden light.

The masked man stepped out of the dungeon, his focus solely on the screen in front of him. He was completely unaware of the crowd gathered outside, as his attention was consumed by the results of his battle.

[Skill 'Body Enhancement' has been extracted from Super Zombie.]

[Skill 'Regeneration' has been extracted from Super Zombie.]

The masked man couldn't help but marvel at the skills he had acquired. The Super Zombie had indeed proven to be a formidable adversary, and its powers were now at his disposal.

"The Super Zombie was really strong," he thought to himself as he continued to examine the screen. "Now I understand why there were seven failed attempts."

He was unaware of the spectators, as his attention remained fixed on the screen displaying his newly acquired skills.

Mia's voice, brimming with excitement, broke through his concentration. "Wait, everyone! It looks like the Divine Extractor is coming out of the dungeon right now!"

The moment her words reached his ears, he became aware of the multitude of eyes fixed upon him. A murmur of astonishment and anticipation swept through the crowd as people realized that the legendary player had emerged from the depths of the Dark Cave.

The reporters and journalists, who had been patiently waiting for hours, sprang into action. Microphones and cameras were thrust toward the masked man, their owners eager to capture his words and reactions. Flashbulbs illuminated the scene as photographs were taken from all angles.

The masked man, momentarily blinded by the sudden onslaught of lights and sounds, blinked in surprise. He hadn't anticipated this level of attention upon exiting the dungeon. His thoughts raced as he tried to gather his bearings amid the chaos.

"Whoa! That's him! It's really him!" Mia exclaimed, her live stream capturing the electrifying moment. "The Divine Extractor, ladies and gentlemen! It is the strongest player in the whole world 'The Divine Extractor'."

As reporters rushed towards him, microphones in hand, a barrage of questions came his way:

- "Mr. Divine Extractor, can you tell us about your experience inside the Dark Cave?"

- "What compelled you to take on this dungeon in Korea?"

- "Is there a specific goal you're pursuing in this country?"

- "How did you feel about the dungeon's challenges?"

- "Could you share some insights into the skills you've acquired?"

- "What can you tell us about the changing color of the dungeon entrance?"

- "Do you plan to continue exploring this dungeon, or is this a one-time visit?"

'Why are there so many people?' The masked man found himself at the center of a whirlwind of inquiries. He remained silent for a moment, his thoughts racing as he considered how to respond. His masked face revealed nothing of his emotions, and he was known for his enigmatic nature.

Amidst the commotion and the reporters, his eyes caught a familiar figure within the crowd. Sera, the guild master of the One guild, stood there with her guild members. Her presence was unexpected, and it added another layer of intrigue to the situation.

'Sera? What is she doing here?' the masked man wondered, his curiosity piqued as he noticed her in the crowd. His eyes then caught a glimpse of Rael, a mysterious figure he had never seen before, standing closely beside her.

'Who is that guy?' he thought, his brow furrowing with suspicion. 'Why is he standing so close to Sera?' He couldn't help but notice the proximity between them, and a subtle unease settled in his heart.