New arrival of hell

The morning sunlight washed over the bus as I made my way to my usual spot at the back and plopped down. The familiar routine of curious stares surrounded me as everyone walked in. Ignoring everything, I rested my head back and closed my eyes, feeling a heavy stare from beside me. It wasn't Irene; it was someone new.

Opening my eyes, I glanced beside me. Black hair, brown eyes, and an intense stare—must be the new spy, I thought, closing my eyes again as the whispers started to bubble around the bus, which had started moving.

"Why are you sitting there?" someone shouted, and I recognized the voice. It was Irene. I opened my eyes again, shuffling down as much as I could. The spy gazed at me as I looked at her lanyard. She stood up and moved to another seat. Smirking a bit, I looked out of the window. "Xna, I see," I mumbled.

I was hoping Ye-Jun would be here, I made a face. The first time I met that guy, he used to follow me around everywhere. I thought he was a spy too at that time; I assumed a lot. But he was simply curious, as he said. He was also very annoying, making me boil with rage as he learned all my cool techniques in a few minutes, while it took me years. It made me jealous, and I tried to ignore it but ended up beating him often. There was only one thing I liked about him, which was, that despite the rumors, he never judged me. I only realized that a year into our friendship.

Usually, it takes an hour to get to school, so I sleep on the bus if I can manage to ignore everyone's chatter or end up scrolling through novels, sometimes writing a new chapter for my story.

Flashback to day one:

"Ugh, not this again," I mumbled, fixing my bandage and limping a bit. As soon as I got onto the bus, I changed my expression and posture. I quickly pulled out my phone as everyone made a way for me to walk. I made my way to the back and plopped down.

I felt something sit beside me, whistling. I twisted my body, legs on the chair, and back towards the window, tilting my head. I stared the person up and down before straightening my legs, trying to push the person.

"Please get up; this row belongs to me," I asked nicely, smiling a bit as I applied more force. Now, the person budged a bit. I stared down at their lanyard. "Ye-Jun, can you please get up?" I asked again, now everyone's attention reverting towards us, especially Irene, who was seduced by staring at Ye-Jun. And guess what happened next? She strutted like a little duck towards us, pulling Ye-Jun by the arm.

"You must be new," she started, peeking at me, giving me a look, then turning back. "Don't sit next to him; don't you know he killed his sister?" She bent down to his ear, whispering into it and gazing at me. Ye-Jun turned back to me; I knew he would start hating me, but he turned back to Irene, giving her a push by the shoulder. "I don't care; I want to sit here," he said, closing his eyes. I felt like he was copying me. I pushed him more with my leg "You can stand up you know" I blurted out getting his attention and dipping my face in my turtle neck only my eyes visible now.

"Why? Can't you stand up" He interrogated. I bent my right leg pulling up the trousers revealing the bandages underneath. "ohh sorry" Ye-Jun blurted shuffling a bit as I put my legs down.

When we got to our classroom, I calmly sat down, HOPING that guy wouldn't be in my class. To my bad luck, he walked in, staring right at me with a lovely smile as he introduced himself.

The teacher gazed around the classroom, looking for an empty seat. But there were none, except the one next to me, and even the teacher knew that no one wanted to sit next to me. He sighed, "Sorry, just go to the storeroom down the hall and grab a seat," he said, peeking at me as I put my head down to sleep. He rolled his eyes, as he always does, looking at Ye-Jun, who stood as still as a statue, then pointing to the seat next to me. "Why can't I sit there?" he asked, as everyone in the classroom turned to me with an "uhh."

The teacher turned towards me again. "If you want to, then go on," he said. I made a face, pulling my chair out and making a 2-meter distance between us. However, he pulled my chair back into its position. "Stop pissing me off," he whispered into my ear with a dull smile, and it felt as if smoke was rising out of him.

"Okay, calm, take a breath in, whooo, and out, hooo," I said, patting him on his head, then turning back and knocking my head on the desk, pulling my hands in front, letting them dangle down.

Day two:

I rushed in, making my way to the back, and sighed as I sat down. My eyes were drawn to Ye-Jun, who casually strolled towards the back, sitting down. The atmosphere shifted, feeling heavy, as if all the air in the room gravitated toward me, creating a nauseating sensation.

"Please get up before I jump out of the window," I pleaded, dragging my back against the window. Ye-Jun, with a mischievous smile, replied, "No," bubbling his cheeks. Determined to follow through, I began to shout, "I will actu—" but was abruptly cut off by someone daring me, "Jump then, I dare you."

My eyes widened, and a daring grin spread across my face. I stood up, turned toward the window, and without hesitation, leaped out, pressing my legs against the glass. The window shattered with the force, and without stepping back, I leaped out, leaving everyone in the bus utterly astonished.

"Here, pay for the window," Ye-Jun casually said, handing money to a random person before leaping out as well.

As I dashed away, trying to make sense of the chaotic situation, I felt Ye-Jun's presence closing in behind me. Swiftly reaching behind my back, I retrieved a dagger and hurled it at him. The dagger sailed over his shoulder, and in a perfectly timed sequence, I executed a rapid succession of movements—run, drag, jump, and propel. My legs propelled me over Ye-Jun's shoulder, grabbing the dagger mid-air. It looked like a seamless teleportation from one spot to another as I quickly ran straight, leaving Ye-Jun in my wake.

After that incident, I grew accustomed to Ye-Jun's presence, and he continued following me around. Surprisingly, we developed a close friendship and began spending a lot of time together. Throughout our time as friends, he never brought up any of the rumors that surrounded me, and that meant a lot to me.