Is it to Tame Women?

Inside the private room of the restaurant, the atmosphere was markedly different from the chaos outside. The masked man sat on one side of the table, a spread of food before him, while Sera and Rael occupied the other side. Soft ambient lighting illuminated the room, giving it an intimate and secluded feel.

Sera began the conversation with a polite tone, "First of all, thank you for giving me your time," she said, her eyes fixed on the masked man, her expression a mix of curiosity and determination.

The masked man nodded, his demeanor calm and composed. "No, it is nothing," he replied, his voice steady. He maintained his enigmatic aura even in this private setting.

He leaned in slightly, his gaze unwavering. "So, what do you want to talk about?" He asked, his voice carrying a note of urgency.

"Have you heard about the dungeon 'Blue Nest'?" Sera inquired, her eyes searching for any hint of recognition in the masked man's response.

The masked man nodded once again, his curiosity piqued. "Yeah, I know a thing or two about it," he admitted. "What about it?"

Sera's expression grew more serious. "I've got some information that it possesses an artifact that can help us get rid of all the dungeons in the world," she revealed, her voice lowered as if sharing a closely guarded secret.

"Artifact?" the masked man mused, his interest clearly piqued by the prospect of such a powerful item.

"Yeah," Sera continued, "If we can get our hands on that artifact, then we can end this game once and for all."

The masked man contemplated her words for a moment. "So to say, you want me to help you clear 'Blue Nest'?" he inquired, his gaze shifting slightly.

Just then, the sound of someone eating disrupted the conversation. Sera turned her head to find Rael nonchalantly enjoying the food on the table. She frowned, irritated by the interruption, and decided to continue speaking, ignoring Rael's actions.

"I heard that you also have bad memories of dungeons and monsters," Sera said, her eyes fixed on the masked man, seeking his reaction.

Once again, the sound of Rael eating was heard, and Sera's frustration boiled over. She couldn't contain her anger any longer. "Can't you see we are talking about something important?" she shouted at Rael, her voice tinged with irritation.

Rael looked up, seemingly unperturbed by Sera's outburst. "Yeah, I don't mind you talking at all," he replied casually, his expression relaxed.

Sera was taken aback by Rael's nonchalant response. She couldn't help but wonder about his demeanor and his seemingly carefree attitude in such a crucial conversation.

Meanwhile, the masked man observed the interaction between Sera and Rael with a thoughtful expression. 'They seem pretty close,' he mused silently, noting the ease with which they interacted. 'Am I being jealous?' He couldn't deny a twinge of unease as he considered the dynamics at play between the two.


After the conversation with the masked man, who was also known as the Divine Extractor, Sera was herself walking toward her car, her assistant Leo following closely behind. However, to her surprise, Rael was walking right beside her, matching her every move.

No matter where she turned, Rael mirrored her actions, and every step she took, he took one in sync with her. It was becoming increasingly unnerving.

Sera couldn't contain her frustration any longer. She turned to Rael with a deep frown on her face. "Why the heck do you keep following me?" she demanded, her irritation evident in her tone.

Rael, however, remained surprisingly calm in the face of her annoyance. "Because you asked," he replied simply, as if it were the most logical thing in the world.

Sera's frustration only grew. "That was in the morning. Now it's already evening. Why don't you go to the place where you belong?" she retorted, her voice laced with annoyance.

Even Leo, who was trailing behind them, couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the exchange unfolding before him.

"To the place where I belong?" Rael repeated, his tone contemplative. "Now that I think about it, I do have a place like that."

With that, Rael suddenly turned away from Sera and started walking in the opposite direction. "Well, then, bye. See you later," he called back, his demeanor as nonchalant as ever.

A weary sigh escaped Sera's lips as she watched Rael's departing figure. She couldn't help but shake her head, still baffled by his enigmatic behavior.

"He is quite difficult to read," she muttered to herself, a sense of puzzlement lingering in her thoughts.

And as she observed Rael's departure, a perplexing thought crossed Sera's mind. "But why is my heart beating faster watching him go?" She pondered this peculiar sensation, her emotions as enigmatic as the man who had just left her side.


As he walked, his steps echoing in the dimly lit corridor, Rael's thoughts raced. 'These dungeons... It must be gods doing. They must be after the Goddess of Life, Sera,' he pondered, a sense of urgency gnawing at him. 'As of I am now, I won't be able to stop them. I have lost all my powers after somehow waking up inside Sera's room and with a different system than what I had before.'

He couldn't help but contemplate the peculiar name of the system, 'Infinite Harem.' It hinted at a connection to women in some way. 'Do I have to tame women with it to get strong, or is it something else?' he wondered, his curiosity piqued.

Intrigued by the mysteries surrounding the system, he decided to seek answers. 'System, tell me the most efficient way to get strong,' he called out to the system silently, his voice resonating in his mind.

To his surprise, a holographic screen materialized in front of him, displaying information from the 'Infinite Harem System.'

— Infinite Harem System —

— The most efficient way to get strong is to have s*x with girls.

His eyes widened as he read the unexpected response. 'Hmm, so it isn't about taming them, but... that?' He couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at rather unconventional advice from the system.


After two hours...

Sera returned to her house, her thoughts still lingering on Rael, 'Will, I ever get a chance to see him again?' she thoguht, her heart racing.

After entering her house, she called out, "Mom, I'm back."

"Oh, Sera, you're back?" Her mother's voice echoed from the living room. "Go and take a shower. I've made something special today."

Sera nodded, feeling a mix of exhaustion and intrigue. She headed for the bathroom, the warm water cascading over her tired body. With her purple hair tied up in a ponytail and the steam enveloping her, she felt a sense of relaxation.

As she emerged from the bathroom, wrapped in a towel and her hair still slightly damp, she headed towards her room. However, as she entered, she was met with an unexpected sight. Rael was lounging on her bed, his head resting on one arm, his casual demeanor contrasting sharply with the surprise of his presence.

"What are you doing here?" Sera asked, her tone a mixture of astonishment and annoyance.

Rael simply shrugged, his gaze unwavering. "You told me to go where I belong, didn't you?"

Before Sera could react or say anything further, her towel suddenly loosened and fell to the floor. Her eyes widened in surprise and a hint of fear as she realized she was now standing there completely bare.

"Huh?" Her voice quivered as she hastily tried to cover her front with her hands.

"Ho, look at how well those have developed," Rael commented, his gaze directed at her with an almost predatory curiosity. "But do you realize that I can still see the lower part of your body?"

Sera's face flushed red with a mixture of anger and embarrassment. She stammered, "You pervert! Get out of my room!"