Rael's Wrath 3

Inside Sera's room, bathed in the ethereal glow of moonlight that filtered through delicate curtains, the atmosphere was serene.

The room itself was a sanctuary of tranquility, furnished with an air of elegance. Sera lay on her bed, her chest rising and falling with the gentle rhythm of slumber, her purple hair cascading like a silken waterfall around her.

The moonlight caressed her features, highlighting the delicate curve of her cheek and the gentle rise and fall of her chest as she breathed. Her beauty was undeniable, her visage a tapestry of grace and allure, like a painting come to life.

As Sera slept, completely unaware of the impending danger, the shadows in her room seemed to gather, coalescing into a single, ominous point. The darkness seemed to take on a humanoid shape, slowly solidifying into a figure. This mysterious intruder, shrouded in a brown robe that concealed his identity, emerged from the shadows with an air of calculated menace.

His appearance bore the marks of a hardened assassin, with a scar etched across his cheek, adding a rugged edge to his countenance. In his gloved hand, he gripped a curved, single-edged dagger with a glint as sharp as his intent.

His eyes, cold and unrelenting, fell upon Sera's slumbering form. The room remained enveloped in silence, save for the soft rustling of curtains in the moon's gentle breeze. A sinister grin tugged at the corners of his lips, revealing a row of teeth that gleamed like ivory in the dim light.

"So..." he muttered, his voice a low whisper, "She really didn't sense me."

Before him, a translucent screen materialized, casting an eerie glow in the room.

[Skill: Silent Stealth]

[Rank: SS+]

[Effect: Conceals the user's presence completely, making them undetectable to even the most heightened senses for a limited time.]

[Status: Active]

"After increasing the rank of this skill, I can finally get near her without her noticing," the assassin mused, his eyes never leaving Sera's form. "Now, I can get my revenge."

With deliberate steps, he closed the distance between them, his eyes filled with an unsettling determination.

"I can ease my anger with your purity," he whispered, his voice tinged with malice. "It was you who stopped me, right? From taking what I wanted. You saved her from me when I was so near to do it. But who is going to save you now?"

'System, activate it!' the assassin commanded, a sinister gleam in his eyes, ready to unleash his dark power.

Suddenly, a black, inky smoke began to emanate from the assassin's body, billowing forth like a dark shroud, enveloping the room in an eerie haze. The room's air grew heavy with the unnatural fog, and shadows danced within it, adding an eerie ambiance to the scene.

As the smoke thickened, an eerie chill settled over the room, and the very atmosphere seemed to shudder in response.

And the screen in front of him flickered to life, its bright letters cutting through the ominous smoke.

[Skill 'Lust Smoke' activated]

[Everyone in the range of the smoke will go into a deep slumber, dreaming about the person they desire the most. Their deepest desires and fantasies will consume their minds, rendering them oblivious to the world.]

The assassin's lips twisted into a malevolent grin as he witnessed the confirmation of his sinister power. It was a wicked ability, one that could manipulate the desires of those within its reach, trapping them in a tantalizing reverie.

The assassin raised his gleaming dagger, the blade catching the faint moonlight that filtered through the curtains. He aimed it at Sera's t-shirt, specifically at her chest, his depraved intent evident in his predatory gaze.

"I have always wondered how they would look if seen naked," he muttered with perverse curiosity. "Now let's find out."

He attempted to exert some strength into his hand, trying to move the dagger toward his intended target. But to his horror, the dagger remained frozen in place, as if an invisible force held it in check.

"Why isn't it moving?" His voice trembled with confusion and fear as he struggled against the unseen restraint. The dagger remained immobile, defying his desperate attempts to wield it.

It was then that he noticed something peculiar—a hand, starkly pale and with veins pulsating with an otherworldly energy, clutching the blade of the dagger. The hand's grip was unyielding, as if it possessed a power beyond comprehension.

The assassin's gaze rose from the hand to its owner, and his blood ran cold as he met the chilling sight of a silver-haired man. The stranger's left eye blazed with a fiery crimson aura, a stark contrast to the darkness that surrounded them.

This enigmatic figure, with an aura of malevolence that surpassed even the assassin's own, held the dagger firmly in place, his presence commanding and inscrutable. It was clear that he was not an ordinary person.

As he, Rael, stood there, his left eye ablaze with a fiery crimson aura, his voice sliced through the tense silence of the room like a blade.

"How dare you?" His words held an icy edge, tinged with a lethal warning that sent shivers down the assassin's spine. The room seemed to quiver in response to his presence, as if the very air recoiled from his wrath.