Rael's Wrath

After Sera had firmly kicked Rael out of her room, she quickly rummaged through her closet and found some simple home attire. She slipped into a loose white t-shirt that generously floated over her belly due to fullness of her chest, the soft fabric brushing gently against her skin. She paired it with a pair of comfortable shorts, their soft texture embracing her legs.

As she stepped out of her room, a sense of self-consciousness washed over her. Her heart raced with the knowledge that Rael was still lounging on the sofa in her home, his presence making her feel slightly vulnerable.

In the living room, Rael reclined on the sofa, stretching out as if he owned the place. His relaxed posture only added to Sera's annoyance. "What are you still doing here?" she asked, her voice laced with irritation.

Her mother, who had just emerged from the kitchen, wore an apron adorned with vibrant patterns. She greeted Sera with a warm smile. The aroma of something delicious wafted through the air, enveloping the room. "He's staying with us, dear," her mother explained, her words accompanied by the inviting scent of home-cooked food.

Sera's eyes widened in disbelief, her confusion growing. "Huh? Wait! What?!" she exclaimed, her voice carrying the tension in the room. "Who gave him permission?"

Rael, still sprawled on the sofa, looked completely at ease. He casually replied, "My Father-in-law."

"Father-in-law?" Sera said, her voice tinged with surprise and confusion. "Since when did my father become your father-in-law?" She crossed her arms over her chest as she tried to make sense of the situation. The room seemed to close in around her as she waited for an explanation.

"A long time ago, I think," Rael replied with a nonchalant shrug, his gaze locked onto her.

Sera's mother tried to ease the tension in the room with her soothing presence. "Oh, Sera, don't be angry," she said, gesturing toward the dining table. "Come and eat. Your father will be returning soon from his walk."

"Alright..." Sera trailed off, her mind a whirlwind of confusion and mixed emotions. She followed her mother's lead, reluctantly heading towards the dining table. The scent of the home-cooked meal was comforting, yet it was overshadowed by the perplexing presence of Rael in her house.

As she sat down, her thoughts raced. She couldn't shake the feeling that something extraordinary, or perhaps extraordinary in the weirdest way, was unfolding in her life. The clinking of cutlery against plates seemed louder in the tense atmosphere, and the subdued conversations between her mother and Rael only fueled her curiosity.

Between bites of food, Sera occasionally glanced at Rael, trying to fathom his calm demeanor and his Not-Giving-A-Damn personality. Her mother's seemingly casual acceptance of him being there added to her bewilderment. Every now and then, she'd shoot him a skeptical look, silently demanding answers with her eyes.

Rael, on the other hand, appeared unfazed by the situation. He ate with an almost careless demeanor, as if he belonged there just as much as Sera did. His presence continued to perplex and frustrate her, but a tiny spark of curiosity couldn't help but flicker within her.


At midnight, Rael lay soundly in his room inside Sera's house, bathed in the faint glow of moonlight seeping through the curtains. His sleep was peaceful until a sudden jolt seemed to electrify him, and his eyes snapped open, his expression one of surprise and annoyance.

"This ominous feeling..."

'Divine Aura?!' he thought, a sense of irritation creeping over him as he recognized the unmistakable sensation.

'System, activate Ultra Hearing!'

— Infinite Harem System —

— Ultra Hearing Activated.

Outside the house, in the silent night, four figures huddled together, their hushed voices carrying on the breeze. They appeared to be players, three of them brandishing menacing weapons, while the fourth relied solely on his bare hands.

"Does she live in this house?" asked one of them, a girl of average height with flat chest and brown, short hair. Her voice held a tinge of urgency.

"Yeah," their leader replied, a bald man bearing a scar over one eye. His tone was authoritative and laced with a sense of purpose.

Their conversation grew more sinister as they discussed Sera, the guild master of One guild, and the leader delivered chilling instructions, "Don't kill her; we need her alive. Nevertheless, a few broken bones won't matter. Moreover, you are free to deal with her parents."

Another member, a burly man with a menacing physique, added his own twisted thoughts, "I've seen her before. She's incredibly beautiful and gorgeous, unlike anyone else. I wonder how good she'll taste?" He licked his lips with a sinister grin, his eyes gleaming with malevolence.



Suddenly, a surge of electricity coursed through the street, bathing it in an eerie, electric blue light. All eyes turned toward the source of this otherworldly lightning, their faces etched with shock and awe. The vivid display of energy painted a vivid picture, illuminating Rael's figure from behind who had came out of the house after hearing their conversation, his silhouette cast in stark contrast against the night.

As the lightning danced around him, Rael's expression was a mixture of anger and determination. His eyes blazed with an intensity that sent shivers down the spines of those who beheld him. The air was charged with a palpable energy, and the night seemed to hold its breath, anticipating the impending storm.

Before any of them could react, Rael's hand shot out with blinding speed, delivering a bone-crushing punch that seemed to harness the very power of the lightning that surrounded him. The impact was accompanied by a deafening crack that echoed through the night, sending shockwaves of pain and terror through their hearts.


The sound of bone snapping reverberated loudly, and the unfortunate individual who had spoken ill of Sera found himself hurtling through the air, his body colliding with the wall. The impact was so powerful that it fractured the wall, creating a spiderweb of cracks that snaked across the surface.


The man crumpled to the floor, a twisted and broken figure. Rael stood above him, his expression even more furious, his eyes locked onto the fallen aggressor with a fiery intensity. The scene was surreal, as if the lightning had bestowed upon him an otherworldly strength, and he was its avenging force.

The other three stood frozen in shock, their eyes widened in disbelief as they witnessed the electrifying display of power before them.

"Rode?" The girl muttered in sheer terror, her wide eyes filled with fear, mirroring the panic that had swept over her as she saw her comrade's brutal defeat.

However, amid the chaos and fear, one figure remained composed—their leader, the bald man. He barked orders, his voice laced with urgency, "Quick, arm yourselves!" The other guy scrambled to draw his sword, and the girl clutched her wand with trembling hands.

But Rael remained entirely unfazed by their frantic attempts to prepare for battle. With a cold, unrelenting glare, he seized Rode by the head, lifting him from the ground. His expression was unyielding, as if he held no regard for the other three intruders.

Rael's fury burned brightly, directed solely at Rode for his derogatory remarks about Sera.

He gritted his teeth, and his free hand started to emit a crackling surge of electricity, capturing Rode's arm and twisting it with an almost malevolent intent.

"Aaah!" Rode cried out in excruciating pain, his pleas echoing through the tense night.

The remaining three intruders watched in horror as their companion suffered. Fear etched across their faces, their bravado crumbled. But Rael's anger remained unquenched; he raised his electrified hand menacingly towards Rode's throat.

However, before Rael could apply the deadly pressure, the girl summoned her courage and shouted, "Let him go, you monster!" Her trembling hand shot up, conjuring a fiery ball of magic that hurtled toward Rael.

Rael effortlessly snatched the fireball from the air with his free hand, his eyes locked onto the girl. Slowly, he began to close his fist, causing the fireball to sputter and dissipate into nothingness.

"Wait for your damn turn," Rael growled, his piercing blue eyes sending shivers down their spines. His gaze was relentless, reflecting the rage that had been unleashed by their intrusion into his world.