Rael's Wrath 2

"Wait for your damn turn," Rael growled, his eyes like shards of ice that pierced the very soul. The girl, Emi, took a step backward subconsciously, her trembling hand clutching her wand, fear gripping her heart like a vice.

And right after uttering those menacing words, his expression still unyielding, Rael tightened his grip on Rode's neck, his fingers digging into the flesh, a grim determination etched across his face.


The sound of Rode's neck breaking resonated through the night, a sickening and bone-chilling noise that sent a shudder down the other's spine. Rode's lifeless head limped down, his eyes vacant, a gruesome tableau of death painted before them.

"No..." Emi whimpered, her voice trembling with fear as she watched in horror.

After breaking Rode's neck, Rael callously threw his lifeless body aside, the thud as it hit the ground adding to the macabre scene. His gaze momentarily shifted toward the ground, but his expression remained cold and unrelenting.

"Emi! Get yourself together!" Yeon, Emi's comrade, shouted, his voice filled with desperation and concern. He had harbored a one-sided love for Emi for a long time, a love that was both sweet and heart-wrenching. Their shared experiences in this moment made him see Emi's vulnerability, and it tore at his heart.

'Emi...' Yeon whispered in his mind.

He had always admired Emi's strength and courage, yet he struggled with the unspoken feelings he held for her, knowing that she might never reciprocate. Their dynamic was complicated, with unspoken emotions hanging heavy in the air.

After seeing Emi in such a state of fear, Yeon gritted his teeth and, clutching his sword with shaking hands, launched himself at Rael with a determined and desperate attack, hoping to protect the girl he secretly loved.

"Yeon?" Emi whispered, her voice barely audible amidst the chaos, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and hope.

But Rael, still fixated on the ground, seemed lost in his own thoughts. He appeared almost detached as if NOT-GIVING-A-FUCK about the guy approaching him.

And Yeon closed the distance between them in a heartbeat, his sword raised high, its gleaming blade aimed directly at Rael's exposed neck.

'I've got him now,' Yeon thought, a glimmer of confidence flickering within him. 'I'll send his neck flying,' he determinedly planned, his heart pounding with adrenaline.

As the sword inched perilously close to Rael's neck, just an inch away from contact, Rael's hand shot out with lightning speed, literally. His hand emitted a crackling surge of electricity, vivid arcs of energy dancing between his fingers.

With two fingers, he stopped the sword in its tracks, the blade quivering against the resistance, a hair's breadth from Rael's skin. It was as if the electricity had transformed him, enhancing his physical abilities beyond mortal limits.

"Huh?!" Yeon gasped in surprise, his eyes wide with disbelief.

Still, Rael kept his gaze locked on the ground. But in front of him, a holographic screen materialized, its bright letters shining through the night.

— Infinite Harem System —

— You have been using Electricity to enhance your body.

— A new skill [Electric Physique lvl.1] has been added to the Skill List.

He had harnessed his electricity to fortify his body, rendering it tougher than stone. Slowly, he raised his eyes, locking his steely gaze straight into Yeon's terrified eyes, an eerie calmness settling over him.

"Die," Rael uttered in a chillingly calm voice, his fingers applying more pressure to the sword, threatening to break it or, worse, Yeon's resolve.

"Yeon!" Finally, their bald leader, who had been standing by watching, came forward with his sword, attempting to intervene. But his efforts were in vain as Rael, with a mere increase in pressure, broke Yeon's sword into two pieces. He then nonchalantly hurled the broken part of the sword toward the bald leader's direction.

The blade struck the leader's chest with brutal force, emerging from his back in a gruesome display of violence. He stopped in his tracks, his eyes wide with shock, as he stared at the gaping hole in his chest. Blood gushed forth from the wound, painting a vivid, crimson picture against the night.


The sound of blood spurting out from his mouth punctuated the horrifying scene, his life slipping away before their eyes.

Blood continued to gush from his mouth, staining his lips and chin in a grotesque tableau of death. He collapsed to the ground, his lifeless body crumpling like a marionette with its strings cut.

Yeon and Emi stood there, staring in sheer horror at the gruesome demise of their leader. Emi's trembling form clung to her wand, and Yeon's once determined gaze had turned into a mixture of dread and disbelief.

Rael's attention shifted toward Yeon, his eyes narrowing with intent. With a surge of energy, he launched a punch straight into Yeon's face. The moment the punch landed, a violent eruption of electricity crackled through the air, surrounding Yeon as he was sent flying backward. His body convulsed, wracked with pain, as he crashed to the ground with a thud.

Now with only Emi remaining, Rael started to walk toward her, his movements deliberate and menacing. Every step he took seemed to send tremors through the very ground beneath them.

"N-No, stay away!" Emi stammered, her voice quivering in terror. "You monster... D-don't come near me!"

But Rael paid no heed to her pleas. He closed the distance until he stood directly in front of her. Emi's legs trembled uncontrollably, her wand slipping from her grasp as she backed away, her wide eyes locked onto Rael's chilling form.

"Who sent you?" Rael's voice held an icy edge as he demanded answers.

Emi's mind was conflicted, fear and survival warring within her. 'If I don't tell him, will he kill me?' she wondered, gathering the strength to speak. But she hesitated, and it seemed like her time was running out.

"Don't want to speak?" Rael's grip tightened around her neck, and she struggled to break free, gasping for breath. Panic surged through her as she felt the life being choked out of her.

"Then die."

But before Rael could carry out his deadly intent, he heard Yeon's voice, weak but desperate. "W-Wait, don't kill her," Yeon pleaded. "I will tell you, please let her go."

Rael loosened his grip, and Emi collapsed to the ground, gasping for air, tears streaming down her face in relief and terror. Yeon lay nearby, still recovering from the devastating punch, unable to summon the strength to move. That single punch from Rael had done more damage inside than outside.

"It is the guild master of the Priest Guild," Yeon explained, his voice shaky but earnest. "She told us to bring her the guild master of One Guild, Sera, alive." He continued, providing the information Rael sought. "Other than that, I don't know anything."

Just as Yeon finished speaking, Rael's cold cruelty flared once more. He delivered a merciless kick to Emi's stomach, causing her to lose consciousness. "Emi! No!" Yeon shouted, his voice filled with agony and helplessness. He remained on the ground, utterly drained, unable to summon the strength to move.

"Did you really think that I would let you go back alive when you came here to abduct the most important person in my life?" Rael's words were laced with icy disdain as he glared down at Yeon.