A promise

The sunlight streamed through the windows of the Anderson household, casting a warm glow on the breakfast table where the family gathered. Alex, Lily, and their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Turner, shared a moment of normalcy amidst the extraordinary events unfolding around them.

Alex sipped his orange juice, glancing at Lily with a mix of pride and concern. "So, Lily, any new tricks with those flames of yours?"

Lily beamed, her eyes lighting up. "Watch this!" A small flame danced above her palm, controlled and graceful. The room filled with a soft crackling sound as she manipulated the fire with ease.

Mr. Turner, a distinguished scientist with a graying beard, observed with a blend of fascination and caution. "Impressive, Lily, but remember, with great power comes great responsibility. We still don't fully understand the extent of these abilities."

Grace, embodying both concern and motherly guidance, spoke to Lily."Lily, promise me you won't use your powers recklessly. You could hurt yourself or others unintentionally," Grace urged, her maternal instincts taking the forefront.

David also listens to his wife and says to Lily, Lily, your mother is absolutely right, you have to be careful about your powers. Currently, there are very few such cases in which people with powers have lost control over their powers or by mistake they have hurt themselves or others.

Lily, understanding the weight of her parents' words, nodded solemnly. "I promise, I'll be careful and won't use my powers recklessly," she reassured, her determination shining through.

Hearing Lily's response, a slight smile appears on Grace's face and she says with her voice piercing, "Good girl".

As the family continued their breakfast, Alex, who had been quietly absorbing the conversation, couldn't contain his curiosity and asked a question that lingered in the air. "Mom, Dad, do all these things have anything to do with the asteroid? And I ain't got no powers, huh?"

David, took a moment before responding, "Yes, Alex, all these things are connected to the asteroid. Your mother and I are leading research on it. That asteroid is an carries an element that is not found on our Earth. , We've named it Celestium. According to our findings, these cases are linked to the waves emanating from the asteroid. It seems to affect people aged 15 to 22. As for why you didn't get powers, we don't have any idea yet. But you're not alone; there are some other kids in the same situation."

The disappointment in Alex's eyes was palpable as he processed this information. "Why didn't it happen to me?" he muttered, a mix of frustration and longing in his voice.

Seeing the disappointment on Alex's face, Grace leaned in, her voice filled with reassurance. "Alex, you can do great things even without superpowers. Look at your football skills; you could become a fantastic player one day. But, don't forget, you need to pay attention to your studies too."

Alex, a hint of mischief in his eyes, responded with a big smile, "Mom, one day, I'll be the greatest football player."

Grace, addressing David with a playful tone, added, "That's my champion! And what about studies, Alex?"Alex, maintaining his cheerful demeanor, replied, "Well, we'll handle that bit by bit."David, with a teasing smile, asked, "Oh, you did, huh?"

Amused by the exchange, Lily burst into laughter, and even David joined in. However, Grace, catching on to Alex's playful exaggeration, scolded him in mock anger. "You better not be neglecting your studies, young man!"

Feeling the need to clarify, Alex stammered with a forced smile, "No, Mom, I was just kidding, hehehe!"

Lily and David chuckled at the family banter, creating a light-hearted atmosphere at the breakfast table.

Realizing the time, Grace shifted gears, "Okay, now hurry up and have your breakfast. Both of you are getting late for school, and your dad and I have to reach the research center."

After a quick breakfast, David and Grace dropped off Alex and Lily at their respective schools. As the kids exited the car, backpacks slung over their shoulders, Grace reminded them, "Take care, and have a good day at school. We'll see you later."

As the car pulled away, carrying Grace and David toward the research center.

On their way to the research center, David glanced at his wife, Grace, who appeared a bit restless. Concerned, he asked, "Grace, are you worried about Lily?" Grace nodded in response, her concern evident in her eyes. "I am, David. These powers are new to her, and I can't help but worry about how she'll manage them," Grace admitted, her voice tinged with a mix of anxiety and motherly care.

David, understanding his wife's apprehension, reassured her, "We're continuing our research with great concern. We'll find some way to deal with all this. Lily has promised to be careful."

Grace sighed, her worry not easily dispelled. "I hope we find a way soon to handle all this matter," she said with concern in her voice.

Continuing on their journey, Grace turned to David with a question, "Did you take blood samples from Alex and Lily?" David, focused on the road, replied, "Yes, I took their blood samples."

As their car pulled out of the research facility's gate, a friendly security guard greeted them. "Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. You'll be late in coming today," the guard remarked, a hint of camaraderie in his tone.David explained, "Yes, today we had to drop Alex and Lily at school because they missed the school bus, so we were late."

The guard smiled in understanding and, after a routine check, allowed them to proceed. Just before leaving, David, recalling something, inquired, "Hey Henry, listen, is Marshall Lucas here?" Henry, the guard, confirmed, "Yes, Marshall Lucas is already well ahead, and the Defense Minister too."David nodded in acknowledgment, "Oh, really. Goodbye, Henry." With that, David drove the car through the gate, leaving the security guard behind.

Observing the increased military presence at the Research Facility, Grace voiced her confusion to David, "I don't understand. Marshall Lucas has been here before, but never with such a large military force."David, contemplating Grace's observation, responded, "Didn't you hear what Henry said? The Defense Minister has also come here today and I also think that they know something about that asteroid that we don't."

As their car approached the facility, the sight of military vehicles and soldiers heightened the tension in the air. Grace, her concern deepening, questioned, "Do you think there's a connection between the military presence and the asteroid? Could it be a threat?"David, steering the car through the facility gates, acknowledged the uncertainty. "I'm not sure, Grace. Let's find out what they know. It's crucial for us to understand the bigger picture."

Exiting their car, Grace and David donned special suits that covered them completely, a necessity for their proximity to the asteroid. Marshall Lucas, a tall and imposing figure, greeted them with a remark devoid of emotion, "Mr. and Mrs. Turner, both of you are late today."

David, quick to respond, explained, "Yes, because we were the ones who had to drop Alex and Lily to school today."Brushing aside the trivialities, Marshall Lucas informed them, "Well, leave all that aside. Today we also have the Defense Minister with us."

David's eyes widened slightly, and he glanced at Grace. "Ah, that's great," he said, offering a nod of acknowledgment. Eager to meet the Defense Minister, Marshall Lucas led Grace and David through the facility, the gravity of the situation palpable in the air.

The Defense Minister, focused on the ongoing research, acknowledges their presence. Marshal Lucas, with respect in his voice, introduces the Turners, "Sir, Mr. and Mrs. Turner is here."

Turning away from the asteroid, the Defense Minister who is a middle aged man wearing a

Dark blue French suit greets them with politeness, "So you both are Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, nice to meet you." Seeing the Defense Minister's gesture, David reciprocates with equal courtesy, "I am also glad to meet you. By the way, my name is David, and this is my wife Grace." David points towards Grace, who adds with a polite tone, "Hello, nice to meet you sir."

As the formalities unfold in the research facility, Alex and Lily find themselves entering school, unknowingly stepping into a new set of challenges and mysteries awaiting them.

The chapter concludes with a sense of anticipation, bridging the gap between the scientific investigations at the research facility and the unfolding experiences of Alex and Lily in the school.