Inside the Desert's Hell Dungeon (2)


A place filled with mystery and treasures.

Every dungeon had a boss.

And the boss would guard a treasure that would increase the power of the person who could get it.

However, to get the treasure, one had to first defeat the boss.

The bosses in dungeons were strong and powerful, and very few people could defeat them.

Most of the bosses were monsters, and their strength depended on the level of the dungeon.

The more difficult the dungeon, the stronger the boss.

So, the bosses in B-grade dungeons are much weaker than the bosses in A-grade dungeons.

And the bosses in S-grade dungeons were the strongest.

It wasn't like players had to defeat the boss monster to get the treasure.

Most of the time the boss monsters are the one to possess the treasure.

So, if you kill the boss, you will automatically get the treasure.

But, there are times when the treasure isn't guarded by the boss.

And when the treasure isn't guarded by the boss, one has to search for it.

Sometimes, the treasure could be hidden in a secret place, and sometimes it could be right under your nose.

But, there is one thing that is common for all the treasures.

They have a powerful aura around them.

The aura would make you feel attracted to it, and you would want to possess it.

It was called the 'Treasure's aura'.

The aura doesn't always have to be visible.

There are times when the aura is so subtle that you won't be able to notice it.

And, there are times when the aura is so intense that it will overwhelm you.

The intensity of the aura depends on the rarity and power of the treasure.

And, the stronger the treasure, the stronger the aura.

So, it wasn't a surprise when the girl, who was just a second ago a stone statue, was radiating such an intense aura.

She had been freed from the stone curse by the words of the man standing in front of her.

"You jerk! What were you thinking looking at a woman's naked body!" the woman shouted.

"You pervert! I am gonna kill you." She glared daggers at him, her voice was filled with anger.

Rael's words had caused her to panic, and she was embarrassed by his remarks.

She had lost her cool and didn't know how to deal with the situation.

"Well, it looks like you are fully awake now. So, I will leave now," Rael said, ignoring her words.

Right after the girl had opened her eyes, she had started to release an aura that was overwhelming and intimidating.

But, Rael wasn't affected by the aura.

He didn't even know what it was. Because, only the Players who had sensed a treasure's aura before could detect it.

And, as for Rael, who wasn't even from this world, it wasn't a surprise that he didn't know about the treasure's aura.

For him, the girl was just a strange woman who had suddenly appeared out of a stone statue.

A girl who possessed quite a lot power, that he could sense.

But, it was nothing, since he had already seen many strong women.

And, most of them were also defeated by him.

So, a woman, who had the power to release such an aura, didn't surprise him at all.

She was just a minor character for him.

'It's not like she is someone I can't beat, but, why should I be bothered by her?' he thought, as he began to walk away from her.

'I have to clear this dungeon and return to Sera's side. I can't waste my time with some random girl,' he decided.


"Wait, you pervert!" the girl shouted, making him stop, "I am not done with you yet." she exclaimed, her eyes were burning with rage.

Rael turned his head and looked at her.

"Yes, what is it?" He asked, his voice calm and polite.

"Wait, why are you turning toward me?" The girl's voice cracked, and her face flushed red in embarrassment. "Turn around! Don't look at me."

"What do you want?" Rael ignored her words, and looked straight at her, his expression neutral.

"Give me your clothes." She demanded, covering her private parts with her hands as she was standing bare, in front of him.

"Why should I?" Rael's eyes narrowed, his gaze sharp and cold.

"What do you mean, why?"

The girl glared at him, her voice was filled with anger, and her face was red.

"Because, I don't have any. That is why." She retorted.

Rael looked at her from head to toe, taking in her appearance, her pale skin, her slender figure, and her full breasts, and he smirked.

"Do you want my clothes?"


"Then, you have to pay for them."

"What? How dare you."

The girl was taken aback by his words, she was angry, but, there was a hint of nervousness in her eyes.

"Pay for it? I don't have money with me."

"You don't have to pay me money." Rael said, a smirk tugging at his lips, "Just let me kiss you, and I will give you my clothes."

"Wha-" the girl's eyes widened, and her jaw dropped, her face turning bright red.

"What the fuck did you just say?" she screamed.

"You heard me. Just a kiss, and you will get my clothes." Rael said, his tone was calm and casual, as if he was talking about the weather, and, not a kiss.

He was asking for a kiss, a kiss from a stranger, who was completely naked in front of him, and, yet, his tone was so casual.

Not that he was being disrespectful, or trying to force her.

It was more like, he was just teasing her.

"Are you stupid? Who would agree to such a ridiculous deal?" The girl's eyes were wide open, and her voice was trembling, and she was shocked.

"Oh, is that so?" Rael questioned.

"Yes. I am not gonna kiss you."

"Then, I guess you have to go around naked. Good luck with that." Rael said, his expression was calm, but his eyes were filled with amusement.

He turned around, and began walking away, leaving the girl behind.

"Hey, wait!" the girl shouted, "I didn't mean it."

Rael stopped and looked at her.

"So, do you agree to the deal?"

"Yes. I do."

"Then, come here and give me a kiss." Rael ordered, his tone was stern, and his eyes were dark.

The girl's ears also turned bright red, and she lowered her head, and mumbled something under her breath.

"What did you say?"

"I-I said, y-yes."

"Then, come here." Rael ordered, and the girl took a deep breath, and slowly walked towards him, her heart beating rapidly, and her cheeks were flushed red.

She stood in front of him, and looked up at him, her face was a bit nervous, and her body was trembling slightly.

"Now, put your arms around my neck, and kiss me." Rael ordered, and the girl gulped, and did as she was told.

She closed her eyes, and pressed her lips against his, and kissed him, and their lips touched.

Rael wrapped his arms around her waist, and pulled her closer, the kiss deepened, and their tongues met.

The girl moaned, and her hands roamed over his body, she leaned closer, and her breasts got pressed against his chest.

"Mmm," The girl moaned, her tongue dancing with his, and her hands caressing his body.

After a while, they broke apart, and Rael stared at the girl, his expression was soft and tender, and his gaze was gentle.

"That was a good kiss."

The girl blushed, and she lowered her head, and mumbled, "Y-yeah."

"Here is your reward." Rael said, and he raised his hand and placed it on her shoulder, sparks of electricity ran down his fingertips, creating white fabric and covering the girl's nakedness.

The girl gasped, and her eyes widened, and she stared at her newly covered body.

She was wearing a white, one piece dress, and her feet were covered with white sandals.

"T-thank you." She stammered, her eyes wandering at the ground.

"Don't mention it." Rael smiled at her.

And just then a screen appeared in front of him,

— Infinite Harem System —

— Quest 'Kiss the Stone Girl' have been completed.

— You have earned 2000 Experience Points.

The screen was showing him the rewards for completing the quest, which was 2000 Experience points.

He had kissed the girl because of the quest, and, if not for the quest, he had just left her there, naked, and all alone.

He had no reason to help the girl.

But, the girl had agreed to his deal and kissed him, so, he gave her the clothes.

It wasn't a big deal for him, and it wasn't a difficult task.

The girl was beautiful, and he liked the way she reacted to him.

"So, who are you?" Rael asked, looking at the girl, who was staring at him with her deep black eyes.

"I am..." the girl paused.

"I don't remember." She mumbled, her voice was low and filled with sadness.


"I don't remember my name, or where I came from." She explained as tears filled her eyes.

"I see," Rael replied.

The girl didn't remember her name or where she came from, but, he had a feeling that she was very strong, and there must be a reason why she had a curse on her.

'Hmm, maybe, I should take her with me.'

'She will become useful at least for something.'

"Okay, since you don't have a name, I will give you one." Rael said, and the girl's eyes widened, and her heart skipped a beat.

"From now on, your name is Alice."

"A-alice?" the girl stammered.

"Yes. It's a beautiful name."

"Thank you." The girl said, looking at him in the eyes.

"Don't mention it. Come, let's go." Rael said, and the girl nodded, as she walked behind him.

"Where are we going?"

"We are going to clear the dungeon."

"Dungeon? What is that?" the girl asked, confused.

'Don't tell me, she doesn't even know what a dungeon is?' Rael thought to himself.

"I will tell you along the way. But first, come with me."

Saying so, he took her hand in his, and led her towards the path ahead.

The girl blushed, and her heart was beating rapidly.

"O-okay." She mumbled, her voice was low, and her eyes were focused on their hands, and a faint smile appeared on her lips.