
"Huff," I grumbled, making my way out of the school building, both hands on the box. "If Min-Woo didn't gift this, then was it Ye-Jun?" I wondered, looking up. "It can't be Ryung; then maybe Asashi," I mumbled to myself, lost in thought.

"So, did you open it yet?" Someone pushed from behind, putting their head lightly on my shoulder before coming in front. It was Hoshi.

"No, I haven't opened it yet," I replied, continuing to walk, ripping off the ribbon.

"It's a special kind, has two functions. First, it can be used as a dagger and can turn into a scythe," Hoshi began explaining. "The head of the scythe can come off; it can be useful," he finished, gazing up at the school building.

"Yeah, I noticed he's been there for a while, a spy, I think," I mumbled, my gaze lowering to the ground below. The figure on the roof seemed strangely familiar, and a sense of deja vu washed over me. It was the same spy as last time, the one who had been tailing me.

"I see," Hoshi replied, a knowing smile playing on his lips. He seemed to understand the gravity of the situation, yet he continued to ignore the building we were passing.

As we walked, memories of a similar encounter flooded my mind. The day was etched in my memory – returning home exhausted from Dad's intense training session. The living room was shrouded in darkness, and a metallic scent lingered in the air. I stepped forward, feeling an unusual wetness beneath my feet. Unable to discern its nature in the dim light, I knew it was blood.

My attention was drawn to a figure on the roof, eerily reminiscent of the one from the past. A sense of unease settled in the pit of my stomach.

Suddenly, I found myself back in that chilling moment. A voice echoed in the corridor, and I stepped back cautiously. The figure spoke in hushed tones, piercing her palm with the thorns of a rose. In the dim light, I could discern a lifeless body on the ground, but the identity remained elusive.

"You know, I've always wondered if a flower seed can grow inside someone," she whispered, her gaze fixated on the rose. The unsettling scene played out before me, and I couldn't shake off the feeling of dread.

"All I could make out was the rose, a mouth, and the rose... 'Hey, don't you want to know what it feels?'" she turned towards me with a startling stare, and a chill ran down my spine.

I stepped back, my eyes wide with shock. "Huh, what?"

Hoshi's voice pulled me back to the present. "Hey, what happened? HEY!"

"Oh, sorry, just remembered something," I replied, my eyes teary, clutching onto the box containing the mysterious dagger. "Let's quickly go," I said, hastening our pace.

She stood up, and walked towards me, crouching her back a little. That's when I looked over her shoulder and spotted a person with a grim look on their face.

Back home, I blurted, "I'm home," shutting the door with a thud. All the lights were off, except for the hallway one. Everyone must be sleeping now, except for Igloo. She hopped towards me, onto my shoulder, and then onto my head, resting on it.

Igloo is my pet bunny. I got her as a birthday gift from God knows who. Since that day, she's been on my head. My white hair matches her fur, and my red eyes match hers. I've never really liked her; she's always annoyed me. "Hah, but what can I do? She's too cute," I mumbled, flipping on the light, placing the box on the fireplace, and opening it, taking out the contents. I inspected it, balancing the little thing on my head.

"So, the handle gets longer, and the sharp part bends/curves to make a scythe shape. Cool," I turned around, twisting and moving the scythe in a cool way, balancing Igloo, who was about to jump off. And then, with a swift motion, I shortened the handle, turning it back into a dagger. The transformation was smooth, and the design of the weapon was indeed impressive. I couldn't help but smile at the amazing gift.

"Soo, I'm bored," I complained, sitting in front of the runout fireplace. "Oh, I know what I can do," I said, holding Igloo with one hand, securing her on my head, and grabbing the dagger. I climbed up the stairs and to my room's window, jumping onto the roof, and seeing a figure sitting calmly, staring up at the sky.

I made my way toward them, calmly settling down next to them. "Hi," I said as Igloo gripped my hair. The person shuffled back. "Don't worry, I won't do anything, giving you a chance to run," I started, plopping down Igloo and getting up. "1...2...3," I counted as the person jumped towards me. I picked up Igloo, carrying her like a child in both my arms, and jumped down the roof. Quickly, I went through the front door, settling Igloo in her house, and dashed back out.

"I want to test this out," I mused, jumping back up, and finding the person gone. "Aww, hiding," I chimed, gazing down at the person dashing. "Too bad you aren't going anywhere." I dashed before them, flipping the dagger open, and taking the top of the scythe off. It spun like a deadly frisbee, rearing in front of the person. Quickening my pace, I reached closer and, as I approached, I put the rod in front of me. The blade came back, reaching to the magnet, trapping the person in a precarious dance between me and the scythe.