Inside the Desert's Hell Dungeon

Inside the Desert's Hell dungeon,

As Rael entered the dungeon, the entrance vanished behind him.

He found himself standing in a place filled with greenery, with trees and bushes, and flowers all around him.

The temperature was pleasant and the air was fresh.

There were birds chirping in the trees and butterflies flying around.

— Infinite Harem System —

— You have entered the first floor of Desert's Hell dungeon.

— This is a B-grade dungeon with a Level limit of 50.

Right after his entrance, a screen appeared in front of him, showing him the information about the place he was in.

"Hmm," he hummed and closed the screen which vanished into thin air after he waved his hand.

"So, this is the first floor,"

'I was expecting a desert, but, this is a forest.' he thought and began walking towards the path ahead of him.

The forest was quiet and peaceful, the air was fresh and the temperature was pleasant.

It didn't seem like a place where monsters would reside.

Like, the trees, flowers and grass were all healthy and green.

The only red thing in this place were the fruits on the trees, or the roses growing on the bushes.

It was just too calm and peaceful.

But, Rael wasn't gonna be deceived by the calm and peaceful appearance of this place.

Because, this place was a dungeon, a place where monsters dwelled, people died, and treasures were hidden.

He knew all this because of the report he read which was given by Sera's assistant, Leo, while they were riding to the dungeon.

And, in the report, was also mentioned that there would be sand all around the first floor.

But, right now, he was surrounded by plants and trees, not sand.

'It looks like the report was wrong.' He assumed in his mind, 'Or maybe, the report was accurate and this is another trap set by the dungeon.'

"Guess, I have to find out myself," he muttered, and walked deeper into the forest.

After walking for a while, he came across a stone statue, it was of a warrior with a sword in his hand.

The statue was carved beautifully and it seemed to be made of marble.

'What is this doing here?' he thought and reached his hand to touch the statue.

From places to places, there were traces of blood on it.

The statue looked old and the color was dull, indicating that it had been standing there for quite some time.

'It looks like someone fought here, and the battle was intense.'

Suddenly, a breeze passed by him, rustling the leaves and grasses.

"Mmm," Rael hummed and the eyes of the statue in front of him glowed red and it suddenly came to life.

It grabbed Rael's hand and pulled him closer, and with the other hand, it raised its sword and brought it down towards him.

"Whoa," Rael was caught off guard, he didn't expect the statue to move.

'A golem, huh? This should be fun.'

Rael smirked, the excitement bubbling up in him. 'Or, maybe not...'

He quickly squat back, evading the golem's attack.

The blade missed Rael and slashed the air, creating a gush of wind.

"Hey, don't attack me just like that," Rael complained playfully, a smile tugging at his lips.

"Grrr," But, the golem didn't listen and charged at him again, swinging its sword.

"Oh man, you don't like to listen?" Rael's tone was laced with sarcasm, as he moved away from the golem's attack.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. You are really naughty," Rael tutted, shaking his head.

This made the golem stop, and it stared at him, its sword was still raised high above its head.

"N-naughty?" The golem's voice echoed in the forest, the tone was robotic and cold, but the words were stammered, and there was confusion in its voice.

"Ah, it can talk," Rael muttered, he was a bit surprised.

"I am naughty? I-I have never been called like that before."


'Why does this sound like a woman's voice?' Rael wondered.

The voice of the golem sounded feminine and innocent, and it seemed like the golem was confused by his words.

"Well, you are. You just attacked me without any reason," Rael replied, a small smirk tugging at his lips.

"I am sorry, please forgive me." The golem apologized, lowering its head. "But, can you call me naughty again?"

"Huh? What?" Rael was confused by the golem's words.

The word 'Naughty' had only slipped through his mouth because he wanted to enjoy the fight since one hit from him would probably break the golem.

So, he was going to take his time fighting with it, and enjoy the battle.

And the best way to enjoy the fight was by making fun of his opponent.

He never meant to call the golem, 'naughty'.

But, the golem was reacting strangely.

It was apologizing and even asking him to call it naughty.

"Please call me naughty," The golem requested, its tone was pleading and it was trembling slightly.

Looking at the golem's behavior and its voice, Rael couldn't help but ask, "Are you a girl?"

"Y-yes. I am," The golem replied.

'Is this a female golem?'

Rael was a bit taken aback by the golem's reply.

'I didn't know golems could be girls too. Maybe, I should call her naughty and see what happens?'

"Naughty? Naughty. How naughty," Rael tried to say in the most playful tone, while his expression showed mockery.

"Ahh," the golem moaned, its body shuddered and its sword fell to the ground, landing with a thud.

'What is happening?'

Rael was stunned by the golem's reaction.

'Is she...'

"Ahh," The golem fell to the ground with a resounding thud, and the stone that composed its form began to break off in fragments.

As Rael observed, the cracks in the stone grew wider, revealing a mysterious radiance beneath.

Just then, a screen materialized in front of him:

— Infinite Harem System —

— You have broken the 'Stone Curse' by saying the word 'Naughty' twice.

'Hmmm,' Rael mused, his curiosity piqued. 'Stone Curse?'

As he contemplated the meaning of the system's message, the stone surrounding the golem continued to crack open, revealing, beneath the stone, a beautiful naked woman.

She was tall and slender, with a well-proportioned figure, and her skin was white as snow.

Her black hair was long and silky, falling down to her waist in waves, and her face was breathtakingly beautiful.

But, her beauty couldn't hold Rael's attention, because he had seen someone more beautiful than her.

It was Sera, the princess, the queen, and his everything.

But, despite not being able to hold his attention, the woman's beauty was unquestionable.

'Hmm, she has a beautiful face and a stunning body.'

'But, who is she and what is she doing here?'

He asked himself as he continued to observe the woman lying on the ground.

"Mm, Ah," the woman moaned as she stretched her arms, and opened her eyes.

The color of her eyes was deep black, and her eyelashes were long and thick

"Who are you?" the woman asked when her gaze fell on Rael, her voice was low and husky, and her tone was suspicious.

'Does she not remember what happened?' Rael thought to himself. 'Maybe she don't know that she had a curse on her?'

"Are you okay?" he asked, ignoring her question. "You were laying here naked. Did something happen to you?"

"What?" the woman exclaimed in shock, her face turned red in embarrassment as she covered her private parts with her hands. "Where are my clothes?"

"I don't know," Rael shrugged. "You were already naked when I saw you."

"I was naked? Oh, my god."

The woman's face turned red, and her hands shook, and her chest heaved up and down.

She was panicking, and she was having trouble breathing.

"Turn around," she said in a hoarse voice. "Don't look at me!" She added, as her voice cracked.

"Okay, okay," Rael sighed, and turned around, facing the opposite direction.

"Hah," The woman breathed a sigh of relief. "You said I was already naked when you saw me?"

"Yeah, I did."

"Then, that means, you have already seen everything." She stated, her eye darting at the ground.

"Well, not everything," Rael said, a smirk forming on his face.

"Really?" The girl's face lit up, and a faint smile appeared on her lips.

"I mean, I could only see your front and not the back, since you were laying on your back." Rael explained, a smug look on his face.

"You jerk!" the woman shouted, her face flushed red in anger.