Epicness: Fly Slayer's Destruction

01:34 AM

It was past midnight, and the crescent moon was high in the sky.

Its silver rays illuminated the night, and the city was peaceful.

There was no sound, and the atmosphere was tranquil.

Even the roads were empty, and the streets were deserted.

The stars twinkled in the night sky, and the breeze was cool and refreshing.

It was a perfect night, very calm and serene.

But, it wouldn't last for long.

"Is this the one?" Rael asked, his voice cold.

He was standing in front of the building that had the signboard of Dragon Slayer, which was one of the most powerful and notorious guilds in the country.

"Yes, master," Luna replied, her tone respectful.

She was the guild master of the Priest Guild, after destroying her guild and using the Dark Slave Book, he enslaved her.

But, he didn't capture her in the book, instead, he let her live in the real world.

It was because he wanted her to suppress whatever had happened that night when he made her surrender.

He didn't want the world to know about it, or more precisely, he didn't want Sera to know about it.

And the only way to keep it a secret was by making Luna obey his orders.

That was why, he decided to not lock her inside the book, and he let her live in the real world.

But, she wasn't the same Luna anymore.

She had become a loyal and obedient slave of her master, and she would do anything he would order her to do.

She had completely submitted to him, and her body and soul belonged to him.

All because of the Dark Slave Book.

It was a legendary artifact that was said to have been created by the gods themselves.

And, it was only used for capturing people who were either too strong or were against the gods.

But, it was never meant to be used on a human, let alone a woman.

Yet, Rael had used it, and he did it without hesitation.

And now, Luna was his slave, and she would obey him no matter what.

"Yes, master, it is," Luna replied, she was standing next to him, and her head was bowed.

"But, master, I don't think he would be in the guild. He is a Dragon Slayer, and he is also one of the most mysterious players after the King," she said, her tone serious.

"Hmm, so why did you take me here then?" Rael asked, his voice low and deep.

"Because, we will have to ask his guild members about him, and we have to find where he is, that is the only way to get to him," she replied, her voice calm and steady.

"Oh, I see," Rael said, his expression calm.

"Alright, let's go," he continued and took a step forward.

The guild's building was tall, and it had a modern style.

It was surrounded by a large garden, and the trees were beautiful.

The main entrance was guarded by two men, and they had a serious expression on their faces.

Even in the building, many players were roaming around, doing their own business.

Some were buying and selling items, and some were even recruiting new players.

There was even a bar, where people were drinking and enjoying themselves.

A guild is the only thing that would always be open 24 hours a day, because, no one knew when the next dungeon break would happen.

And, a player would always have to be ready for any kind of situation, no matter what.

That was the only way to survive.

It wouldn't matter how strong a player was, or how powerful a guild was, if a player couldn't be prepared for every possible situation, then they would die.

That was the reason why a guild was the most important thing for a player.

It was not only a place to meet other players, but it was also a place where a player could learn how to defeat the monsters.

And, most importantly, it was a place where a player could earn a lot of money.

Players who joined a guild were not only getting money, but they were also gaining a lot of knowledge about the monsters and their abilities.

In this way, they could become stronger, and defeat the monsters more easily.

This was also the reason why the guilds were so popular.




Everything a person could dream of.

It was all here.

In a guild.

But, at the moment, none of that mattered.

All that was in the minds of the people, was the fear and horror that they were feeling.

In front of them was a silver-haired guy, his face was hidden behind a black mask that was covering his mouth and nose.

Sparks of electricity were dancing around him, and his left eye was burning with red flame.

And, he was not alone.

There was a girl, standing next to him.

She had long, golden hair, and she was wearing a white dress.

Her skin was smooth and fair, and her face was covered by a veil that was hiding her eyes.

It was none other than the guild master of the Priest Guild, Luna.

She and Rael were inside the guild, and the players were looking at them with shock and fear.

It was understandable because as soon as they entered the guild, Rael had started to destroy and break every person who stood in his way.

And, there were no exceptions.

The first unlucky were the ones who were standing on the door, those fools tried to reason with him.

"Wait, verify your identity before entering," one of the guards said, "At night, only members can enter the guild."

"Identity?" Rael had repeated, his eyes cold and his voice icy.

"I think you are misunderstanding something," he continued, his tone cold and sharp.

"I am not here to enter the guild, I am here to find someone."

"Who?" the guard asked, his face confused.

"Dragon Fly or whatever his name is," Rael replied, his voice calm and composed.

"It is Dragon Slayer you idiot, not Dragon Fly," the other guard corrected, his tone irritated.

"Oh yeah, that one. Can you tell him that I want to meet him? It is urgent," Rael continued, his tone nonchalant.

"Sorry, but we can't let strangers meet our boss," the guard replied, his voice firm.

"Boss, huh? Well, I thought you were good guys who were trying to protect the world where Sera lives but I suppose I was wrong," Rael spoke, his tone light.

"Huh?" the guards didn't understand what he was saying.

"Now, I don't have to feel bad for killing you." Rael sighed.

"Wha..." Before the guards could say anything, their heads fell from their necks, and their bodies were lying on the ground.

While Rael had his hand raised and his index finger was pointed out.

A thin, blue blade was coming out from his fingertip.

It looked like a laser, and lightning was dancing around it.

— Infinite Harem System —

— Skill [Lightning Laser] has been added to the [Skill List].

That was how he killed the guards.

Then, he proceeded to kill everyone who stood in his way.

His movements were graceful, and his attacks were precise.

It was almost like watching a dance, a deadly dance.

Every single strike was fatal, and every hit was lethal.

Blood was spilled, bodies were torn apart, and the bones were broken.

It was a massacre, a ruthless slaughter.

No one could stop him, no one could even scratch him.

He was a force of nature, a storm that was tearing through the guild.

"Stop!" a player roared.

"Don't move!" a woman yelled.

"Stay where you are!" a man shouted.

Everyone was yelling and shouting, but none of them dared to approach him.

"Do come near me!"

"Shut up," Rael tried to shut them up but...

"Don't move!"

...they didn't stop.

"Go away, you monster."

"I SAID SHUT THE HELL UP!!!" Rael yelled, his voice echoing throughout the guild.


Everyone stopped talking, and the whole place became quiet.

Rael was standing in the middle of a pool of blood, and there were corpses all around him.

"Look," he started, his voice low and cold.

"I just want to know where the fuck is that bastard," he continued, his gaze piercing.

"So, why the fuck are you all not telling me?!"

No one answered.

"Just tell me, where the Fly Slayer is?"

Still no answer.

"Tell me, please,"

The people were looking at him, their faces filled with fear.

They didn't know what to do, or what to say.

They were afraid.

"I don't wanna kill more than this," Rael said, his tone resigned.

"Please, I beg you, just tell me where is that bastard,"

But no one spoke.

"Fine, if that's what you want,"

Rael raised his hand, and the air around him started to crackle.

'I am sorry, Sera.'


Suddenly, the roof above them exploded, and a bolt of lightning fell from the sky.

"I gave you a chance, and you refused it," Rael said, his expression hidden behind the mask.

"So, don't blame me for killing you."