Rise of supers

In the aftermath of the asteroid crash in Zalara town, a peculiar phenomenon unfolded, giving rise to a generation of "supers" with extraordinary powers. However, among them was Alex, a kid who didn't inherit any of these super abilities. The world around him was filled with superhumans, each possessing unimaginable powers.

One day, the tranquility in the household of Anderson's was shattered when Lily, in her room, let out a sudden scream. Alex, along with his parents, Grace and David, rushed to Lily's side, concern etched on their faces. The air was charged with worry as they collectively questioned, "What happened, Lily?"

To their astonishment, they found Lily standing calmly, her hands enveloped in flames. Panic set in as the family witnessed this inexplicable event. Lily, however, reassured everyone with remarkable composure.

"Calm down, all of you. I'm fine. I don't feel any burning sensation," Lily declared, her voice steady in the face of the extraordinary.

As everyone stared in disbelief, Lily deliberately set her hands on fire and just as deliberately extinguished the flames. The room, filled with a sense of wonder and confusion, reflected the extraordinary circumstances they found themselves in.

Even Alex, who had yet to exhibit any powers, couldn't help but express amazement. "Lily, that was incredible! Teach me how to do that," he exclaimed, his eagerness shining through.

Grace and David, both scientists, shared a look of surprise. "Lily, how did you do this?" they asked, their voices carrying a mix of astonishment and curiosity.

"I don't know how I did it," Lily replied honestly, her uncertainty evident.

Alex, still enthralled by the display, turned to Lily with hope in his eyes. "Lily, whatever it is, it was amazing. Can you teach me?"

Lily, facing her own uncertainty, replied gently, "Brother, I myself don't know how this is happening to me, so how can I teach you?"

Alex, momentarily disappointed, sighed and said, "It's okay. Maybe I too will get some powers too."

Grace, having heard the conversation between Lily and Alex, intervened with a calm tone, "Alright, both of you, it's time to go to sleep. School awaits you in the morning." She guided them toward bedtime, emphasizing the importance of rest for the day ahead.

As the kids settled in for the night, a sudden presence at the window startled them. It was Jack, utilizing his newfound powers to approach Alex's room with a sense of excitement.

"Alex, check this out! I've got the power of lightning and flying. Cool, isn't it?" Jack called out, hovering near the window.Alex, captivated by the display, grinned and exclaimed, "This is amazing, man!"

In response, Jack showcased his powers with flair and curiosity. "Alex, what powers have you got?" he asked, eager to hear about Alex's abilities.

Alex's expression shifted, a tinge of disappointment evident. "I haven't got any powers yet, but Lily has got fire powers," he admitted.Surprised, Jack responded, "But almost all the kids in town have powers."Undeterred, Alex reassured him, "Don't worry; I will also get some power."

Encouragingly, Jack affirmed, "Yes, you are right. You will also get the powers." And suddenly Jack losses hi balance and falls on the ground with a scream and loud noise.

Everyone standing in the window shouted Jack's name withe concern,but soon they found that Jack is totally fine and with a smile he says "am fine everyone am fine hehe !" Actually he crashed into a trashbin Lilly and Alex were set into the laughter, "Well... that's the perfect for you buddy" Alex said with a big smile on his face. "Not funny" Jack replys with a little anger on his face. After a little conversations with Alex he said goodbye to Alex and his family then he backed to his home.

After witnessing the displays of superpowers and the ongoing transformations in their children, Grace and David shared a knowing glance. They could sense that the extraordinary events were somehow linked to the asteroid that had crashed. As parents and scientists, the mysterious connection left them with a mix of curiosity and concern.

A week passed, and the anticipation in the household was palpable. However, despite the plethora of superhumans emerging, Alex remained without powers. One night, as the moon cast a soft glow into their room.

Alex, who sits at the window of his room and watches other kids having fun using their powers, becomes a little sad. "Looks like I'm not going to get any powers," Alex says with sadness in his voice and a smile on his face.

Then suddenly Lily approached her brother, eager to share her latest discoveries.

"Alex, you won't believe what I can do now! Watch this," Lily exclaimed, demonstrating her newfound abilities.

But instead of embracing Lily's enthusiasm, Alex, grappling with his own frustrations, unintentionally lashed out, "Why do you keep talking about your powers? Some of us don't even have any!"

The room fell into a heavy silence as Lily, hurt by her brother's words, looked down, her excitement replaced with a tinge of sadness. Alex, realizing his mistake, softened as regret settled in.

"I'm sorry, Lily. I shouldn't have said that," Alex apologized, his tone filled with genuine remorse.

Lily, showing understanding and empathy, replied, "It's okay, brother," and offered a gentle smile. Deep down, she sympathized with Alex's internal struggle.

Despite Lily's forgiveness, Alex couldn't shake off the lingering frustration within him. The room was filled with unspoken emotions—frustration, sympathy, and the weight of uncertainty in a world where superpowers were becoming the norm. As the night continued, the siblings navigated the complexities of their changing reality, unsure of what the future held for Alex and the mysteries tied to the asteroid.