Epicness: C...crazily Baddass?!

The night had fallen on the 2nd floor.

It was dark, and the air was filled with silence.

Except for the howling of the wind, and the sound of the sand blowing in the air.

Rael was standing on top of a dune, and his eyes were focused on the ground below.

He was surrounded by Minotaurs, and the Minotaurs were charging towards him.

There were more than 1000 of them.

They were armed with large, heavy weapons, such as axes, clubs, and maces.

Their face was that of a bull, with two horns on their heads, and their body was covered in brown fur.

They were muscular, and their bodies were toned and bulging with muscles.

The Minotaurs were large, and they were very intimidating.

But, Rael wasn't afraid.

He was calm, and his expression was relaxed.

Blood was dripping down from his left shoulder.

A deep gash was visible, and it was bleeding profusely.

'Damn, it hurts,' he thought.

The cut on his shoulder wasn't caused by the Minotaurs.

It was caused by him.

When the night had fallen and everything had turned dark, he had used his dagger to make a deep gash on his left shoulder.

Because, he was the Demon King, and his blood could call monsters and creatures, and draw them to him.

And, the wound had attracted the Minotaurs.

It was his plan, to draw the monsters and creatures, and deal with them.

He was the only one standing on the top of the dune.

But, Alice was nowhere to be found.

Only Rael was surrounded by the Minotaurs, and he was the only target.





Minotaurs' roar broke the silence of the night.

Their voices were deep, and their eyes were bloodshot.

They were just standing still without making any moves and were glaring at Rael.

They were waiting for something. For someone to come and give them orders.

Rael was aware of their presence.

And, he was ready for them.

'Yeah, hurry up and gather as much as possible.'

His eyes were gleaming, and a sly smile was on his face.

'As soon as you get all gathered up, I will finish you all off in a single strike.'

He was going to obliterate the Minotaurs in a single strike after they gathered as much as possible.

Because, the more Minotaurs there were, the better and faster it would be for him.

'The more the merrier, right?'

He was thinking like that, but, suddenly, the Minotaurs raised their heads toward the sky, and roared loudly.





They were howling and roaring at the same time.

'What the fuck?'

Rael's eyes widened, and his brows were furrowed.

'This is weird. Why are they screaming at the same time?'

Something was wrong.

'It doesn't make sense. There is no way they can scream like that at the same time, unless they are calling for someone, or something.'

A smile appeared on his face, and his gaze moved towards the sky.

"Alice! Do it now! "

He shouted, his voice was filled with authority, and his eyes were focused.



And, as if answering his call, the sky was split in half.

Cracks spiderwebbed throughout the night sky.

And, in those cracks, stars of various colors could be seen.

Those stars illuminated the darkness, and the desert was bathed in a beautiful, multicolored light.

But, Rael wasn't looking at the cracks.

He was staring at the sky.

A gigantic sphere of energy, surrounded by a purple aura, was floating above his head.

And, within that sphere, a humanoid figure was seen.

Alice was floating in the middle of the sphere.

Her right arm was stretched toward the sky, her eyes were shining with purple light, and her black hair was floating behind her.

Rael was looking straight at her, his eyes were focused, and his lips were curved into a small smile.

He was proud of her.

Proud that she had accomplished her task, and proven herself.

'Good job, Alice.'

Rael moved his gaze toward the Minotaurs, and his smile widened.

They had stopped howling and were staring at the sky, dumbfounded.




The Minotaurs were looking at each other, confused.

'You did well, Alice.'

'Now, let's end this.'

Rael thought, then he raised his right arm and pointed out his index finger at the sky.

His eyes were locked onto the Minotaurs, his expression was cold, and his aura was murderous.

"Alice," he began, his voice was threatening, and his gaze was fierce.










He finished.

And, at the same time, the stars from the cracks in the sky began to fall down.

The cracks got bigger, and the sky was falling apart.

The stars were like shooting stars, and they were falling in the direction of the Minotaurs.

But, it wasn't a single star.

It was an enormous cluster of stars, and they were headed toward the Minotaurs.


The air was filled with the sound of breaking glass, and the sky was being destroyed.

The cluster of stars was descending upon the Minotaurs.

The Minotaurs' expressions changed.




The Minotaurs were trembling, their faces were filled with fear, and their voices were shaky.

"R.I.P.," Rael uttered and...




The cluster of stars smashed into the ground and exploded.

A huge shockwave was created, and a wave of heat was released.

Everything was blown away.

The dunes were flattened, the Minotaurs were vaporized, and the desert was turned into a wasteland.

No, even that wasn't the end.

Because, the stars were not stopping.



One after another, the cracks were appearing, and the stars were falling down.

The Minotaurs that were left started running in the opposite direction of the stars, trying to escape the cluster.

But, the cluster was too big, and they weren't able to escape.

They were hit by the stars, and their bodies were vaporized.

The ones who managed to survive the cluster were hit by the wave, and their bodies were blown away.

The Minotaurs were killed, and their bodies were destroyed.

And, the wasteland was getting bigger and bigger.

Rael was watching everything from the dune, there was a purple barrier around him, and he was unscathed.

It was made by Alice to protect him.

"Hahahaha," he burst out laughing, his eyes were bloodshot, and his face was filled with insanity.

"Hahahahaha," he kept on laughing, and the madness in his eyes was growing stronger and stronger.

"Hahahahahaha," his laughter was maniacal, and his grin was twisted.

He was the only one standing on the dune, and he was the only one left alive.

The rest of the 1000+ Minotaurs had been killed by the cluster of stars.

They were all vaporized, and their bodies were turned to ashes.

The fire, from the cluster of stars, was burning everything, and the desert was being incinerated.

The Minotaurs' screams could be heard, and the smell of burning flesh and smoke was strong.

Rael was standing in the middle of it, and he was the only one who was not affected by the flames.

It was because, of the barrier, that was protecting him.

And, the fact that the fire couldn't touch him, meant that the barrier was not simple, but, an absolute one.

'Hell yeah!'

'Burn to Hell!'

His mind was going crazy, and his blood was boiling.

The sight of the flames and the smell of burning flesh and smoke was causing him to become ecstatic.

'The more you suffer, the better the feeling!'

'The more pain and suffering you experience, the greater the feeling!'

His mind was consumed by madness, and his sanity was slowly disappearing.

'This is so fucking fun!'

'This is the best!'

His eyes were bloodshot, and his mouth was opened wide.




Loud laughter and insane cackling were coming out of his mouth, and he was unable to control himself.

But, all of it stopped when a loud voice entered his ears.






An earth-shattering, deafening, ear-piercing roar echoed throughout the entire desert, and it made the very earth shake.


Rael's expression changed, and he gritted his teeth.

'Who the hell dares to interrupt my fun?'

He was pissed.

Because his fun was ruined.

And, the roar was not made by the Minotaurs, it was a much larger creature.


— Infinite Harem System —

— Boss Monster 'King Hercules Minotaur' has appeared.

— Please, kill the boss monster 'King Hercules Minotaur' as fast as possible or the 'Desert's Hell' will collapse.