Epicness: Vs Dragon Slayer

"Who the hell has done it, huh?" A loud roar resounded throughout the hallway.

It was coming from a man, a tall and muscular man with a lean body.

His rugged face bore a mark of a cut which spoke of his countless battles with formidable creatures, and his dark eyes shone with a fit of undisguised anger.

He was wearing a simple t-shirt and white trousers, which looked out of place in the midst of all the chaos in front of him.

This man was none other than the leader of the Dragon Slayer Guild, one of the most famous and notorious players in the country.

The one and only, Dragon Slayer.

And his name was...

"Fane!" Luna's veiled eyes lit up, and she exclaimed with joy.

'My master's enemy is here!'

'Now, my master will kill him and then maybe we will spend a nice and sweet time together, ah, my master will give me the best reward ever...'

She thought, stealing glancing at her master who was looking at Dragon Slayer without changing his posture, his gaze was sharp and piercing.

'Ah, my heart, why does he look so cool?'

Luna couldn't help but admire her master's figure and appearance, and she also couldn't stop herself from imagining the things he would do to her.

She was a pervert, and it was her master's fault.

'Oh well, I guess I will have to wait a bit longer for the reward.'

"Luna? What are you doing here? And what happened to my guild?!" Fane questioned, his face dark and his eyes shining with rage.

He just stood there, looking at the scene before him.

His guild was destroyed, and bodies were lying all around.

It was a scene of complete destruction, and it was like he was looking at a massacre.

'Is it him? Is he the one who has done all this?' he wondered, his mind filled with questions.

In front of him was the man who was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of players.

And the same man was the reason behind the destruction of the whole guild.

He was the one who was responsible for the destruction of his property.

The man who had destroyed everything he had built.

And, the same man was just sitting there, calmly and peacefully.

His head was resting on his hand, and his gaze was fixed on him.

It was like he was taunting him, mocking him.

It was infuriating, and it was making his blood boil.

'That bastard,' Fane gritted his teeth, his expression twisted and distorted.

'He will pay for what he has done.'

"Luna," he turned to her, his gaze sharp and intense.

"Were you also involved in this mess?" he asked, his voice calm and cold.

But, he didn't get an answer.

He didn't receive any reply.

Because Luna was just looking at Rael with an eager expression on her face, and her eyes were shining with excitement.

Even though she was blind, that didn't stop her from sensing everything.

She could still sense her master's aura, and it was enough for her.

With her heightened senses, she could see every curve and detail of his figure, and it was making her heart pound with excitement.

Also, it was not only her heart that was beating faster, her body was also getting hotter.

The thought of having him, touching him, feeling him, was enough to send her mind reeling.

'How can I concentrate on anything else when my master is so close?'

'I can't help it, my heart and body are burning.'

She was already getting aroused, and her face was getting flushed.

"Answer me!" Fane shouted, his voice angry and harsh.

But, he didn't get an answer.

He didn't even get a glance.

The reason was that Luna was too focused on her master, and nothing else seemed to matter to her.

It was as if she was under a spell, and the only thing that was occupying her mind was the man who was sitting in front of her.

"Don't want to answer, huh," Fane muttered, his voice low and cold.

"Then you can just die here, with these corpses,"

As soon as the words left his mouth, a red sword descended from above, breaking numerous roofs of the guild.

It was so fast and powerful that it left a trail of fire in its wake.

The holes that were made in the building by the sword, were also blazing with flames.

This same blade had just landed right in front of Fane, the Dragon Slayer, and it was hovering just inches above the ground.

"It doesn't matter to me if the members of my guilds are dead or alive, but it fills me with rage to think that there was someone who had the guts to destroy my guild," Fane continued, his expression dark and grim.

"It's been a long time since I have last felt this anger," he paused, his eyes fixed on Rael.

He raised his hand and grabbed the hilt of the sword, his fingers slowly closing around it.

"Now, I will show you what happens when you mess with the Dragon Slayer."

The moment he said that a screen materialized in front of him.

[You have occupied the 'Dragon'a Birth Sword'.]

[Initiating the 'Dragon's Soul Transformation' sequence.]

Red fire which was burning around the sword, began to spread towards Fane.

First, it got to his hand, then his arms, and then, his body.

Now, his whole body was covered by the flames, and the heat was so intense, that the air itself was getting burned.

He was standing in the center of the inferno, and the flames were rising higher and higher.

It was even able to reach the roof, and the ceiling was burning as well.

And yet, it was only the beginning of the transformation.




Under the red flames, crimson-colored scales began to appear on his body, starting from his hand that was clutching the sword, and slowly moving towards his chest, his back, his legs, and finally his whole body.



Even his face was covered by the scales, there was not even a single inch of skin visible.

His eyes were now glowing with a crimson light, and his whole body was radiating with an incredible aura.

He was no longer a human, but a monster, a creature that was born from the flames of hell.

A creature that had the power equal to that of an SSS-rank player.

"Luna," He started, his voice no longer human, but more like that of a beast.

"For betraying me, I will kill you first,"

After saying that, he raised his right hand and pointed his sword at Luna, his face cold and merciless.

But, Luna was not even aware of it.

Her mind was completely occupied by her master, and she didn't even bother to look at Fane.

She was so engrossed in him, that she didn't realize the danger she was in.

"Now, die!"

Just as the words left Fane's mouth, his sword moved at lightning speed, and a wave of fire came crashing down toward Luna.


But, right before the flames could reach her, a bolt of lightning struck the fire, and it vanished in an instant, leaving nothing but some trails of smoke in the air.


Fane let out, his eyes wide open.

"Wh-who did that?"

His eyes darted around the area, looking for the source of the lightning strike, but the only person there, other than those two was...


A voice.

A gentle and soothing voice called out to her.


Luna stammered, her heart beating wildly in her chest.

Her name was called by the man who had dominated her, the man who had taken away her pride and dignity, it felt so nice.

She wanted him to call her again, and she wanted him to use the same tone he used just now.

Because it felt so good that her heart had begun to melt.

"Are you alright?" Rael asked, his voice calm and smooth.

"Y-yes master,"

Luna nodded.

"I'm fine," she answered, her voice calm and steady.

"Then, don't get in my way," Rael spoke, his tone firm and serious.

"If you want to live, then stand back and watch,"

After saying that, Rael lifted his head from his hand, and stood up.

"Yes, master,"

Luna replied, her voice full of respect.

Then, she slowly took a step back and stood there.

On the other hand, Rael was looking at Fane, his gaze calm and composed.

"Dragon Slayer, is it?" he started, "I am impressed," he added.

"Using all of your strength even before the start of the fight,"




"It's admirable," Rael clapped his hands together.

"Good, very good,"

His words were filled with sarcasm, and it was clear that he was not praising Fane.

"What are you talking about?" Fane growled, his voice full of anger.

"Who are you?"

He demanded, his eyes glaring daggers at Rael.

"It doesn't matter who I am," Rael responded, his expression calm and unfazed.

"What matters is that you have to die,"

Saying that Rael stretched out his right hand's index finger, and an arc of lightning began to crackle around it.

"As for the reason," he paused, "Well, let's just say that I am the death god who is trying to fill the hell by sending souls to the afterlife,"

As he completed his sentence, the lightning arc around his finger began to multiply and slowly moved toward his arm.



Soon, the arcs of lightning had spread all over his body, and his whole body was covered by them.

It was like he was surrounded by a sphere of electricity, and the air around him was getting ionized.

"Now, shall we begin?"