Defeating The Dragon




Blue lightning crackled around Rael's body, vivid arcs dancing like ethereal serpents on his skin.

The electric energy surged through him, making his eyes illuminate with an intense azure glow.

The radiating electricity extended from his eyes, which intertwined with the lightning around his body, creating a complex, beautiful pattern.

His long silver hair began to float, and his entire body was engulfed in a sea of blue.

With every end of an electric arc moving aimlessly around him, which vanished and reappeared at will, the blue lightning created a breathtaking effect, one that could only be seen in nature.

It was like an ocean of azure, a beautiful, and ethereal sight.

The lightning was intense, but, it was also gentle and calming.

It was both frightening, and comforting.

It was like a raging storm, and a peaceful night.

It was both the end, and the beginning.

And, it was a symbol of hope.

Hope for Alice who was standing behind him.


Alice's eyes widened, and her breath hitched in her throat.

Her eyes were fixed on the blue lightning, and her heart was beating fast.

She was mesmerized.

'He is...'

'He is amazing!'

She was amazed by the sight.

She had never seen such a beautiful thing before.

And, the man who was producing this amazing light, was...


'He is so cool!'

Her heartbeat quickened, and she felt like her heart was going to burst out of her chest.

Her legs trembled, and her knees felt weak.


'He looks so powerful?'

She didn't know what he was going to do, but, she trusted him.

She believed in him.

He was her friend.

So, she trusted him, with all her heart.

'He is gonna win, I am sure.'

'I believe in him.'

She looked at the dragon, and her expression darkened.

'Don't you dare hurt my Rael.'

'If you do, I will destroy you.'

She wasn't sure where the feeling came from, but, she knew she had to protect Rael.

'I won't let anyone hurt you, Rael.'

Her eyes were determined, and her expression was cold.

She would never allow anyone to hurt him.


The dragon had its eyes locked on Rael, its golden eyes were burning with rage.


The dragon growled, its voice was low and menacing.

It was angry.

And, it was ready to attack.

"Alice!" Rael called out, his voice was deep and clear.

"Y-yes?" Alice snapped out of her thoughts and met his gaze.

"Step aside. You might get hurt."


Saying so, Alice quickly ran towards a nearby tree and hid behind it.

She peeked from the tree and stared at Rael, her heart beating rapidly.

"Be careful, Rael!" she shouted, her voice filled with concern.

"Don't worry. I got this."

Saying so, he took a step forward, and his feet sank into the ground, causing a deep crack to form.

"You ready?"


The dragon roared, its voice was filled with anger.

"I will take that as a yes."

Saying so, Rael dashed towards the dragon.

The dragon's body was covered in thick, dark, blue scales, and its eyes were sharp and fierce.

It was an imposing sight.

It looked like a giant lizard, and yet, there was something majestic about it.

'It's really big,' Rael thought to himself as he stared at the dragon, its golden eyes were burning with rage, and when it saw him coming, the dragon launched the fireball towards him.

The fireball flew towards him at incredible speed, leaving a trail of red flames behind it.

The fireball was massive, and it was filled with scorching heat.

The trees, the grass, and the plants were incinerated as it flew past them.

Everything in its path was destroyed, turned into ash.

It was like a flaming meteor falling from the sky.

The fireball was terrifying, and the heat was almost unbearable.

"Tsk." Rael clicked his tongue and raised his hand while he was ran toward the dragon.



The electricity around his body started to gather at his hand, forming a blue ball of lightning.

It was an orb of pure electricity, the size of a basketball, and it was constantly swirling, sending sparks of energy everywhere.

The electric ball was filled with so much energy, that it seemed like it would explode any second.

"This should do the trick."

Rael smirked, and swung his hand, and the electric ball shot towards the incoming fireball.


A loud explosion erupted, and the ground shook violently.

A blinding light flashed, and a massive shockwave rippled across the entire 1st floor.

The trees, the grass, and the plants were all blown away, alongside the wave of dust, dirt, and debris.

Spark of blue electricity and red flames shot out in every direction, destroying everything in their path.

And Rael was also blown away, his body was launched into the air, and he was sent flying backward.

His body hit the ground, and his back skidded against the grass.

"Damn, that was a bit too strong," he muttered, his gaze was on the sky above him, which had been illuminated by the sparks of blue lightning and the flames of the red fireball.

'The fireball is not extinguished.'

'I should have used more electricity to neutralize it.'

But, it was too late.

He had underestimated the strength of the dragon, and he had overestimated his own abilities.

'Well, this is what I get for being weak.'

He sighed and closed his eyes, preparing for his demise.

'At least, it's better than dying by the hands of that god.'


A small branch fell from the tree and hit him on his head.

He opened his eyes and glared at the tree.

'Ahh, it's so annoying.'

He wanted to just stay on the ground, and sleep.

But, he had a mission to complete.

'I need to get up and kill this fucking dragon.'

He had to clear the dungeon.

It was a must.

Because 'they' were coming for Sera.

'And, I will make sure they won't be able to reach her.'

His gaze hardened, and his fists clenched.

'I will clear the dungeon, and become strong. Stronger than ever before.'

He would get stronger, and protect the people he loved.

He would protect Sera, and his family.

No matter what.


A roar, loud and fierce, broke him out of his thoughts.


He lifted his head and looked towards the source of the sound.

And, what he saw, made his jaw drop.

The dragon, the huge, scary, and majestic dragon, was on the ground, and was lying down.

"Wh-what happened?"

He wasn't sure how the dragon ended up on the ground, but, one thing was clear.

The dragon was hurt.


Its dark blue scales were scorched and covered in cracks, and its golden eyes were dim and clouded.

And, the dragon's wings were damaged, and some of its spikes were broken.

The dragon was badly injured, and it was in pain.

It was a pitiful sight.


The dragon roared, and its voice was filled with rage, and pain.

It was angry and hurt.

'Did my attack do this much damage?'

'I guess, the electric ball was stronger than I expected.'

Rael was impressed by his own power.

He wasn't sure how he was able to produce such a strong electric ball with the power he currently possessed.

But, he didn't have time to think about it.

'I need to end this now.'

'Before the dragon heals itself.'

He stood up and walked towards the dragon.

As he approached the dragon, he noticed something strange.

The dragon was not moving.

'What's wrong with this dragon?'

'Why isn't it moving?'

He wondered, and his gaze fell on the dragon's eyes.

The dragon's eyes were closed, and its body was limp.

'It's unconscious?'

'How can that be possible?'

'How can such a powerful creature fall unconscious after just a single attack?'

It didn't make sense.

But, it was the reality.

The dragon was unconscious, and it was unable to move.

'I need to end this, right now.'

But, before he could close the distance, he saw a humanoid figure floating above the dragon's body.

It was a girl, wearing a white one-piece dress.

Her hair was long and black, and her eyes were deep and dark.

She was beautiful, but her expression was filled with sadness.

'Alice?' Rael's eyes widened, and he blinked a few times to make sure he was not seeing things.

'She can... Fly?' He was surprised, and his eyes were focused on her.

Alice floated above the dragon's body, her hand was extended above her head, and her palm was facing the sky.

"How dare you."

Her voice was filled with anger, and her eyes were burning with rage.

"To lay your hands on Rael. I will make sure you pay for it."

She spoke with such intensity, that even Rael felt a little intimidated.

"I will make sure you feel pain. I will make you suffer. I will make you beg for mercy. And then, I will destroy you."

Her eyes were cold and cruel.

'What's happening here?'

'Why is Alice so mad?'

Rael was confused, and his eyes were locked on her.

'Wait a minute.'

'Is she doing this?'

'Is she the reason why the dragon is laying on the ground?'

It was the only possible explanation.

'But, how is she doing it?'

He had no idea.

"This is the end for you, stupid dragon," Alice said, her voice was cold and harsh.

And, then, she moved down her palm toward the dragon, and her hand began to glow.


She closed her hand into a fist, and the light around her hand became even brighter.




The space around the dragon started to crack, the air was filled with an intense pressure.

The dragon was trapped within the sphere, and it could not move.

And it kept on getting smaller, until the sphere completely encased the dragon.


The air was filled with the sound of cracking bones, and the dragon let out a pained cry.


Then, with one final crack, the dragon's body was reduced to nothingness.

'What the hell?!' Rael was shocked.

'Don't tell me she can distort space itself?'