Inside the Desert's Hell Dungeon (3)

As Rael and Alice strolled hand in hand through the enchanting greenery, the soft rays of sunlight filtered through the lush canopy, casting a gentle glow on their surroundings. The vibrant colors of the flowers and the sweet fragrance of blooming blossoms filled the air, creating a serene atmosphere.

Their footsteps were accompanied by the melodic chirping of birds perched on the branches above, and a delicate breeze played with Alice's long black hair as they continued their journey. Rael couldn't help but appreciate the beauty around them, contrasting with the expectations of a dungeon filled with peril.

Even after walking for an hour, the tranquility remained undisturbed. No menacing creatures lurked in the shadows, and the only sounds were the rustling leaves and the occasional distant call of wildlife. The trees swayed gracefully against the breeze, creating a hypnotic dance that added to the overall sense of peace.

'What kind of dungeon is this?' Rael pondered, his eyes scanning the serene landscape. 'Why haven't any monsters appeared yet?' He couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something unusual about this place, something beyond the obvious differences.

He glanced at the woman walking beside him, noticing her expression was calm and her gaze was fixated on their surroundings.

'Did she really lose her memories?'

'Or, is she hiding something?'

He didn't know.

"Hey, Alice," Rael called out, and the girl's gaze shifted to him, her deep black eyes staring at him intently.


"How old are you?"

"Uhhh, I don't know," Alice replied, her tone was soft, and she had a puzzled expression on her face.

"You don't know?"

"Yeah. I can't remember."

"I see," Rael sighed.

"Why are you asking me that?" Alice asked, a bit confused.

"Nothing. I am just curious."

"Okay." Alice nodded, and a comfortable silence descended between them.

They continued to walk hand in hand, the gentle wind caressing their skin, the sunlight warming their faces, and the sweet scent of flowers permeating their senses.

It was a peaceful and idyllic scene, unlike how it should be; dangerous, mysterious, and filled with monsters.

'Is this some kind of illusion?' Rael wondered, his eyes narrowing.

He couldn't explain why the dungeon felt so different, maybe, it was an illusion.

Or, it was some kind of trick.

There was no way this place was safe.

'I have to be careful.' He reminded himself, 'With the amount of power I have right now, one wrong step and I could die.'

And, as he continued to ponder, he heard Alice's soft voice,

"Um, Mr. Rael," She called him by his name because he had told her to call him by his name while they were walking. But, he never said anything about adding the 'Mr'.

It was her choice, and Rael didn't mind it.

"Yes, Alice?" He replied, his attention shifting to her.

"Do you... Do you have someone special to you?" She asked, her eyes were filled with curiosity, and a hint of hesitation.

"Special to me? What do you mean?" Rael asked, confused.

"I mean, do you have a girlfriend or something like a lover?" Alice's face turned red as she stammered, and her gaze lowered to the ground.

"A girlfriend?" Rael repeated the words, and his expression softened, and a small smile appeared on his lips.

'Is she trying to get to know me better?'

'Or, is it a test to see if I am single?'

He didn't know the reason why she asked him this question.

But, he didn't mind her asking that.

"Why are you asking me this?" He questioned.

"Umm, no reason," Alice replied, her eyes still fixated on the ground.

"So, do you have someone special to you?" she asked again, her tone a bit impatient.

Sera's beautiful face flashed through Rael's mind, and he stopped in his tracks as he remembered their time together.

The time they spent, talking and laughing.

The time they shared, the moments they cherished.

The way her eyes sparkled when she looked at him, the way her lips curled into a smile, the way she would laugh at his silly jokes, the way she would tease him.

All these memories made his heart warm and his face flushed.

"Yes. I do." He answered, his voice soft, and his expression was relaxed, and the warmth in his eyes was obvious.

"I-i see," Alice mumbled, and her gaze returned to the ground, her shoulders slumped.

She was disappointed, and, the expression on her face made Rael want to tease her a bit.

"But, she hasn't agreed to be my girlfriend. So, you can try your luck."

"Wha- what?" Alice's face turned red as her jaw dropped, and she stared at him in disbelief.

"Are you joking?" She asked, her tone was hopeful, and her eyes were filled with excitement.

"I am serious." Rael smiled.

"Then, um, will you become my boyfriend?" Alice asked, her voice was soft, and her face was bright red.

Rael's expression turned serious, his eyes narrowed, and his lips curved into a smile.

"Don't want to." He replied.

"W-what?" Alice was taken aback by his reply, and her heart skipped a beat.

"Why do you want me to become your boyfriend?" Rael asked, his tone was calm, and his gaze was focused on her.

"Because I don't want to be alone," Alice replied, her eyes were shining with hope.

"Everyone has someone, and I want someone too," she added.

"You don't want to be alone?" Rael repeated her words.

"Yes. I don't have any memories, so, I don't know where I came from, or who my parents are. So, I want to be with someone who will take care of me."

"And, I thought, you are the right person. You seemed nice and kind. And, I thought I could rely on you. And, I will try my best to be a good girlfriend. I promise. Please, be my boyfriend," she said, her eyes were pleading, and her voice was filled with emotion.

"Alice," Rael's tone was soft, and his expression was gentle.

"I don't want to."

"W-why?" She asked, her voice cracked, and her eyes were glistening with tears. "Is it because I am not beautiful enough?"

"It's not like that," Rael sighed, he raised his hand and placed it on her shoulder.

"Alice, the truth is, I love someone already. So, I can't become your boyfriend."

"I-is that so," Alice's expression fell, and she lowered her head, her eyes were watery, and her heart was heavy.

"But, that doesn't mean I won't protect you. I will be your friend, and I will help you in any way I can."

"Friend?" Alice lifted her head and met his gaze.

"Yeah, a friend. That is the best I can offer."

"Friend..." Alice mumbled, and a small smile appeared on her face.

"Is that okay with you?" Rael asked.

"Yeah," Alice replied, and she wiped her eyes.

"Good. Let's shake hands on it."

Rael stretched out his hand towards her, his eyes were warm and a soft smile was visible across his lips.

"Alright." Alice reached for his hand, and their fingers intertwined.

"Now, we are friends," Rael said.

"Yes, we are," Alice replied, and a genuine smile appeared on her face.

Rael was just being nice to her, he wanted her to feel closer to him, because she seemed like a super strong woman, and having someone like her on his side would be helpful.

So, he wanted to form a bond with her, a friendship.

And, it was just a friendly gesture.

But, his words, his actions, and his warm smile made Alice's heart skip a beat, and she felt something she hadn't felt before.

A strange, yet familiar, feeling.

"Ah," A sigh escaped from her mouth, as a sudden surge of electricity ran through her body.

The feeling was overwhelming, and she felt like her heart was going to explode.

She closed her eyes, and a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Hey, Alice, are you alright?" Rael asked, his tone was concerned.

"Yeah, I am fine," Alice replied, "I just... I just am too happy."

"Huh? You are that happy to be just friends with me?"

"Yeah. I am happy to be your friend. At least, you will stay by my side."

"Of course, I will stay by your side."

Rael was a bit confused by her words, but he decided to ignore them.

"Thank you, Mr. Rael."

"Just call me, Rael," He said, "Now, let's continue."

He was about to turn around, but, his arm was pulled, and he was embraced.

"Hmmm, Alice?"

Alice had hugged him, and her face was buried in his chest.

"What are you doing?" Rael asked as he looked down at her black hair.

"Nothing just wanted to hug." Alice's voice was muffled, and her face was pressed against his chest, making her voice sound weird.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" Rael asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No. I am not. I just want to hug," Alice replied, her voice was soft and gentle.

"Okay." Rael smiled and hugged her back.

He wasn't a bad person, at least to the ones who were nice to him, so, he didn't mind Alice's actions.

It was just a friendly hug.

And, as he was hugging her, he felt her body tremble slightly.

'What's happening?' He wondered and heard a soft sob coming from her.

"Alice, are you crying?"

"Y-yeah," She sniffled, "I-i am just, happy."

"Hmm, okay." Rael stroked her back gently, and they stayed in that position for a few minutes, before, he spoke up again,

"Just let go of me, or I will throw you away," he said, and Alice quickly released him, and wiped her eyes.

"Let's continue."


Rael turned around and began walking.

But, just as he took a step forward, a loud noise erupted, making him stop.




It was the sound of something breaking.

He looked up and saw the sky had changed, it was now covered with black clouds, and the sun was no longer visible.

'What's happening?'

He wasn't sure, but, the atmosphere had changed.

"Rael," Alice's voice snapped him out of his thoughts, "The sky, it's..."

"Yeah, I know," Rael cut her off, his tone was grim, and his expression was serious.

He looked around, his gaze scanning their surroundings, searching for the source of the noise.

And just then, a creature landed in front of him.

It was a dragon, with deep blue scales and golden eyes.

Its large wings flapped slowly, and its head was lowered, staring at them with its fierce gaze.

The dragon's eyes were glowing, and its jaws were opened, revealing a row of sharp fangs.

Alice was stunned, and her body was frozen, as she stared at the dragon.

"What is that?" Alice exclaimed, her voice filled with fear.

"It's a dragon," Rael replied, his expression was calm, but, his gaze was cold and sharp.

"A dragon?" Alice repeated.

"Yeah, a dragon." Rael nodded, his gaze never leaving the dragon.

"Ok, but, what is a dragon? I have never heard of it," Alice asked, her tone was curious, but, there was a hint of fear in her voice.

"Huh?!" Rael turned his head and stared at her.

"You don't know what a dragon is? Do you remember anything from your past?"

"I don't." Alice shook her head, "I only have vague memories, and nothing else."

"I see."

Rael looked back at the dragon and noticed the dragon was also looking at him, and he knew the dragon was waiting for his next move.

'What should I do?'

He wondered, his mind racing.

He wasn't scared of the dragon, but, he wasn't confident in beating the dragon.

'The dragon looks very strong.'

'I don't think I can defeat it.'

If he was in his prime, then, defeating it, or, even reducing it to ashes, would be easy.

It would have taken just a slight wave of his hand, or, a few words.

But, in his current state, it would be impossible.

Even if he uses all of his powers, it might not be enough.

He was too weak.

And, the dragon was too strong.

So, the best thing he could do was run away.

"Hmph," Rael snorted and smirked.

"If you are going to kill me, then, come."

"R-Rael?" Alice was shocked by his words, "W-what are you saying? Don't provoke the dragon."

"It's fine," Rael replied, his tone was calm and confident, "I have a plan."

"A plan? What plan?"

"You will see." Rael winked at her and took a step forward, his eyes were locked with the dragon.

"You want to fight?" Rael asked, and the dragon's mouth moved.

"Kreeeeaaar" The dragon roared, its voice echoing throughout the 1st floor of the dungeon.

"Is that a yes?" Rael smirked, and the dragon's mouth opened, and a fireball started to form.

"That's it. Now, hurry up. I don't have much time."


The dragon's roar was like thunder, and the fireball grew larger and larger until it was ten feet wide.

Rael watched the dragon carefully, waiting for the right moment.

And, just when the dragon was about to shoot the fireball, he activated his power.


— Infinite Harem System —

— Skill 'Electric Physique lvl. 1' has been activated

— All physical attributes are increased by 100 times

— All physical damage will be converted to 'Electric Points' to increase the level of the skill