Epicness: Vs Dragon Slayer (3)



The space around Rael was cracking, and the sound was echoing throughout the building.

The pieces of the space were falling on the ground and the air was getting ripped apart.

"Did you really think that you could kill me so easily?"

Rael's voice was full of mockery, and his eyes were narrowed.

Only his face and some body parts were visible, while his body was still in the spatial crack.


It was the only thing that was running in Fane's mind, as he looked at Rael.

The sword was supposed to strike his target and kill him, and yet, his opponent was standing there, alive.

How was that possible?

'What did he do?'

Fane was confused and angry.

He could not understand how his opponent had avoided his attack, and he could not understand what he had done.

But, there was no doubt about it.

Rael had dodged his attack, and he had survived.

'Damn it,'

Fane gritted his teeth, and his expression was distorted.

'This guy could control the space?'

Fane could not believe what he was seeing, and his eyes were wide open.

His mind was reeling, and he was unable to think.

He had never seen anyone who could control the space, no, no one could do that.

Only the gods had the power to manipulate the space, and it was a power that no player could wield.

So, how could this man be able to do something that only the gods could do?

Was he a god?

Or maybe, he had a Divine Artifact in his possession?

It was the only possible explanation because only the Divine Artifacts could give the wielder the ability that only a god could have.

So, it must be the case, and it was the only thing that was plausible.

"Do you, by any chance, have a Divine Artifact that can allow you to control the space?"

And so, he asked, his eyes focused on the man who had just appeared out of the spatial crack.

But, instead of getting a reply, he got a punch in his face, instead.


Rael's fist collided with the scales on his face and a burst of lightning exploded on contact.


The lightning spread out throughout the hallway and struck the walls and the ceiling, leaving behind black scorch marks.

As for Fane, he was blown away and flew past the mirror wall of the guild.


The glass shattered upon impact, and the shards scattered everywhere.

But, the Dragon Slayer didn't stop there.

His body continued to fly until it crashed through two buildings, creating a path of destruction.

And the momentum carried him further until his body broke through the last wall of the final building.

"What's that?"

A group of people was walking down the street when they saw the glass wall of the building get destroyed, and the person who did it, crashing into the road.


Fane crashed into the concrete ground, creating a huge hole and making the surrounding area shake violently.

The people who were present in the street were frightened, and their faces paled.

They didn't know what was going on, and why such a thing had happened.

They were just standing there, their legs trembling and their hearts beating wildly in their chests, it was as if they were frozen in place.

Meanwhile, Fane was lying on the ground, his whole body was covered in dust and debris.

But, he was still alive, and he was not hurt at all.


He quickly stood up and looked at the sky.

The night was clear and the stars were shining brightly.

He could see the moon, a crescent moon, and the white light that it emitted was illuminating the darkness.


Even with the calmness the moonlight brought, his mind was still in a state of confusion, and his thoughts were jumbled.

'Why is this so much fun?'

But, as he was standing there, the feeling of enjoyment was overwhelming, and his lips curved into a smile.

It was like, his life had suddenly been lit up.

He felt free, and his body was lighter than ever before.

It was the same feeling he had when he had first stepped into the world of dungeons, the feeling of excitement, and the thrill.

But, it was different this time, because the feeling was stronger, and it was more intense.

'This is...'

His mind was finally cleared, and his thoughts were now sorted out.

'Finally, someone who can entertain me!'

'Someone who can give me a real challenge!'

'Someone who can make my blood flow!'

'Yes, yes!'

His mind was in a frenzy, and his body was shaking with excitement.

'I want more!'

He realized that his body was trembling, and his heart was beating faster.

He couldn't help but feel ecstatic.


The thought of killing the unknown man was enough to send shivers down his spine.

And he could not wait any longer.

He wanted to fight, to kill.

To destroy everything in his path.

To unleash the beast inside him, the dragon.


Fane's eyes widened, and a dark and sadistic smile appeared on his face.

"This is the best!!"

His voice boomed, and his laughter echoed throughout the streets.


The ground beneath his feet began to crack and the buildings were shaking.

And soon, the entire city was shaking.

The people in the streets were scared, and they ran away from the scene.

They didn't know what was happening, but they could feel it, and they could sense the danger.

The city was shaking, and the tremors were getting stronger and stronger.


A crack formed in the middle of the road, and it grew bigger and bigger until the whole road was broken.

And then, the buildings around it began to collapse.

The walls were falling apart, and the roofs were caving in.


The streets and roads were breaking, and the buildings were falling apart.

But, Fane didn't care about them.

Because he was the cause of this destruction.

He was the one who was causing the tremors, and the buildings were collapsing because of him.


And it was all because of his sheer strength.

The strength of the dragon.

"Show me more,"

With that final shout, he jumped towards the guild, and the point where he was standing, exploded.


A shockwave of red fire spread out in all directions, and the debris was blown away.

His body was engulfed in flames, and the air was burning.

He was like a meteorite, like a rising meteorite that was going up instead of falling, and his body was like a burning ball of fire.

As he flew towards the guild building, his body left a trail of flames in his wake.

"Let's see, how long you can hold up,"

He whispered, his voice calm and cold.

"I will kill you and then, I will get that Divine Artifact for myself."

He was determined, and his eyes were sharp and focused.



And, at that very moment, a bolt of lightning struck him, and a powerful explosion occurred.


An agonizing scream escaped from Fane's mouth, and his body was thrown backward.

It was a direct hit, and the electricity was coursing through his whole body.


Fane crashed into the ground, creating a crater, and a dust cloud was created.


Fane coughed and tried to breathe, but, his lungs were filled with dust.

And the pain was excruciating.

'He is using his lightning skill continuously...'

He could feel the pain in his lungs, and his breathing was becoming more and more difficult.

But, the worst part was the fact that the lightning was spreading through his whole body, and his muscles were starting to cramp.

'My body is being electrocuted continuously.'

Fane tried to take a deep breath, but, he ended up coughing instead.

"Cough! Cough!"

And, as he was lying on the ground, the lightning was spreading throughout his whole body.

'How did his electricity get so powerful, suddenly?'

'Does his lightning have a limitless range?'

Fane was trying to figure out what had happened, and how his enemy had been able to attack him so quickly.

But, his thoughts were interrupted by the sudden increase of pressure, and the sound of crackling electricity.

'Again? Already?'

Fane looked up, and his eyes widened.


There was another lightning bolt descending upon him, and its force was enough to create a crater.


Fane cursed, and quickly rolled away from the lightning bolt's path.


And now, the bolt did not land on him, and instead it landed on the ground, creating a large crater.


Fane clicked his tongue and quickly stood up.

'I have to find him,'

He was annoyed, and his expression was grim.

'If I don't find him, then he will keep attacking me from the distance.'

'He is too far away, and his aim is precise.'

'It will be a problem if he keeps using his lightning skill on me.'

Fane took a deep breath, and his gaze swept across the surroundings.

'I have to find him before he attacks me again.'


And, his search came to an abrupt end, when the lightning struck him once more.


The lightning was fast and accurate, and it hit him directly on the head.


Another scream erupted from Fane's mouth, and his whole body convulsed uncontrollably.

'This guy,'

Fane clenched his teeth, and his body was trembling from the pain.

'He changes his location whenever he attacks.'

'He is not staying at one spot.'

'And, his aim is so accurate that I am not able to predict his next move.'

'It's not like I can see him, and his lightning strikes are not leaving behind any trace.'

Fane gritted his teeth, and his brows furrowed.

'He is a formidable opponent.'

'I can't afford to get hit by his lightning again.'

'It will be over if I constantly get hit by it.'

And thinking so, he closed his eyes and concentrated.

He was using his senses to locate the man, and he was looking for the source of the lightning.

But, he couldn't find him.

His opponent was hiding himself, and his whereabouts were unknown.

'Just have to wait for him to launch another lightning attack,'

Fane decided to wait for the lightning strike.

'And then, I will pinpoint his location, and attack him directly,'

'But, I have to be quick, otherwise, he will escape again,'

"I can't let him get away."

With that, he took a deep breath and readied himself for the next attack.

And, a few seconds later, a lightning strike descended upon him.


But, before it could hit him, he raised his hand and red flames started to gather at his palm.


A massive fireball shot towards the lightning bolt, and a massive explosion occurred.

The electricity's sparks were shot in every direction, and the whole place was illuminated by the blinding light.

The fireball had successfully blocked the lightning bolt, and it had neutralized the attack.

"Hmm," Fane hummed, his voice deep and calm.


Suddenly, his eyes shot open, and his expression turned grim.

"He is still at the guild? He didn't change his location?"