Epicness: Vs Dragon Slayer (4)

"Is that bastard playing with me!"

Fane gritted his teeth, and his eyes burning with rage.

"How dare he do this!"

'This bastard is so infuriating!'

He was pissed off, and his whole body was trembling with anger.

'How dare he play with me?!'


With that, Fane jumped in the air, and the fire around his body swirled and burned intensely.

Behind him, trails of red smoke were left behind as he jumped, and in an instant, he landed on the rooftop of the building right next to his guild.

'That bastard, I will kill him,'

With his rage and fury, he stomped the roof of the building, and the whole building shook violently.

"You are here."

A voice reached Fane's ears as he looked up, and his eyes met the gaze of his enemy.

His enemy was standing inside the broken and ruined Dragon Slayer Guild's building, near the shattered glass wall, which was destroyed by Fane, a while ago.

"You, I will kill you,"

"Oh," Rael tilted his head slightly and looked at the furious man.

"You are still alive."

His voice was calm and emotionless, and his expression was unchanged.

"How about we continue the fight?"

He said, his voice devoid of emotion.

"We are not done yet." He concluded.

"Yeah, this fight will only end with your death," Fane growled, his eyes narrowing.

With saying that, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


Red fire gathered around his fingertips, and a ball of flames was formed.

It was a fireball, and its size was really small.

As small as a ping-pong ball.


And then, as soon as the ball was formed, it was shot toward Fane's enemy.

But, before the fireball could reach its target, it stopped midway.


And with another snap from Fane, a small, thin, and delicate strand of red thread was formed, on the small ball of fire.

It was a thin string of fire, and it was attached to the fireball.

The fireball was floating in the air, right in the middle of Fane and Rael.

It was there, a small fireball, surrounded by red fire, and the flames dancing around it.

The flames were so beautiful and mesmerizing, that anyone would think that it was an illusion.

But, the fact was, it was real.

'A fireball,'

Rael was looking at the fireball, his expression calm and unreadable because of the mask.

'What is it for? To attack me?'

"Now, get ready." Fane's voice broke the silence, and Rael shifted his attention to the Dragon Slayer.


"Get ready to fight to death."


As soon as the words left Fane's mouth, the tiny thread of fire, which was attached to the fireball, started to get smaller as if it was getting vaporized.

Sparks were shooting out from the it, and the surrounding area was being illuminated by the fire.

It was a strange and magnificent sight, and Rael couldn't take his eyes off it.

'This fireball...:

He was watching the whole scene, his eyes fixed on the fireball.

The thread was shrinking rapidly, and it was getting thinner and thinner, and it was slowly disappearing into the air.

'It is like a countdown...'

Rael's lips curved into a smile, and his eyes were full of excitement.

'...a countdown to our showdown? Is that what he meant by Get ready?'

'Then, I will gladly accept your invitation,'

With that thought in mind, he extended his hand, and the electricity around his body began to dance more wildly.

'Let's see who will win.' Rael thought, his eyes gleaming.

And, as soon as the string completely vanished, the fireball exploded.


The explosion wasn't big, instead, it was just a small explosion, and the blast was not powerful.

Because, it was only for show, and it was not an actual attack.

The blast was so weak that, even a child could withstand it.

It was just a way to announce the start of the fight and a way to make the audience go wild.

So, as soon as the fireball exploded, the two people, who were standing on opposite sides of the road, in different buildings, immediately went on the offensive.


Both of them had vanished from their spots, and in an instant, both of them appeared in front of each other, at the same place where the small explosion had occurred.

And they attacked each other with everything they had, with both of their hands engulfed in their respective element, fire, and lightning.

While Rael's hand was covered in blue lightning, Fane's hand was covered in crimson scales and was burning with red flames.


An explosion occurred as both of their fists landed on each other's faces, and a powerful shockwave was generated.

Sparks of blue lightning, mixed with crimson flames flew everywhere, and the air itself began to burn.


The walls and windows of the nearby buildings shattered into pieces, and the debris was scattered.

The road cracked and the asphalt was torn apart.

As for the attackers, both of them were sent flying backward.

They were blown back by the impact, both were thrown into opposite directions.

But, before their bodies could hit the wall of the building, they managed to land on their feet, and they came to a stop.

"Hmm," Rael hummed, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

He had just felt the impact of the attack, and he knew that it had been a draw.

'This guy, he is not weak.'

His thoughts were racing, and his mind was in a state of confusion.

'I thought he was a mere brute, but he is much more than that.'

'I need to be more careful.'

Then, without thinking any further, he immediately jumped towards the sky, assuming that Fane would have already recovered and would be coming for him.

And as Rael had predicted, Fane was already coming for him, and he was already in the air.


He could see a red fireball hurtling towards him, and he knew that it was him, Fane, the Dragon Slayer.

After reaching the peak of his leap, Rael raised his hand and a stream of lightning shot towards the incoming fireball.

The bolts of lightning struck the fireball, and a massive explosion occurred.


The force of the explosion pushed Rael backward, and he was blown away.

But, before his body could fall down to the ground, he immediately called out his wings.

"Dark Angel Rise!"

And with that, the two wings bulged out at his command and began to flap.

On his left side, the dark brown bat-like wing flaps strongly, while on his right side, the white feathery wing moved.


With those wings, he was able to balance himself in the air and was able to hover above the ground.

But, his eyes narrowed when he saw the dust cloud clearing, and Fane standing there, unharmed.

He was looking up ahead, and his eyes were locked on his enemy.

"Is that it?" He asked, his voice low and calm.

"No, it isn't," Rael replied, his voice was calm and devoid of emotions.

"Of course,"

Fane nodded his head, his expression calm and composed.

"As I thought you do have something else to show me,"

And then, he leaped toward his enemy.

As he was approaching Rael, a red sword materialized in his hand, and a trail of flame was left behind him.

The blade was the same red sword he had before, it had left his grip after Rael had sent him flying through the buildings before.

'Now, this will be the end,'

Rael thought and immediately charged towards the incoming enemy.

Both of them were closing in on each other, their bodies engulfed in their respective element, one red and the other blue.

And then, the distance between them became very short, and both of them were within the range of each other's attacks.

Fane swung his sword, aiming to slash his enemy's neck.

"Haaaaaa!" He roared, and the blade cut through the air, creating a sound wave.

Rael evaded the attack by tilting his head to the side, and he managed to dodge it.

'That was close,'

And, as soon as he dodged the attack, his left hand began to shine with blue lightning, as he aimed for the head of his opponent.

But, as soon as his fist was about to land on his target, Fane moved his head slightly to the side, and his fist missed.

Right then, Fane used the momentum and brought his knee up, aiming for Rael's stomach.

But, he couldn't connect the hit, as Rael moved his body backwards.

However, Fane immediately grabbed his hand and pulled him closer.

And then, with a swift motion, Fane twisted his arm, and brought the red sword up, aiming to impale his enemy.


"At last," Rael grinned, and his eyes gleamed.

"Hmm? What?"

Fane narrowed his eyes as he looked at Rael's face, and the sword stopped midway.

"Nothing, just wanted you to stop your attack."

Rael said, his eyes fixed on the sword in his hand.

And, at the same moment, he had grabbed Fane's scale on his chest and was now pulling him closer.

'Shit, he tricked me!'

Fane cursed inwardly and immediately tried to pull his hand back.

But, it was too late.

"Space distortion," Rael muttered, and then, without warning, Fane's scales, where Rael had grabbed him, began to break into pieces, that fell to the ground and broke into particles.

'What the hell is happening?'

Fane couldn't understand, his brain couldn't process what was going on.

'Am I getting crushed? No, I am not. But, I am...'

He was still trying to figure out the situation, but his thoughts were cut short when he heard Rael's voice, which was saying, "Destruction,"


And then, he felt an intense pain.

It was not a physical pain, but an emotional pain, a pain, that could be compared to a thousand cuts.

It was a pain, which could destroy the mind, and the soul, and would shatter the heart into pieces.

And, that was the exact moment, Fane realized, he was dead.


His body burst into crimson particles, and then, his consciousness was gone.

It was the end, and Fane was no more.

His body was disintegrated, and he was reduced to ashes.

Rael was victorious, and he was the winner.


Rael exhaled a long breath, and then, he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

'That was close, I almost lost,'

He was feeling a bit tired, and he was panting.

But, despite all of this, a wide grin was spread across his face, and his eyes were glowing.

'But still, I am the one who won. Didn't I?'