Epicness: Vs Dragon Slayer (2)


The only tube light which was providing little light, buzzed and flickered.


And then, it exploded and its pieces scattered across the ground.




At the same time, the lightning sphere around Rael was expanding and the lightning began to arc towards the ground.



Now, it was the only thing that was providing light, and its sparks illuminated the place.

The blue electricity was dancing around Rael, and its light was creating dancing shadows on the wall.


Luna was looking at him, her eyes full of admiration.

Rael's figure was so beautiful and graceful, and it was so dazzling, that her heart was pounding.

Her breath was stuck in her throat, and her body was trembling.

'Ah, my master is so wonderful,'

She was completely mesmerized by her master's appearance, and she couldn't tear her eyes away from him.

He was standing there, in the middle of the darkness, with the lightning sparks around him.

It was such a wonderful and majestic sight, that Luna felt like her heart was going to burst out of her chest.

With her senses, she could only see a blue aura in the shape of a human, and there was blue lightning shining brightly around it.

That blue aura was her master, and the lightning was his weapon.

However, Fane was not afraid of it.

In fact, he was not even the least bit intimidated by it.

Because he was the Dragon Slayer, and his whole body was covered by scales that were able to withstand any attack.

So, the only thing that was running through his mind was,

'What a joke.'

He was a top-notch player, a person with the ability to rival an SSS-rank player, and a weak and unknown player who had no rank at all was not a threat to him.

It was not even a competition.

It was an easy win.

That was why he didn't feel any fear or panic because the result was already decided.

So, he raised his hand and pointed his sword towards the unknown man.

"Are you just gonna stand there?" he mocked, his voice taunting and arrogant.

Hearing that, Rael tilted his head slightly to his right side and replied,

"Well, I was waiting for you to digest the situation."

"Situation?" Fane repeated, his eyes narrowing.

"Are you looking down on me, you bastard?!"

He yelled, his face dark and his voice fierce.

"Don't forget, I am the Dragon Slayer, the leader of the Dragon Slayer Guild,"

His words were filled with confidence, and his expression was determined.

"I can squash you like a bug, I can kill you without even blinking,"

He continued, his eyes flashing with an intense and unwavering resolve.

"Then why don't you stop yapping and just show me how you can do that,"

Rael replied, his voice calm and cold.

"If you can."

His words were simple, but his tone was filled with an overwhelming confidence as if he knew something that no one else did.

This infuriated Fane, and his patience had finally run out.

"Fine, I will show you,"

Saying that, he gripped the hilt of his sword tightly, and his muscles tensed.

His expression turned serious, and his eyes were filled with a dangerous glint.

"I will show you how you are not worthy of being my opponent,"

He paused, and the flames that were surrounding his body began to burn brighter and stronger.

The temperature in the building rose to a whole new level, and the air itself was burning.

"Watch and learn,"

He started, his voice deep and low.

"This is the power of a dragon." he declared, his voice booming.

"Yeah, I will. And maybe I will also learn how to be an annoying bastard." Rael shot back.

"Shut up!" Fane roared, his voice filled with rage.

But, before he could do anything, Rael suddenly raised his right hand and flicked his middle finger, while other fingers just followed the movement.


Fane was confused, and his brows furrowed.

But, his confusion was soon cleared when a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and struck him right on the head, destroying every roof above them.


The lightning bolt hit his head and electrocuted him, causing his whole body to convulse uncontrollably.


A scream escaped from his mouth, as his body shook violently.

He could feel the electricity flowing through his body, and the pain was excruciating.

He was in pain, a lot of pain.

"This is nothing," he hissed through clenched teeth.

"This is nothing compared to the pain I have felt before."

With that, he raised his head and glared at the unknown man.

"Did you think this is enough to kill me?!" he shouted, his voice filled with fury.

"Of course not," Rael replied, his voice calm and emotionless.

"I just did that to make you stop blabbering,"

"You," Fane started, his expression twisted.

"I will kill you,"

He growled, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous light.

"I will make sure to take my sweet time with you."

"Oh, please don't," Rael said, his tone bored and casual.

"I don't have the time to waste."


Fane was furious, and his body was trembling with rage.

He had never met someone so disrespectful and arrogant.

Someone who looked down on him, and mocked him.

He had to teach that person a lesson.

He had to show him his place.

And so...

"Activate skill 'Dragon's Breath',"

He whispered, and a screen materialized in front of him.


[Skill 'Dragon's Breath' activated.]

[Every stat is increased by 400%.]

This screen showed the increase of every stat, including his attack power and magic power.

It was an amazing skill, and it was one of the reasons he was called the Dragon Slayer.

With this, his attack and defense had become three times stronger than usual.

And now, even the electricity that was coursing through his body was not strong enough to cause him any harm.

In fact, he could barely feel it.

"You," Fane started, his voice calm and composed once again.


The lightning kept pouring down on him, but it had no effect on him.

He was now immune to it.

"...are stronger than I thought."

He continued, his expression turning serious.

He was no longer enraged, and he was now back to his calm and collected self.

"No wonder you were able to kill all those people."

He paused, and then he spoke, his voice filled with determination.

"So, I will not hold back,"

As he finished saying that, his body vanished from its spot.

And the lightning was left there, crackling and buzzing, alone.

"Hmm?" Rael hummed, his expression calm and composed.

"Where did he go?" he asked himself, his eyes searching for his enemy.

He could sense the sudden change in the air around him, and the faint trace of magic in the air.

But, there was no sign of Fane anywhere.

It was as if he had disappeared into thin air.

'Is he using some kind of teleportation spell?'

Rael wondered, but, he was wrong.

Fane was not teleporting, nor was he invisible.

"Up here!"

Suddenly, Fane's voice echoed throughout the area, and a red-colored sword came crashing down, aiming for Rael.

It was a blur of crimson, and the sword was descending so fast that it was barely visible.

The skill [Dragon's Breath] had increased Fane's speed and strength to the max.

And now, he was so fast that even Rael's eyes couldn't follow his movements, so the sword was going to strike him, directly.


Luna screamed, her face paled, and her eyes were wide open.

Even though Dragon Slayer's speed was too fast for her master to follow, but, the senses that were bestowed upon her by a Goddess, enabled her to track his movements.

So, she knew that the sword was going to hit her master, and the force of the impact was enough to shatter his skull.

But, being able to follow the sword's movement did not mean that she could stop it.

All she could do was to warn her master and hope that he would dodge it.

But doing that was futile.

Because the sword had already reached him.


The sound of metal colliding with the hard surface echoed throughout the building, and the impact sent a powerful shockwave, destroying the ground.



The floor beneath them was shattered into pieces, and all of the dead bodies fell on the lower floor.

A huge crater was created where the sword had landed, and there was dust everywhere.

And at the broder of the crater was a man.

He was standing there at the edge of the hole, and in his extended hands he was holding his own weapon.

It was Fane.

He had caused the destruction.

He was the one who had broken the ground and sent all the bodies flying.

And the man whom he had targeted, Rael, was nowhere to be seen.

"Ha, hahaha!" Fane laughed, his voice booming.


He had done it.

He had hit his target.

He had defeated the unknown player who was strong enough to wipe out his whole guild.

He was the victor.

"It only took one hit, and he is already dead,"

He declared, his voice smug and triumphant.

Meanwhile, Luna who was standing at the corner, had her eyes fixed on her master, and she was holding her breath.

She could sense the whole scene clearly, and she was able to witness her master's movements.

And what she saw amazed her.

'My master is so cool,'

She couldn't help but admire her master, and her heart was pounding in her chest.

But, she could not let her emotions control her.

Because she knew that the battle was not over yet.

She knew that her master was still alive.

And, her hunch was right.

"Who are you calling dead?"

A familiar voice was heard, and Fane's eyes widened.

He quickly turned around, and his eyes met a pair of calm and collected ones.

It was Rael, and he was looking straight into his eyes.



The space had started to distort and break apart, as Rael emerged from it.

The sound was similar to that of breaking glass, and the air itself was getting torn.

"Did you really think that you could kill me so easily?" Rael's voice was filled with mockery, and his eyes were narrowed.