Dancing With Electricity

'Who is he?' the assassin wondered, his heart racing as he struggled to comprehend the intruder's sudden appearance. His eyes darted to the window, which stood ajar, the night's breeze whispering through the gap.

'Did he come in through the window?' the assassin pondered, his mind racing with alarm. The open window seemed to hint at the intruder's stealthy entrance, sending a chill down his spine.

Suddenly, Rael's hand started to crackle with electricity, vivid arcs of energy dancing between his fingers. The eerie blue glow cast eerie shadows across the room, and the faint hum of electrical power filled the air.

'Lightning?' the assassin thought, his eyes widening with disbelief. He quickly let go of the dagger, his gloved hand trembling, and hurriedly stepped back, his senses overwhelmed by the unpredictability of the situation.

'He uses lightning? I was never informed of someone like that.' The assassin's thoughts raced, his unease growing by the second. He had not been prepared for an adversary who wielded such a formidable power. 'Crap, this could be difficult,' he realized, a sense of foreboding settling over him.

Then, without warning, Rael threw the dagger toward him with blinding speed. The dagger cut through the air like a deadly projectile, its gleaming blade trailing sparks of electricity.

"Shit!" the assassin cursed under his breath, his instincts kicking in. Just as he attempted to evade, the dagger struck his shoulder with a vicious impact. Electricity bolts danced across the weapon, sending searing pain through his body.

"Urrg!" The assassin winced in pain, his hand trembling as he gingerly touched the wound. Blood seeped through his fingers, staining his gloved hand, and he couldn't help but curse inwardly.

'It was too fast. I couldn't even track it with my eyes,' he thought inwardly, his heart pounding with fear. The assassin's confidence wavered as he realized the immense speed and precision of his adversary.

He pulled the dagger from his shoulder with a grimace, blood oozing from the wound. "Aaah!" he grunted, the pain coursing through his body. The metallic tang of blood filled the room as he clutched the weapon tightly.

And just then, a shiver ran down his spine, and a dreadful realization struck him.

'This...' he thought, his eyes darting toward Rael, who had closed the distance between them in an instant. Rael's left eye blazed with an eerie crimson aura, a sight that sent a shudder through the assassin's very core.

Before he could react, Rael's hand shot out, lightning-fast, and grabbed the assassin's face with a vice-like grip. The assassin's own gloved hand clawed at Rael's iron hold, but it was futile. Rael's grasp was unyielding, preventing him from moving his lips or even taking a breath.

Suddenly, Rael's hand started to crackle with even more intensity, the electrical energy surging with malevolent power. The assassin's body convulsed as he was struck by the intense lightning coursing through him. His vision blurred, and his muscles spasmed uncontrollably.

The room seemed to tremble as Rael's hand continued to crackle with electricity, the power coursing through the assassin's body while electrifying his senses. He couldn't even let out a scream, his mouth sealed off by Rael's merciless grip.

The assassin's world was reduced to an agonizing dance of searing pain and electric currents that coursed through his very being. He felt as if his very essence was being consumed by the relentless surge of power.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Rael released his grip, and the assassin fell to the floor, his body smoldering, his clothes scorched, and his once cold demeanor reduced to a broken figure leaning against the wall.

"Urrrg!" The assassin's anguished groans echoed in the room, his body twitching involuntarily. The lingering scent of burnt flesh and ozone hung heavy in the air.

Throughout the ordeal, Sera continued to sleep undisturbed, her slumber untouched by the violent display of electricity and pain that had unfolded in her room. The moonlight bathed her in its gentle glow, casting an ethereal aura around her as she remained oblivious to the turmoil that had unfolded in her presence.

Rael's expression remained as cold and calculating as ever as he retrieved the dagger from the ground, its blade gleaming with a malevolent aura. With a precision that sent shivers down the assassin's spine, he aimed it directly at the assassin's vulnerable neck, the metallic edge glistening ominously in the eerie blue glow of the room.

The assassin's vision was blurred from the tormenting ordeal he had just endured, but he was still able to make out the sinister intent in Rael's eyes. Malevolence and determination seemed to pierce through the haze of pain and fear that clouded his sight.

'No way. Is he-' the assassin's thoughts raced, his heartbeat pounding in his ears. Just as Rael's hand moved toward his neck, the assassin's burnt eyebrows furrowed, his mind racing to comprehend the unfolding situation.

But before the dagger could make contact, Rael stopped midway, the blade hovering just a hair's breadth from slitting the assassin's throat. It was a calculated pause that left the assassin bewildered and frozen in a state of trepidation.

'Huh, what happened?' the assassin wondered, his mind racing. 'Why hasn't the dagger hit me yet?' Slowly, he opened his eyes, his gaze locking onto Rael, who was now focused on something else entirely—Sera's sleeping form.

'Why is he looking at her?' a chilling realization dawned upon the assassin. 'Don't tell me?! He doesn't want to spill blood in this room? No, more precisely, he doesn't want to leave a trace behind.' The realization sent a wave of dread through him.

Rael slowly turned his head toward the assassin, his gaze now fixated on the dagger in his hand. There was a moment of hesitation, a pause filled with unspoken intentions that hung heavy in the air.

The assassin, battered and burned, saw a glimmer of hope. 'Maybe this is my chance. If I can just activate that skill–' But before he could make his move, a soft sigh escaped Rael's lips, and his eyes briefly closed.

'He is sighing?' the assassin thought, confusion gripping him. 'Why is he sighing? Doesn't matter, I should quickly activate the ski–' But his thoughts were abruptly cut short. In an instant, faster than the assassin could react, Rael's hand shot out, and with a single, decisive motion, he sent the assassin's head flying through the air.

'H-he...' the assassin's last fragments of consciousness faded away as his head sailed through the moonlit room, his fate sealed by the merciless and enigmatic figure of Rael.