
(Back to the present)

As I got off the bus, my thoughts lingered on the name Xena. It felt off, and I mumbled my disdain for it under my breath, glancing back at the vehicle. School was never my favorite place, and the presence of a new student only added to my disinterest.

Once in class, I staked my claim to my usual spot, an unspoken agreement among my classmates. Ye-Jun's seat, previously unoccupied, caught my eye as someone else sat there. I approached, tapping the person on the shoulder, and they jolted in surprise. It was Rae, or Suho, as he wanted to be called.

"Call me Suho for now," he mumbled, head down. I returned to my seat, keenly aware of the new student lingering behind everyone. If she was a spy, she would have undoubtedly seen the footage from back then. I speculated she might be here to gather more information about me. This was the fifth occurrence of such an incident, and I wondered how long she would last before succumbing to the complexities of her mission.

As the teacher walked in, the classroom buzzed with activity. Xna, standing at the front, introduced herself with a bow. The teacher whispered something to her, and she left, likely fetching an extra desk. The teacher then addressed Suho, asking him to stand up, but Suho played it nonchalant, sitting back down. With new students, the seating plan often changed, and I suspected she would use the opportunity to sit next to me. It could be an opportunity I could exploit. I made a mental note to inform the HQ later.

As the lesson progressed, I allowed my thoughts to drift, contemplating the events of the day. However, a familiar voice, belonging to Rae, interrupted my train of thought. He had dyed his hair, possibly for a reason. Observing his interaction with Xena, the exchange appeared cold, devoid of niceties, almost as if they knew each other. The suspicion that Rae might be a spy partnering with Xena, hiding his true identity, lingered in my mind. I wondered why Mira and Mae, seemingly in the know, hadn't disclosed this information. Pondering these questions, I decided it was prudent to keep a low profile around them until the situation was clarified.

After the lesson, the teacher still absent, I decided to take a short break, laying my head back on the table and dozing off. However, a new presence made itself known. Rae, now with his dyed hair, was engaged in conversation with Xena. Their dialogue sounded harsh and strained, an unusual dynamic for two seemingly acquainted individuals.

Suddenly, I felt multiple gazes directed at me. Jolting upright, I rubbed my eyes, surveying the classroom. Everyone was in their seats, the teacher still hadn't arrived, and someone lingered at the doorframe, casually leaning and staring directly at me. 

"Min-woo," I thought, quickly adjusting my posture. Min-woo was from the class next door, and he had a knack for annoying everyone, especially me. He gestured towards me, bending his finger as if summoning me.

"Hah, I hope it's nothing bad," I mumbled, slowly getting up and tucking my chair in. I walked towards the door, and Min-woo casually commanded, "Follow me." Today, he seemed surprisingly calm, and I wondered if something good had happened. I stole a glance at his face, finding it emotionless as ever.

He led me to his locker, and with a decisive bang, he opened it. From within, he pulled out a cool glass box with a nicely tied ribbon. Swiftly, he handed it to me before dashing off. "It's not from me; someone told me to give it," he shouted, disappearing into the distance.

"What is this?" I mused, inspecting the box. Peeking inside, it seemed to be a dagger with a cool raggedy glass pattern. The material looked like amethyst but black. I smiled a bit, carefully gripping the box, and made my way back.

As I walked in, everyone stared at the box in my hand. Nonchalantly tilting their heads, Irene adopted a romanticized tone, saying, "Ooo, birthday gift, I see."

As the banter continued, the door swung open, and the teacher walked in, silencing the room. Everyone quickly took their seats as the teacher began the lesson. However, my mind was preoccupied with the mysterious dagger I had received. I wondered who had sent it and what the intentions behind the gesture were.

Throughout the lesson, I occasionally glanced at the box on the windowsill, contemplating its contents. The teacher's monotonous voice faded into the background as my thoughts wandered. 

After what felt like an eternity, the bell finally rang, signaling the end of the lesson. As the students began to pack up, Xna approached me again, undeterred by the earlier exchange.

"So, are you going to tell me the real reason you cover your neck?" she asked, a persistent glint in her eyes.

I sighed, realizing that evading her questions might only fuel her curiosity. "Fine, let's just say it's a personal matter, and I prefer to keep it to myself," I replied, hoping that a vague answer would suffice.

She narrowed her eyes but didn't press further, accepting the response for the time being. With a smirk, she walked away, leaving me to my thoughts.